



Written by Authoress Angel

Episode 16

Diana Pov

Location: Dinning Hall??

I sighed staring at my plate of salad and turkey with no appetite to eat.

Dave asked me out and I am so confused.
On one hand, I feel something for Dave but a feeling is slowly developing in my heart for Ryan.

Urgh !
I feel so confused.
I really do not wanna make a silly mistake.


After dinner, I opted to watch the stars meters away from the building.

Maybe some cool night air might do me good.

I ran my fingers through my hair letting out a sigh.

“Hey! Nitwit!”
I turned to see two girls approaching where I stood.

“You got no tongue?” Lesley snapped and I scoffed.

“What is it?” I asked with an eyeroll.
“Stay away from Ryan.” Paige snapped like a venomous reptile.

” Ryan is not your class nor type. Go get your own boyfriend and let Ryan be . I am seriously warning you now,the next time I see you anywhere close to him…”Lesley warned with a tough glare and left with Paige leaving me stunned to the core.

Did…did I just get a warning to stay off Ryan? Could it be Corriene must have seen us together?


I bit my lower lip very hard.
I am just a harmless friend to Ryan.

? You two kssed? A voice in my head said and I groaned.

I didn’t!
He did..

Corriene and her friends must really be having thoughts about me liking Ryan which isn’t true.

I get the fact that he is good looking and friendly but, I feel alot more better around Dave.

He isn’t so popular and I have no one to drag him with but in the case of Ryan, I would possibly have to fight a planet of girls before I find peace with him.

After my last relationship, Dave captured my heart no doubt.

?..Stop f**ling yourself Diana and accept it that you love Ryan ?

“I can’t” I muttered with a pang of pain.
“Falling for Ryan is one thing, accepting it is another which is so hard especially when I can’t have him”I muttered worried.

” Diana..who are you talking to?”I heard Denise call out to me and I froze then turned to see her and Delia.

“Oh!..” I let out a nervous chuckle.
“Um…” I itched my hair.

“No one really. I always talk to myself. It’s alot more relieving”I said and they chuckled.

” It’s late already Diana. Let’s go” Delia said and I nodded.

Diana Pov

As I applied my lotion after returning from the bathroom, I heard Denise gasp.

“What happened to your waist Diana?” She asked and touched the spot Ryan had held me that night.

It had actually grown a temporary scar.

“It’s a finger print” Delia added.
“Finger prints” Denise corrected and they faced me.

“What?” I asked pulled on my long sleeved button up shirt.

“How did you get that scar?” Denise quried and I sighed.

Picked For You:  GENTLE TIGER: Episode 1-10

” I kinda bruised myself okay?”I defended and they stared at me as if they knew I was only lying.

I seriously can’t tell them I kssed Ryan and got that scar, they would freak out.

“I am fine girls” I groaned and prepared to wear my socks and flats.
Location; Class Building Area..

Diana Pov

As classes went on, I hoped Dave had already gotten the note I sent him about me wanting to see him.

I have decided to move on from my past break up and try again.
No doubt, Dave is the perfect one for me.

No sooner, the bell for long recess came and I felt my heart miss a beat.

I packed up my books and headed out of the class, straight for the orchard.

Since he asked me out there yesterday, I would give him the answer there today.

“Diana!..” I froze upon hearing that familiar voice.
I turned facing Ryan who had a boyish smile on.

“Hey!..” He cooed and I only gave him a light smile.

“I was wondering if we could hang out. We really haven’t spent time together after… ”

” No!.. Don’t say it”I interrupted him.
” Don’t remind me”.

Ryan pulled on a crumpled look.

” I need to go somewhere. Am busy right now” I said with a sigh and hurriedly left.

Why did he have to show up!?.
He always succeed in messing up my thoughts whenever we meet.

As I approached the large orchard, I took in long deep breaths before walking in through the gate.

I headed for the spot I was at yesterday and met Dave there already as he turned to see me and pulled on a wide smile.

“Diana…” He cooed and pulled me into a long warm hug which I really needed.

After a while, we disengaged as I tucked hair behind my ear.

Dave never moved his gaze off me making me feel flattered.

“You look pretty today” He complimented and I smiled.

“Thanks alot Dave” I replied and he only smiled.

” You wanted to tell me something”He suddenly said.

” Oh!.. yeah.. right”I stuttered and sighed.

“Um.. about your proposal” I began and Dave arched a brow in obvious suspense.

“It’s a ‘Yes'” I notified and Dave beamed happily

” I will be your girlfriend Dave”I added and he sighed deeply pulling me into a longing hug.

“Thank you so much Diana. I love you” He sighed happily as I held him so close.

” I love you too”I cooed and he broke the hug staring into my eyes.

“You have made me so happy today Diana. I am so lucky to have you as mine now”Dave said and I felt my cheeks heat up badly.

” Let’s go have our first official lunch together” Dave suggested holding my hand as we made an exit.

I expected to feel happy totally but only a part of me felt happy.
Something felt so off to me..


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