Chapter 95



At a random Bar, LA

Mr Baldwin sat on a chair at a dark corner, there were bottles of beers on the table; some still had drinks in them, and others were already empty.

“Grrrrr” he groaned drunkenly when he realized his c!garette has burnt out.

He reached for the packet of ¢igarettes on the table, knocking out a bottle of beer in the process, and he released another groan when the bottle crashed, but he made no attempt to check it out.

He pulled out a stick of ¢igarettes and shoved it in-between his lips, then made attempt to light it and that’s when he realized his lighter was missing.

After searching around the table for a few seconds without finding it, he banged on the table and caught a few people’s attention.

“Did anyone see my lighter?” he asked.

No one answered him since they didn’t know where his lighter is, they waved him off and turned back to whatever they were doing.

Being ignored is something Mr Baldwin hated most, and these people just did that which made him flare up, and he flipped the table making every content on it fall and crash.

Everyone’s attention turned to him again, and this time many flee from their tables in order to avoid getting pierced by shards of the broken bottles that’s flying everywhere.

“What’s wrong with you?!” A man shouted at him.

He faced the man with an offended glare, just when he was about turning away from the man, his eyes caught the lighter and wallet on the man’s table.

His already dark eyes darkened even more, he balled his fist and narrowed his eyes as he approached the man.

Those who were standing near the man flee, before Mr Baldwin would reach there since they’ve observed Mr Baldwin and concluded that none of them would win a fight with him -he’s looking so mvrderous at the moment.

He stopped in front of the man, and gr.abbed him by the collar, then looked directly in the man’s eyes.

“You dare steal from me? Do you have a de.ath wish? Huh?!” he growled lowly, as though he’s trying to contain his anger.

“I stole nothing from you” the man denied.

Mr Baldwin’s eyes moved to his wallet and lighter on the man’s table, then he scoffed.

“Don’t take me for a drunk” he hiccuped. “Yes, I’m drunk, but I always recognize my properties!”

He pointed at his wallet and lighter.

“Those are mine, why did you steal them?”

The man snatched the wallet from the table, and waved it in front of Mr Baldwin’s eyes.

“This is mine, I…”

Mr Baldwin let go of him, snatched the wallet from him and landed a pvnch on his face.

“BI.oody liar!” he said, and staggered back slightly.

He opened the wallet and pulled out a photo, then showed it to everyone.

“This is me and my wife’s wedding photo” then he turned back to the man. “Did you buy me and my wife’s wedding photo from the photographer, and decided to put it in your wallet?”

The man looked around in embarrassment since everyone’s giving him nasty looks, he’s speechless and had nothing to say to defend himself.

“You bI.oody f®ol, you made a mistake stealing from me” Mr Baldwin sneered.

“I.. I… ”

Mr Baldwin grabbed the man’s shoulder, pulled him close and started throwing pvnches at his face -especially his nose and eyes area.

He’d pick a nearby bottle and throw it at anyone that tries to stop him as he pvnched the man’s face, and kicked his stomach, he gave the man no chance to f!ght back.

“You wanna steal from me?!” Pvnch. “You have a de.ath wish, and I’ll grant your wish right here!” pvnch and ki¢k.

He continued pvnching and ki¢king the man for a moment, the man has been badly be.aten and had almost lost consciousness before Lucas and two of their men rushed in, and forcibly pulled Mr Baldwin away.

“Let me go!” he tried to f!ght off his men, but they held him down with every ounce of strength they have. “He has a de.ath wish, and I wanna grant his wish!”

Lucas took a second look at the man and released a sigh.

“Escort boss back to the car, I’ll settle things here” he ordered the men.

“Yes, sir” with that they started dr.agging Mr Baldwin outside.

Lucas looked around at the mess his boss has caused, then his mouth and cleared his throat.

“Who’s the manager here?” he asked no one in particular.

But a man timidly stepped forward, he’s been hiding behind a table and watched the fight from there.

“I’m the manager” he said.

“I’m very sorry about my boss’ behavior, he was already in a bad mode before he came here and….”

“Oh, it’s fine” the manager cut in with a forced smile. “We’re running a bar here, and it’s inevitable that customers would fight sometimes”

Lucas nodded. He reached for Mr Baldwin’s wallet that had fallen on the ground during the fight, and pulled out Mr Baldwin’s chequebook, then teared out a cheque.

“Then estimate the cost for the damage, and fill in the numbers on here” he said as he handed the cheque to the manager.

“A blank cheque?” the manager asked.

Lucas eyed at him briefly.

“Yes, but I believe it’s not gonna cost more than a million dollars” he said.


“You aren’t allowed to play tricks on us, or…” he trailed off and stared at the badly beaten and half conscious man. “…what happened to him would happen to you too, and you might not be as lucky as him to survive” with that Lucas walked out of the bar.


“Sir, we’ve taken care of Asher’s body” Lucas reported as he took a turn. “But… ” he trailed off.

“But what?” Mr Baldwin asked in a slurred voice.

He reached for the bottle of water which Lucas had handed to him earlier, then popped the cover open and took large gulps.

“Mrs Baldwin has been calling your phone non-stop, are you gonna answer it?”

Lucas tilted his head slightly, and threw Mr Baldwin’s phone at him, as if to confirm Lucas’ words, Mr Baldwin’s phone started ringing again, and true to his words, Mrs Baldwin’s name was flashing on the screen.

Mr Baldwin picked his phone and turned it off, then leaned against the window as he massaged his forehead.

“Mrs Baldwin might have something very urgent to tell you since she’s been constantly calling your phone, aren’t you gonna… ”

“Shut up, and drive!” Mr Baldwin snapped at him.

“Yes, sir” Lucas replied then focused on driving, and silence fell on them.

But the silence was a very brief one, because Lucas broke it by clearing his throat every now and then.

“Quit clearing your throat and spit it out!”

Lucas grinned before speaking.

“Sir, do you actually believe what Asher said? That Mrs Baldwin cheated on you with him?” Lucas asked.

Mr Baldwin’s face contorted in disgust as he shook his head.

“No” he answered. “I know my wife’s character, she’d never cheat on me, especially with that scvmbag!”

Lucas’ eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.

“Then why did you stormed out after klling Asher?” he asked. “I thought you believed what he said”

Mr Baldwin shook his head again.

“I was just mad about what he said, and couldn’t help being mad at myself too” he paused briefly. “He wouldn’t have said that if my wife didn’t live in his house, and I’m mad at myself because my wife wouldn’t have met him if she didn’t left home because of me”


“Hm” Mr Baldwin hummed, then another silence fell on them but just like the first time, Lucas broke it.

“Where are we heading, sir? Are we going back home?”

“Home.. ” Mr Baldwin trailed off. “I don’t wanna go home yet, take me to one of my other houses”

“Yes, sir”


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