JUST THE BEGINNING: Episode 41 to 50

Just The Beginning ?
Episode forty five
” Alex! ” Some one shouts, waking us up.
” What the fuck!?” Alex asks as he rubs his eyes, turning to look at the intruder,and we both sit up.
It’s Stacy! What is her problem? Isn’t she content with what she did last night?!
Rita rushes in seconds later, fuming in anger.
” Am sorry guys, I tried to stop her from coming up but this crazy bch pushed me! ”
” So.. It’s true that you two are together?! ” she asks in disbelief, pain written all over her face.
” Of course we are, you psycho! Now get out of my house, ” Alex says angrily.
” Alex please, I need your help, “.Stacy says desperately and that really surprises me.
After everything she did last night she still expects Alex to help her? She really has gone nuts!
Alex let’s out a small chuckle and stares at her as if she’s from another universe.
” Get out! ” he says through gritted teeth.
” I was robbed last night Alex, and they took my car, phone and all the money i had with me! The worst part is, I went to withdraw money today and found out I have nothing in my account, nothing! And after walking all the way home, the guard refused to let me in. ”
” Ever had of every dog has its day? ” Ava asks smirking at Stacy. ” This is exactly what it means. The universe is finally giving you what you deserve, bch! ”
” Shut up you spoilt brat! am not talking to you, ” Stacy lashes out on her.
” Hey! Don’t yell at my sister. Aren’t you tired of all this drama already? ” Alex says getting off the bed. ” Oh, and you should know that I was the one who instructed the guards not to let you in the house and also transferred all the money to a different account. ”
” What?! You stole my money? ”
” Your money ? Are you kidding me ?you’ve never worked a single day in your life Stacy. That was the bribe money that dad gave you to keep your mouth shut, but you didn’t keep your end of the deal and so I took it back. That’s only fair, don’t you think? ”
” Alex, come on,” she says softly, walking closer to him. ” Let’s stop fighting, I know you still love me and vee is just a rebound. Let’s just forget about everything and start over. ”
” Am not the stupid Alex you were used to manipulating Stacy, and Vee is no rebound okay? I love her, ” he says and my heart almost stops.
He loves me?!
” Don’t get it twisted Vee. He’s just saying that to hurt her and keep up the stupid charade, that you all started ” My councious warns.
” Stop lying to yourself. You know it’s me you lo….”
” Am done! Rita cuts her Stacyoff. ” I can’t stand her anymore! ” She says pulling her by the hair and drags her out as she struggles and groans in pain.
” This isn’t over! ” Stacy yells before she’s our of the door.
” The drama is never ending, ” Alex says sitting on the bed.
” Yeah.. ” I say sitting beside him.
” I need to ask you something.
” Okay. ”
” Did you know about what mum did to Ava? ”
” I did. She told me after the shooting. ”
” Why didn’t you tell me? ”
” Ava made me promise not to, she didn’t want to hurt you, ” I say and he takes in a sigh.
” I never could have imagined that mum could do something like that, she’s no different from Stacy. Am not even sure I can ever trust her again. ”
” I get you, but now is not the right time to hold grudges. It’s not that am defending her, but she’s your mum and you don’t have a lot of time with her. ”
“You are right, ” he says as Rita walks in.
” I got rid of the trash, ” she says joining us on the bed. ” So.. You guys kssed and are now sleeping together! Is there something going on that I need to know? ” she asks with a wink and I just roll my eyes, while Alex shakes his head.
This girl never takes anything seriously!
” I don’t think now is the right time to talk about that,” I say.
” Okay…i was just trying to lighten up the mood. Anyway, I still can’t believe that I have another brother out there, ” she says and that reminds me. Maybe it’s the right time to tell them about Nick, I mean everything else is out in the open already.
” I have something to tell you guys, ” I say and they both give me their attention. ” I’ve known about your brother for a while now and I also know who he is. ”
They are both looking at me surprised and curious at the same time.
” So.. Nick already knows. Was he the one who told you? ” Alex asks and now it’s my turn to be surprised.
” Nick?! ” Rita asks her eyes popping out.
” Yes its Nick , and I didn’t know you already knew about it Alex, ” I say.
” I did. Dad told me all about him. ”
” Well.. Nick doesn’t know anything yet. I found out about it when i saw your Dad at the hospital and connected the dots. ”
” Wow! I still can’t believe it, ” That’s Rita.
” You should, and I think he deserves to know the truth .”
” I’ll make sure to tell him later,” Alex says.
” Okay , ” I say getting up the bed. “I think you guys have a lot to talk about. I’ll be in my room if you need me. ”
” Okay, ” Rita says and out of the door I go.
Three weeks have passed by, after all the drama and not much has changed. Maya is still in a coma but Alicia was discharged two weeks ago. Alex has gone to see her twice in the two weeks and I don’t think he’s forgiving her any time soon. Rita and I have been spending more time with Alicia, since she still thinks am Alex’s girlfriend and surprisingly, they both seem to be getting along.
Rita it’s is a kind soul. I mean, I still don’t get how she can forgive Alicia after everything!
Anyway, Alex has been acting kind of weird with me lately and I really don’t get why? We were doing just fine and I even thought that he maybe, felt something for me especially after what happened between us, but he suddenly started distancing himself from me.
I don’t know what I did wrong or Maybe am not his type after all!
We also haven’t had much of Stacy since the morning that Rita kicked her out. It’s like she just disappeared and that kind of scares me. We all know that she’s not one to give up so easily and am afraid she’s planning something massive, to destroy us once and for all!
The good news is that Nick already knows the truth and the three siblings are getting along better than I expected. Nick and Rita are always hanging out and seeing them together makes me miss my sister even more.
Am already back to work and that kind of keeps me busy nowadays.Alex and Rita still insist that it’s to early, but I can’t really on them for the rest of my life and I need to save up.
Lisa has been trying to act all nice with me but am sure she’s up to something and am not ready to play her crazy games.
It’s about seven thirty in the morning and am at the law firm, already done with my cleaning. Am on my way out, and I plan to pass by the hospital and visit Maya before I head home.
I bump into George as am about to walk out, and he’s the last person I want to see right now. Can you believe that he forcefully kssed me a few weeks ago?! I don’t know what got into him but I gave him a hot slap he won’t forget any time soon.
He’s so different from the George I thought I knew!
I’ve thought about quitting, but I’ll only do that once I find another job.
” Hi Vee, morning,” he says.
” Hi, ” I say just to be polite since he’s still my boss and walk past him, but he grabs my hand.
” Don’t touch me! ” I say and he immediately releases my hand.
” Come on Vee! I already apologized a million times. ”
” Even if you apologized a trillion times, it still wouldn’t change anything! ” I say glaring at him.
” Am sorry, okay? I know it was a big mistake but I promise not to do it again. I’ll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me. ”
” Anything? ” I ask raising a brow.
” Anything. ”
” Okay then, stay away from me! ” I say walking out.
What a je.rk!
in about an hour as am leaving the hospital, someone places their hand on my shoulder from behind, and my entire body goes numb, when I turn to see who it is.
Oh God, It can’t be him! It just can’t be!
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