Written By Precious Boluwatife Kolade


Some days later


I know you probably think I’m the worst character in this novel .

I won’t actually argue with you.

Maybe I’m partially worst but trust me I have my reasons as Valerie’s biological mother.

Things have been kinda hard these days for me .

I really can’t help it but hate myself.

I can’t even spend some time with my only daughter. All I care about is work,work and work.

But I’m actually doing all this because of her.

Recently,I never knew I was pregnant. I carried my second baby.

After many years , it finally showed up when I don’t need it

I was happy about it but still, How will I cater for him . It’s not possible.

After doing the test. I kept it as a secret from everyone in my house including my husband, Eddie.

He won’t even be glad about the news.

That’s even if we talk to each other at home.

The thing is that, we’re kind of not together again . We live under the same roof because of Valerie.

I found out about something and it really broke my heart.

He was having an affair with my boss. I caught them making out in my boss’s office and they both feel it’s nothing special.

My boss threatened to fire me if I spill the beans.

I couldn’t lose my job and I had to pretend like I knew nothing.

Now,this pregnancy !

How do I go about it? I had to do something!

I can’t have his babies anymore.

It’s enough that Valerie hates me .

I don’t blame her. We made her life so miserable by not showing her love. But sincerely,I’m trying my best.

As for her father,Eddie he doesn’t even want to hear her name.

He wakes up early in the morning and comes back late at night.

We hardly talk.

I gave it a good thought and I came to a conclusion that I will terminate the pregnancy.

After all,I can’t have time for the poor baby. I’ll just make him as miserable as Valerie.

I made up my mind to tell Eddie about the pregnancy that day .

I got home late due to some work which his mistress gave me.

He questioned me and I told him I was coming back from work which he is aware of. He just wants us to argue that night.

He didn’t believe me. Does he think I’m like him? Who goes about sleeping like a dog?

Then I said something that triggered his mind.

“Where are you coming from woman? He asked.

“From where your mistress sent me”. I said.

He was so furious.

He gave me a hot slap as I fell on the floor. He kept beating me till I fainted .

He cared less.

I was taken to the hospital by Nanny Jade.

She has helped me a lot. She finally found out about my little secret.

Eddie made everything so easy. The baby was aborted. I had a miscarriage due to the beating .


It’s Valerie’s 16th birthday!

How do I make it to her birthday? How will I surprise her? My boss wants me to resume to work as early as possible.

And I really wanna wish Valerie a happy birthday. I got her a cake when I was coming back from work around 11:00pm.

She was asleep when I went to her room . I went back to the sitting room .

“Nanny? I called.

She sat down on the dinning waiting for me. It has been her habit to wait for me everyday. I would be the one to wake her up to her room .

Sometimes,we would chat and discuss about Valerie.
I get to know most things about Valerie because of her.

“Martha? You’re back? You came earlier than expected”. She said scrubbing her eyeballs.

“Yeah”. I dropped the cake on the table.

“Wait, whose birthday are we celebrating? She asked

I can’t believe she actually forgot.

“It’s Valerie’s birthday Nanny Jade”.

“Oh my goodness, I’m aging already, that’s why I couldn’t remember”.

“But we talked about it last night, remember you told me all her favorite stuffs , and I got them all to make her happy “. I said showing her the parcels I bought for Valerie.

“Awwwn, that’s so sweet of you,so are you gonna stay till dawn or what?

“No,I’ll actually wait till it’s 12 O’clock so we’ll both sing a happy birthday song for her”.

“Cool,great idea. Have you eaten? I kept some rice and sauce for you,let me quickly get it done now so it would be warm a bit”. She said trying to stand up when I pulled her back into the chair.

“No Nanny, don’t bother, I’ll microwave it in the morning, I need to do some stuffs on the laptop,so I’m still awake till 12”.

“Should I keep your company and tell you more gist?

“Sure,you know I can’t do without you,tell me, how was today? How are those guys in her school?

Nanny gave me a good gist.

She eventually slept off during the course of the gist. I couldn’t wake her when it was 12. I took a bedspread and covered her body.

I took the cake and lit the little candles on it

I carried it gently and tiptoed to Valerie’s room.

I turned the knob gently and switched off the lights, using the candle light to see my path.

I sat on her bed. She was fast asleep.

The cake was on a stool beside her bed.


“Valerie”. I called with a kss on her forehead.



I was having this strange and weird dream which I know would never come to pass.

I saw myself and my parents.

We went out on a family picnic.

I even had a younger brother. How Sweet!

The dream was going well until I felt a hand on my body.

“Baby, Valerie.. daughter”. The voice called.

“Valerie,she called again with a kiss on my forehead. She smells the same.

Like Burberry.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

I tried to reach for the switch but I couldn’t lay my hands on it.

My room was dimly lit. I saw something like a furnace that was when my eyes opened very well.

Is the house on fire? ???
Shivers ran down my spine as I stood up and shouted

“Nanny Jade,fire”.

“Calm down honey”. A hand touched me. I looked up at the hands that touched me.

“Mom? ?

That smell was right. She’s the one.

“What are you doing here? I sat up and noticed that the furnace was actually a little candle from a cake.

A birthday cake that had my name on it.

The candles were so colorful and beautiful that I can eat them up.

It has colorful Peebles that looks so crunchy too . I swallowed hard.

But I can’t be tempted by a mere cake.

I looked away.

“I see you’ve grown very fond of Nanny Jade that you even fail to recognize your own mother”. She said facing me.

Her hand was glued to mine when I shouted.

I removed her hand and sat up.

“What do you want? I said rudely.

“Is that the first thing you should say when you see your mother in the morning? She said.

“It’s not as if you play the role of a real mother”.

“It’s actually fine if you act like this,it’s my fault anyways…and did you forget that today is your birthday?


I almost forgot about that. I actually don’t like my birthday. I hate birthdays. It reminds me of the day I was born .

How I came into this horrible world.

How my parents disgusts me?

“Didn’t you see the cake”.

“What cake? I said pretending not to notice the cake on my small stool.


“Thanks for the cake”. I said and laid back on the bed so she can leave.

I hate it when I’m being deprived of my beautiful sleep.

“Won’t you at least blow the candles and wish for something? She said looking at my eyes.

I don’t know what to wish for .


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