Brian ?
“Who among you is responsible for this?,” I asked again quietly but no one refused to talk. I feel so angry at the thought that one of my employees actually dared to try sabotage my work. I stood up from the chair and started walking from one employee to another. If they won’t confess, I’ll just use logic to get them to confess.

I stopped in front of Ivy suprised to see her in the room. She didn’t even look up which is also very surprising. Most of the time, her eyes always challenged me as no one dares to look me in the eyes. They always bow to me. She’s behaving so unusual that I stayed in front of her not moving to the next employee. I observed her closely.

She’s holding the edge of her dress so tightly, she’s refusing to look at me, her lips are shivering slightly and her complexion seems pale. What’s she hiding from me? I was just about to ask her something when there was a sudden commotion in the room. I turned around to see what was going on.

Sam and Fred are holding a female employee tightly. She must have tried to escape from the room. I walked towards her and she fell on her knees sobbing quietly.

I immediately dismissed the other staffs and everyone vacated the room except Kim, Sam, Fred, I and the female employee.

I crouched down and asked,“What’s your name and why did you do it?” She held my hands suddenly saying,“Brian I didn’t mean to do it…” I cut off her words as I shook her hands off me.

“How dare you touch me and call me by my name!,” I asked wiping my hands with a clean handkerchief. She smiled out tears and answered,“ I know you have forgotten about that glorious night we spent together cause you were drunk. I’m sure that’s why you showered all your attention on this bch Kim.”

I looked at her wondering what she’s talking about. I don’t even remember her. Well, I don’t remember the faces of most of the ladies I slept with. I don’t even know what to think anymore cause I literally caused all this.

She continued,“ I couldn’t take it anymore. You showed me heaven that night and the next day acted like a stranger. I was so jealous that Kim always seem to be frequently visiting your office alone and I had an idea of what was going on. Then she accidentally let it slip while bragging that you gave her important documents to handle, I had to do something. That’s why I put the files in the shredder machine.”

I moved closer to her so angry that I could choke her right now. I think she saw the anger in my eyes as she moved backwards.

“Wait! I didn’t put the files in the machine. When I got to her office, I saw that new employee putting the files in the machine. I don’t know her name. I was about to leave when I saw that the fool didn’t switch on the machine before she left. So I switched on the machine,” she continued.

She actually dares to call Ivy a fool. I made a promise never to hit a lady but I walked towards her and slapped her so hard that her mouth started swelling. “Take her out of here. I don’t want to ever see her again.” She fell down on her knees pleading as they took her out. I told Sam quietly,“ Don’t hurt her… Just let her go.”

He nodded and they left. My phone vibrated indicating a message from Ken. It says the meeting is over and the representatives from Kardos company were satisfied with our ideas. Thank God I already had the soft copy of the files on my laptop.

I turned to look at Kim before leaving without a word. I can’t stop thinking about the fact that Ivy would have destroyed the files herself if the machine was on.


I stood outside the work area waiting. I couldn’t leave with the others. I have to know what’s going on. What if the lady actually saw me? Dear God, I should have just confessed when I had the chance to do so? I’ve never seen him so angry before.

The door opened and Sam and Fred walked out pulling the crying lady with them. She looked at me and glared at me before they took her away. I gulped, she possibly knows.

Then the door opened again and Brian walked out. He paused seeing me. He looked at me with no expression on his face before he turned around and went in the opposite direction.

He did not even say a word. I contemplated following him but I stopped at the thought that he must know what I did by now and he must be angry. But I didn’t know the files were that important or I wouldn’t have put them in the shredder. Why did I even do it in the first place? I keep on claiming I don’t love him but I end up doing the opposite of my claims.


*Closing hours*

I sat in the Rolls-Royce waiting for Brian. I tried to see him earlier but Kim said he’s too busy to see me. I wouldn’t have listened to her but she even showed me the notice he asked to show anyone who wants see him. I couldn’t enjoy my lunch either because of guilt.

When the door opened and he entered. I noticed he sat faraway from me. His face is still expressionless. He didn’t even acknowledge my presence as the chauffeur drove. He brought out his phone and starts browsing. I looked at him feeling uncomfortable. He’s giving me silent treatment.

“Brian,” I called out gently. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know those files were that important. I didn’t have any ill intentions towards you. I was only mad at that bch.” He didn’t even do as if he heard me.

“Brian… I said I’m sorry,” I said again. When he still didn’t respond, I turned my face away sulking.
[Writer’s note: As soon as she turned away, she didn’t see Brian raising his head to look at her. Neither did she see the beautiful smile that appeared on his face.]


Marie ?
I stood by my window watching dad entering his car. As soon as dad left I steadily walked to his room and went to the cupboard. When I got to cupboard 002 it was locked. I felt frustrated. Why did dad lock only this cupboard?

I stared at the lock wondering what pin he could have used. I tried different numbers but it was all wrong. Remaining only one trial.

I thought and finally typed Ivy’s birth date. To my surprise,the cupboard opened. Dad actually used that wretch’s birth date when he could have used mine.

I brought out the file and read the first page. Hurriedly, I opened the other pages and read it as my face turned pale with each passing minutes. OMG! What the he¢k have I done to myself?


As soon as we got home, I began to do things to please Brian just to get him to say something… anything… His silence is killing me.

I offered helping him to change his clothes, massage him, get him snacks and drinks when he looked tired and many more. But he still did not say a word to me.

I even went to the kitchen and cooked my favorite food for him since I don’t know his favorite but he didn’t touch the food. He ordered food online and left me to finish what I cooked alone.

I’ve finally had enough. I walked to the sitting room and saw the food he ordered still on the table unopened. He probably went to the room to shower.

I was about to walk away when I thought of something. I rushed to the kitchen carried a little bottle and went back to the sitting room.

I went to his food,opened it and added the contents of the bottle to it. Smiling I left the room.


Few minutes later, I heard him shout from the sittingroom,“Ivy!!!” He finally talked.


Brian ?
I gulped the whole jug of water in front of me. She actually added chilly to my food.


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