Written By Precious Boluwatife Kolade



Mom made me remember where we’re going to the following day when she told Valerie that we’ll be going somewhere early.

There is this part you don’t actually know about me and you never asked!

It’s about my father.

You must have been wondering in your mind now that it’s true, you never bothered to ask .

You’re forgiven anyways

He didn’t quarrel with my mom neither did he divorce her .

It all happened,the day we went for a get together party at our neighbors house when Dad was accused of something he didn’t do.



Just when we were having that best family fun, it all happened so quick .

I sat next to Dad,I and Jeff we were only 13 years old then.

Angel McKenna, the only daughter of Mr McKenna our neighbor whom we went to their house to celebrate with them .

They invited us for a little gathering, her father just bought a new car so he decided to celebrate it by inviting all the neighbors .

I don’t know why it’s necessary if it’s not for show off .

He invited us specially and we went there. Just for Dad to be accused of something so cruel.

“ the one”. The feminine voice said .

The music stopped at once as everyone’s direction was fixed at us.

Police men in uniforms approached us with Angel and her father.

“What’s going on? Mom asked staying in front of Jeffery and Dad, trying to protect them .

“This man over here…he forced me to lay with him…and…and..” . She stammered weeping profusely.

She was taken inside by her father’s servants.

What the heck is going on ? What does she mean by that? My eight year old mind wandered in a confused strange land.

“Gentleman,do not say anything because whatever you say will be used against you in the court of law, kindly move”. The policeman ordered.

My heart beat increased,tears flipped from my eyes. This can’t be happening!

“Mom? Do something! I sobbed holding her hands.

“What do you mean by rape? My husband will never do such a thing, he would never…he…he.. can’t do that”. Mom broke down in tears .

“Dad? I cried and knelt beside Mom .

“This is unfair, Dad was with us through out, we only went to the toilet and we found Angel locked up in the toilet and we tried to force the door open but it couldn’t open , I went back to the hall to call for help when I bumped into her father who offered me a drink.

I tried explaining to him but he wouldn’t let me speak, when I eventually went back , Dad had set her free and was returning back to the hall. My father is not a criminal”.

Jeffery explained as he ran towards the officers biting their hands so they could release Dad as he was slapped across his face.

He fell flat on the floor and cried.

“My daughter is not a liar, this evil man took her virginity and must be dealt with”. Her father argued.

“Mr Mark, all these accusations against you , are they true? One of the officers who seemed kinda confused said.



“Mark, this business proposal, leave it for me and we won’t have any problem concerning it. This contract,you don’t deserve it at all “.

Mr McKenna said to me.

He came to my office to discuss nonsense issues with me. This contract belongs to me , yet he doesn’t wanna accept defeat and his fate.

“McKenna, this can’t work out..are you trying to take this by force because you’re influential than I am?

“Anything you say, all I want is that contract or your family gets it”.

“Are you this inconsiderate? You act so wicked and you have a little daughter? Was that the reason why your wife left you or what?

I said trying to piss him off and he was pissed off.

“Are you referring to me? No problem, you can take the contract for all I care but you won’t expect where I’m gonna get at you”. He pointed his index finger towards me and stormed out in anger.

Some days later,

After everything had died down. I never knew he was gonna get back at me.

He even dared to use his daughter as an instrument.

Such a bad father.

I’ve been noticing lots of things anytime my eyes makes a contact with Angel’s eye. She seems so sad and is hurting within.

What could be going on in her mind?

Sometimes,she might look at me seductively.

I don’t know why?

I had no idea of what she was passing through at all.

I was watering my garden one day when she came out of their compound with headset on her head .

Her outfit portrays that she is going for jogging.

I summoned up courage to speak to her. Her eighteen years old body seem like she’s twenty eight.

I dropped the watering can and told my daughter that I’ll soon be back.

“Hi, Angel”. I said jogging with her.

She didn’t reply but just smiled.

“I’ll take that as a reply, how do you do today? I said again expecting a reply.

She smiled again.

Such a weird girl !

“Humm, your father and I are business partners and we’re very cool , I was just wondering if you could be friends with my twins too, Jeffery and Jennifer.

They’re lovely kids and your gonna love them. I see you don’t roll with other kids of your age and it somehow makes me pity you”

“Do not pity me,Mr Mark”. She paused breathing slowly.

She sounded furious.

“I’m sorry,if that made you annoyed,I meant no harm”. I surrendered.

“I’m sorry too, I’m just stressed, I hate my life, I hate the way I’m living. I’m sorry if I sounded so rude sir”. She apologized.

“Nah, it’s fine dear”. I said as we both stopped and strolled back home.

She told me her bitter story .

J”My father is not who you think he is, he is a monster , a devil in human flesh”. She started with tears in her eyes.

“Why are you qualifying your father is such a dreadful way? Is he not your father? I asked.

Why she is crying,I sincerely don’t know .

I gave her an handkerchief as she wiped her nose and eyes with it .

I have no hint nor idea.

Why do you think she is weeping profusely?


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