LOVE HAPPENS: Episode 21-30

Love Happens
Episode 27
The alarm clock rang in my ears.
Monday morning.

I grudgingly sat up turning off the alarm before getting out of bed.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and went to the bathroom. I got and in and went to the sink splashing water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror; My eyes were still heavy and full of pains.

I stood under the shower for so long hoping the cold water will wash away my pains but damn! It didn’t. I turned off the faucet and reached for my body towel.

I tied it firmly around my body, then picked up my hair towel and wrapped it around my dripping hair. I went out of the bathroom going to sit on a chair drying myself off.

I applied a little body pomade before going over to the wardrobe to select my clothes.

A large pink hoodie and white jeans with white sneakers.

I applied hair cream before brushing my hair smoothly. I took my backpack and headed out the door.

I went downstairs and met Adrian waiting impatiently down the stairs with a frown on his face.

“I thought you got lost lost in the bathtub; i was about calling emergency number”. He said sarcastically.

“Haha. Very funny”. I said rolling my eyes.

We went outside to the fleet of cars parked in a row.

“So which one are you taking this time around?”. I ask.

He smirked going over to the shining Mercedes Benz unlocking it.

I gasped. “That Dad’s favorite car”.

“Dad won’t be back till like ending of this week”. He pointed out.

I furrowed my eyebrows thinking.

“Come on sis, just get in”. Adrian persisted.

I sighed. “Fine”.

I opened the car-door going in and he drove us to school swiftly. Girls gathered around as usual.

I left him walking into the building walking down the hallways when my eyes met him.


He was walking through the hallways with J.R. He wore a blue shirt which matched his eye-color and blue jeans with blue sneakers.

I guess his favorite color is blue then.

He smiled heading towards me, i became nervous. I turned around running the other way.

“Hey Ashley, wait up”. Xander yelled behind me.

But i ran ahead anyways stopping by a classroom to catch my breath. I turn to go when i heard moans coming from inside.

I opened the door and met the shock of my life.

Axel and Kathryn making out.

A tear slipped from my eye as i watched them.

Just because Axel did something terrible doesn’t mean i hate him all of a sudden. But seeing him with Kathryn triggered the pain i’ve felt since last week friday.

Axel was and will always be my first love.
But Kathryn is my best friend.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran out of the classroom, running out of the school building towards the school gate.

Luckily for me, a car was passing through the school gate so there was space for me to go out. I ran out of the school gate despite the securities shoutings.

I kept on running as i cried the more …


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