By Mary Ann Adams

“Who is this please?” Annie asked.

“Hello, this is…”

“Wait, Mrs Taylor” Annie screamed in excitement and my eyes widened on hearing the name.

“Yes dear. How are you?”

“Where have you been? I have been trying to reach you all to no avail.” Annie said.

“I actually fell sick and I just recovered. Just had the time for my phone. I called the hospital and I was told camille was discharged already”

“Yes. She is right here with me” Annie uttered.

“Hi. It’s camille. Annie told me everything you did for ya and words can’t express how much I’m thankful to you. You helped us when others would have just abandoned us. Thank you so much!” I said .

“You are welcome. All I care about is your safety and I’m glad you are alright now”

“Me too. I will pay you back for sure.”

“Oh Common. I did it out of care. Not for anything. You don’t need to pay back okay? So when are you coming back to New York?” She inquired.

“Actually..” Annie chirped in. “We aren’t coming back for now. We are staying in England”

“Why? What happened?” She asked.

“We just want to start afresh. I don’t know if you get me tho. We would come back but not now” Annie explained.

“It’s fine. I would support your decision. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call okay?” She said.

“Sure thank you. And I would always call too” Annie said and the call dropped.

“I’m glad she is alright” Annie breathes out.

“I’m too. And she is so nice”

“Told ya” Annie winked at me.

“I’m going to bed now. We got work tomorrow” I reminded and she nodded.

“Yeah, goodnight dearie” She said and we parted ways to our respective rooms.



I couldn’t sleep. I kept rolling on the bed. I couldn’t help but continue thinking about what happened earlier today.

“Don’t let it bother you okay? It doesn’t concern you” my subconscious told me.

That’s exactly what I’m going to do.

Pretend like nothing happened.

I closed my eyes and just like that, I fell asleep.



I still didn’t get the chance to return Harry’s jacket the next day.

When I was going to work the next day with Annie, i kept looking towards his house to see if I would catch a glimpse of him but I didn’t so I just left.

“You were looking for someone?” Annie asked me when we got on the bus.

“No..nah..I mean No!” I answered hurriedly.

“That just shows you are lieing. Camille, you know you can talk to me about anything right?”

“Yeah. But..”

“No but..you are telling me later when we are done with work and I’m not taking no as an answer” she said in a commanding tone.

“Yes mommy” I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes.



During work, I kept mixing orders and getting in customer’s nerve.

“Camille, are you okay? You seem lost” I heard Hudson say behind me.

“Yeah, I’m fine I guess” I uttered.

“Do you need a break? I can cover up for you” I said.

“No..no, you don’t have to. I will be fine okay” I said and forced a smile but Hudson didn’t seem convinced.

“I told you I’m fine. Just believe me okay?”

He looked at me as if observing me and when he was about to say something, I walked away leaving him hanging.

I don’t want to make him worried. The day was moving slow, like really slow and it was really annoying.

I just want to go home and lie on my bed. A worker told me my boss wants to see me and my heart pounded on my chest.

What if she heard about the mistakes I keep making and wants to sack me.

Oh goodness.

I walked into her office after saying a short prayer.

“You called for me” I said slowly.

“Oh yes. Hudson told me you are sick..”

“Wait, what?” My eyes widened.

“I understand you don’t want to let me know and it’s pretty obvious. I’m not heartless. You can go home and resume tomorrow okay?”


“Just do as I say” she urges.

“Thank you so much!” I said and then left her office in search of Hudson.

I saw him walking away from a table and I hurriedly went over to him.

“What did you do?” I frowned.

“Thank me later” he winked and sprinted away.

Well, thank you Hudson.



About twenty minutes later, I was back home and I sighed. I guess I did need to rest.

Annie is still at the restaurant and would come back home later in the night.

It was still evening and I was surprised when I saw Harry’s car in front of his house.

It’s a Sunday. Maybe that’s why he is home early today. Perfect timing to return his jacket and maybe. Just maybe, we can have a discussion.

I know it isn’t possible but I kept hoping. I entered his house, took his jacket and left the house.

I took a deep breath and walked towards his house. Here goes nothing.

It took me some minutes to finally get the courage to knock on the door.


After some minutes of knocking and turned my back to leave. The sound of the door opening made me stop in my track only for me to turn back and see someone I definitely do not want to see at the moment.

It was the blondie, Miranda.

Why is she here? What the hell is she doing here?

“Do you forget she is Harry’s girlfriend?” My sub conscious said.

“What are you doing here?” We both asked at the same time.

“I should be asking you not the other way round” She rolled her eyes.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Who are you?” I asked sarcastically

“I’m not having this discussion with you. You can leave please”

“And Who are you tell me to tell me that” I asked in annoyance feeling the urge to $trangle her.

“Harry’s girlfriend. Any prob?”

I stopped breathing for a minute. “Girl..girlfriend?” I asked in shock.

“Hm hmm” she nodded positively.

“Ooh Okay..” I said and Harry joined us but I wasn’t thinking straight again.

I just want the ground to open and swallow me. I know she might be his girlfriend but her confirming it just hurts so much.

“Camille?” I heard him say as his face came into view.

I held the jacket tightly and glancing at them both one last time, I quickly walked away.

I rushed over to my house and after closing the door behind me, the tears fell freely.

I couldn’t control it anymore. It hurts so much.

I staggered to the kitchen and opened the fridge and words can’t express how I felt when I saw a bottle of vodka lying in the fridge.

I took it and staggered back to the living room opening it. Just what I need



“Oh my God! Camille, what happened to you?” I heard Annie’s voice and when I looked up at her, it was blur. I couldn’t see her clearly.

I got wasted. I’m not in my right sense of mind right now.

“Annie?” I asked Weakly.

“Camille, why did you drink. Wait, where did you get the drink by the way..”

She didn’t give me the chance to explain and answered herself. “Oh, it is in the fridge but how could you have drank so much!”

Tears fell off my eyes freely.

“I..I..” I weeped.

“What’s wrong. Talk to me please”

“I’m so screwed! I’m ….” I stuttered.

“You are what?” Annie urged.

“We had a night together. It was a mistake stupid me was supposed to forget but I just couldn’t help it. I kept thinking about him..I met him at our vacation and he said all kinds of hurtful words to me but still, I still had him in my mind. Okay, I’m blurting our nonsense. Just ignore my words” I laughed.

“Who are you talking about?” She asked.

“Harry of course, who else” I waved my hands.

“Wait, you and Harry had a night together? Wait, I’m confused here”

I started feeling sober again. “I’m so stupid! So stupid. I can’t deny it again. I..love him…I’m in love with him” I said.


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