JUST TWO MONTHS: Chapter 51-The End

?Just Two Months ?

Chapter 59

?? Kylie’s P.o.v??
Danurly was wheeled into the emergency room. My whole system was vibrating,i couldn’t stop crying.
I know we were planning for this but it was too soon.
My mom, Kris and Nina arrived,i ran over to my mom and hugged her.

“Mom..Da.. Daniel,he’s dying”
“My dear,am sorry, Everything will be okay”
“Mom,if Daniel dies,i will die with him,i swear”
“Don’t say that”

I can’t stop crying,my Daniel,oh God, please.

? Nina’s P.o.v?
I went over to Mason and hugged him,he started crying in my arms.
“Nina,my brother is dying,my big brother”

“I know, I wish i could take your pain but am also in pain too,am sorry,Mas”

“He’s like a hero to me,i don’t want to lose him”

I couldn’t say anything, the situation is in God’s hands.

Suddenly the Doctor walked out.
“How’s my son?” Mr mendes said.

“I won’t lie to you,it has worsen, his brain has completely shut down,he’s in a coma”
“A coma? So what’s next?” Paris asked.

“There is a very slim chance that he will wake up from that coma, the tumor is in the last stage,am truly sorry”

The doctor walked away, everyone started crying again.

2 hours later, Kylie was staring at Daniel with no emotions, her eyes were all red.

“Kylie, let’s go home,you need to rest”

“Am not going anywhere till my Daniel wakes up”

“You are looking so pale, come let’s go”

“Nina, Leave me alone,i will stay here till he wakes up and if he doesn’t then i will follow him where ever he goes”

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