JUST THE BEGINNING: Episode 11 To 20

Just The Beginning ?

Episode sixteen


It’s been a week since mum got out of the hospital and I had to move in for a while, so that I could take care of her. The funny thing is she hasn’t talked about the wedding and I hope it stays that way.

I still haven’t told her the truth yet but I am surely going to when she gets better, there’s no way am marrying a pshyco!

Speaking of crazy, Stacy has been trying so hard to seduce me the whole week with no avail. She even came to my room last night totally nked but I threw her out like the bch she is.

The sad thing about all this is, I still crave for her and I hate it, but atleast now am kind of immune to her $eduction.

George is still not talking to me and I’ve been so lonely with no one to talk to about what’s happening. He usually comes up with silly ideas and always makes me laugh and I miss him.

It’s Saturday in the evening and am heading to mums room, to get her down stairs for dinner. Mums room is next to Stacy’s and as i walk by, I over hear her talking on the phone and I get curious when she mentions my name. I decide to ease drop and slowly creep to her door.

” Yeah, your idea was great but it’s really going to be hard. Alex can’t even stand the sight of me this days, can you believe that I showed up in his room in my birthday suit and he rejected me!” she says and pause’s, listening to the other end.

” Don’t worry sweetheart, I have his mother wrapped up around my fingers. She’s begging me for a grandchild, especially now that she thinks she’s dying. If the plan works and I get pregnant, Alex will have no other choice but to accept me, ” she says giggling like a spoilt brat.

Oh, so that’s the plan.

If she thinks that she can trap me by having my child then she’s dead wrong. How stupid can she get, I mean, that’s so yesterday!

” Alex, ” Mum calls and I turn looking at her totally startled.

” Yes mum,” I say trying not to be nervous. I hope she doesn’t know what I’ve been up to!

” Are you are ease drop on Stacy? !

” What?! Of course not. I was just on my way to get you for dinner and thought I should ask Stacy to join us. I was just about to knock on her door ,” I say walking over to her.

” Okay, is your father down stairs already? ”

“I don’t know mum, let’s go find out. ”

I take her hand and start leading her down stairs.

” But aren’t you going to get her? ”

” Get who? ”

” Stacy! ”

” Well, since you are already here, we might as well get going. I’ll send Robin to get her, ” I say as i help her down stairs.

Robin is one of our help by the way.

Dad is already in his sit and he seems some what disturbed. I doubt that it’s about mum, and sincerely speaking, I don’t give a damn. He can go to he..ll for all I care!

He stands up as soon as he says us pulling a chair for mum and we look at him surprised. I don’t ever recall him ever been a gentleman and I can really smell something fishy.

” So….. What has gotten into you, dear husband, ” mum say sitting down.

” Yeah Dad, what’s all the drama about? ”

” Can’t I just be a gentleman to my wife, without questions?! ”

” Yes you really can’t,” I say giving him a bored expression while he glares at me.

In a few seconds, Stacy joins us looking all happy and excited. Finally the food is served and we all dig in silently.

” Alex, we need to have a serious talk about your wedding, ” Mum says as soon as the table is cleared and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

No wonder Stacy was all excited. she knew this was going to happen and she already thinks she’s won.

” Mum…… ”

” I know what you are going to say,” she cuts in. “I don’t have much time to left okay, and before I die, I want to see my grand kids so please just agree to marry Stacy, for me. ”

” You know that’s blackmail, right?!

” How is asking you to marry the most beautiful and honest woman in the world blackmail? You chose her yourself and also proposed right in front of our eyes and don’t forget she forgave you afterall the shit you have done to her. I assure you, she’ll make the best wife and you’ll be so lucky to have her, ” Mum says ,smiling at Stacy.

” No mum, she can never be a good wife to anyone! She cheated on me with my own father, your husband and you’re busy supporting her?!” I want to shout but I dont.

” Mum….. First of, you are not going to die any time soon. The doctor said your sickness is manageable with medicine and proper rest.

” Yeah I know that, but the only way I’ll rest easy is by knowing that you are happily married to Stacy and about to give me a grandchild. I may not be dying but am still getting old. ”

” Your mum is right Alex, ” Stacy says shamelessly holding my hand. ” Let’s just forget about the past and move on already. ”

” Mum, I know you want the best for me but am already in love with someone else, ” I blurt out smoking everyone, myself included.

” What?! I hope it’s not that Lisa girl because as far as am concerned, no $lut is going to be my daughter in law !” mum says almost yelling, her face turning pale.

If she only knew who the real slut is.

” Are you okay, ” Dad asks her and she nods giving me a sharp glare.

I know am supposed to accept everything mum is saying because of her sickness but I won’t. If she wants me to be happy, she won’t force me to marry someone I don’t love.

” Stop lying Alex, ” That’s Stacy. ” We all know that you are only trying to save yourself here. ”

” Am not lying Stacy. I love someone else and she’s actually expecting my child. ”

Okay…. I really don’t know where that came from but the look on Stacy’s face right now makes it all worth it. If she wants to play this game, then am down with it!

Stacy is glaring at me and i smirk. I am enjoying seeing her hurt and looking miserable, I wish i had a camera to capture this moment.

” A child?! ” Mum asks.

” I think it’s about time you stopped with this stupid games, ” Stacy says a lump about to form on her throat. ” How can you lie so bluntly?”

Look who’s talking!

” I know my son Stacy, and he can never lie about a child, ” Dad says as Stacy gives him a murderers look and I can’t help but smile. I hate to say it but all this drama a is kind of entertaining.

” Mum, you know that he’s lying right? Don’t fall for it, ” Stacy says.

Mum looks from her to me and she seems undecided and confused but definitely not dissapointed, and that’s a good thing.

” I don’t think he’s lying Stacy and if there’s a child involved, then everything has definitely changed. ”

” What…. are you talking about, ” That’s Stacy.

” You know me Stacy and I’ll never deny my own blood. I’ve been looking forward to having a grandchild and if what Alex is saying is true, I’ll have no choice but to accept the girl. ”

” What?! ” Stacy yells standing up. ” You promised to get me married to Alex no matter what! Look mum, I have no issue in raising Alex’s baby as mine. I love your son and everything that’s his I’ll also treat as mine, I’ll die without him mum, ” She says tears dripping down her face.

Wow! This girl can surely win a Grammy with her acting.

” Trust me Stacy, the hardest thing to do is raise someone else’s baby. That only reminds you of your husband’s infidelity and I’d rather you don’t go through that, ” Mum says looking sternly at Dad. ” Just agree to this and move on, I promise to find you a proper husband, someone who deserves you. ”

” Like you promised to get me married to your son? I don’t want your empty promises mum, it’s clear you are taking his side because he’s your son and I mean nothing to you! ”

” Of course not, you know i love you like my own, ” Mum says sympathetically.

” Okay, then promise not to call off the wedding until we are sure that Alex isn’t lying. ”

” I promise, ” Mum says and Stacy looks at me a wicked smile curved on her face. “I want to meet this girl as soon as possible and I sure hope you are not lying to me, ” Mum says and I nod silently.

And I thought i had finally beaten her in her own game! She sure knows how to turn things around. Where am I going to find the girl who am apparently in love with and is also carrying my child?!

I should have really thought about this before opening my stupid mouth!

Am so fked!

Wait! George will surely know what to do.

I stand and grab my keys, excusing myself as i rush to the door like a mad person.

I wont let her win so easily!

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