I’M A BRAT AND I’M IN LOVE: Chapter 11 – The End


(No more broken hearts???)

Chapter 21
(The Christmas bells in our hearts????????????)

December came quickly, along with the cold and festive air. Everywhere she looked, Rika could see lights and decorations. It wasn’t snowing yet, but it was still pretty darn cold. Rika sniffed as she wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck, making her way to Sato Enterprises. Tye atmosphere was jolly, as people greeted one another on the streets, and she couldn’t help but smile at the beauty amd creativity of some people’s decorations.

Though she didn’t celebrate it as diligently as most people, Rika still liked the Christmas season. Something about the ambience of the season, and the joy and hope it brought, gave her easy peace.

As she settled into her desk, she got lost in her thoughts.

The serial r@pist case was still ongoing, so Levi was still pretty busy. They talked more often now, since the accident- well, as often as Levi could spare.

She could still tell that he felt some guilt towards her, but she knew it wouldn’t be easy to help him heal. They would take it one step at a time.

Deep in her heart, she could feel that a new barrier had been broken in their relationship, and she wondered if Levi could feel it too. At least now, Levi no longer treated or talked to her like a child, and she wondered again if that was a good or a bad thing.

She chuckled and stared out at the grey sky.

She hoped this year would be a white Christmas, since it would be her last one home before she went to college, and she wasn’t sure she would be coming home often, even on holidays.

The Christmas season laid out another level of work for her parents, as they always spent the Yuletide season donating gifts and throwing parties for orphanages, with media coverage of course.

Her father, most especially, would stand there with those little girl’s and smile, and everyone would think he and her mother were saints. Well, she couldn’t really care less. It was the orphanages’ fault for allowing just anyone into their homes because of money.

However, she sighed, this year she wouldn’t be taking part in their hypocrisy, as she had other…..more exciting plans.

This year’s Christmas was too special.

It was going to be her first with Levi Akabane.


Christmas day soon came, and the Sato mansion looked like Santa Claus had vomited on it. It was decorated from top to bottom. It still hadn’t snowed yet, and the dreary December days were just filled with skin biting cold.

Rika had to go to work in the morning, but she went through the day in a daze. There were greetings left and right from co-workers, and Rika put on her best smile.

Miss Beacon didn’t bother her today, she noticed and she guessed the woman was too busy with her own Christmas plans to pick on her.

Soon it was time to clock out, and Rika rushed home as fast as she could. She was thankful her parents’ Christmas donations kept them.so busy, as it made sure that they hardly took notice of her.

As she dashed into the house, Greta grabbed her arm before she could run up the steps.

“And where exactly are you running to young lady?” She asked, the hint of a smile on her aged features.

Rika rolled her eyes.

“Nowhere you need to know.” She responded, removing her hands from Greta’s grip. The old woman chuckled.

“You’re going to Señor Levi’s place aren’t you?”

Rika’s eyes widened and she blushed. “What makes you say that?”
“I’ve been watching you all week dearie. It’s written all over your face.”

Rika blushed deeper, and bit her lip.
Greta held her hands tenderly, the smile on her face reaching her eyes.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you as happy or excited as you have been these past few months in all my years of working here. It makes me happy to see you so happy, my baby. And if Señor Levi is the cause of that happiness, then I support it wholeheartedly.” Greta said again, wiping a tear from her eye.

Rika’s heart melted.

“It’s…not like that Greta.”

Greta gave a twinkling laugh. “Maybe not yet. But it soon will be. It might just be my old school mentality, but no man with as much sense as Señor Levi devotes as much time to talk to someone as he does with you if he didn’t care deeply about them. Just, don’t go doing anything stupid with him okay?” She said again, hitting Rika on the head.
Rika pouted. “Even if I wanted to, he wouldn’t let me.”
Greta laughed again.
“I trust him. Well then,” she placed her hands on Rika’s cheeks.
“Be happy Rika. Reach for the Stars and don’t look back. Okay?”

Rika’s eyes welled with tears.

“Now hurry and go freshen up. Merry Christmas darling.” Greta said finally, more tears brimming in her own eyes.

Rika sniffed, smiling happily at the woman before her, then bolted for her room.


Rika arrived at Levi’s apartment not long after, and she pressed the doorbell. She hadn’t told him she would be coming, as she wanted to surprise him.

He opened the door, an unamused look on his face.

“I had a feeling I would see you today.” He muttered sarcastically, and she giggled.

“Come on in.” He said again and she sauntered in, but stopped dead in her tracks.

The house was as bare as an uncompleted building.

“Oh my God Levi. You didn’t even decorate?” She asked incredulously. Levi raised an eyebrow. “Sure I did.” He responded casually, gesturing towards a miniature Christmas tree resting on a side stool. Rika scoffed. “You’re a lost cause Mr Akabane.” She glanced around.

“So how have you been spending Christmas day?” She asked, sitting at the table.
“Working.” Levi answered from inside the kitchen, and sge rolled her eyes.

Of course.

He came out of the kitchen, holding some cleaning equipment, with a handkerchief tied on his hair. Rika narrowed her eyes at him. “What’s all that for?” She asked.

He stared at her and responded frankly, “I was just about to clean before you arrived.”

Rika’s jaw dropped.

“You want to spend the rest of Christmas day cleaning?”
He began putting on gloves. “The house us f!lthy. If you don’t clean then you don’t stay.” He said, walking past her.

Rika stood up quickly. “I have never cleaned anywhere my whole life.” She protested.

Levi stared back at her. “You’re kidding me.” He muttered.

“Not that I can’t!” Rika reiterated quickly, grabbing the vacuum from his hand. “See? Easy peasy.” She chuckled out as she fired it up, but she turned on the settings for release instead of suckage, and the vacuum cleaner whirred, spewing dust all over the floor.

Rika gasped and began fumbling with the buttons, before Levi pulled her away and turned it off. She stared at him guiltily, smiling nervously.

“Well…..at least now you actually have something to clean?” She said sheepishly.

Levi sighed and threw a rag in her face. “You can at least wipe windows right?”

Rika pouted, and began to work.

They cleaned and cleaned for about an hour, with Levi constantly nagging her and making her redo the work. He was like the make version of Miss Beacon when it came to cleaning. She began to rethink her decision of marrying him, as he was a total clean fre@k.

But she took one look at him wiping the sweat of his forehead, and running his hands through his hair and she blushed like a fool.

Why was he so hot?

When Levi was finally satisfied with the cleaning, Rika threw herself on the chair in exhaustion.

“You are a bea$t Levi Akabane.” She muttered bitterly and he scoffed.

“You’re just lazy. But you did work hard, so let me make something for us to eat.” He said as he began to open cabinets in the kitchen.

Rika scampered up to the countertop table.

“You don’t have to worry about that. Greta made us one of her Spanish Christmas delicacies.” She said, bringing out the neatly packed food and setting it on the table. The lovely aroma filled the air. Levi sat opposite her, rubbing his neck. “That old woman is spoiling me.” He said and Rika laughed.

They began to eat in silence, Levi making occasional grunts of satisfaction. He glanced up and rose his eyebrows in surprise. “Oh, it’s finally snowing.” He muttered.

Rika dropped her fork and looked back. “Finally!” She yelled, and grabbed her coat, running out to the balcony. The snow fell steadily, coating the land with it’s beautiful and otherworldly white.

Levi joined her on the balcony.

“I’m so happy. I wanted my last Christmas at home to be a white one.” Rika said cheerily, resting her elbows in the railing.

Levi sighed. “Hmm. It’s gonna be weird not seeing you around so often anymore.”

Rika giggled. “Is that your way of saying you’ll miss me?”

He clicked his tongue at her, and she chuckled. They both continued watching the snow fall in comfortable silence.

“You should know though, I’ll miss you. A lot. I know we’ll video call and all, but it won’t be the same as seeing you in person.” Rika said softly.

Levi was silent for some seconds. “I know.” He finally said, and a blush crept up Rika’s cheeks.

She bit her lip, and moved her hands close to his, then wrapped her pinky finger around his, her heart beating rapidly. He didn’t respond to her action for some seconds, but then he slowly squeezed his pinky finger around hers and her heart almost burst out of her chest. His hands were warm, and she kept her attention on the falling snow, trying not to pass out from how fast her heart was beating.

“Did you wash that hand after cleaning?” Levi asked, breaking the silence and Rika face palmed.

“Oh my God.”



Written by Authoress Covenant.

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