



By Vintage Library

Episode 2

Here comes the theif who stole my jewelry. Kiara said as I walked towards her with a cup of coffee.

Kiara is the hottest, latest and trending girl in American as I speak. She’s a dancer, model, rapper and she plans on becoming an actress.

She hates me, I have no idea so don’t ask me why, I think we met ages ago when we were in a dance competition, she won remember money influence.

I didn’t steal your jewelry I think you misplaced it. I said trying to sound respectfully as I can but Kiara is really pissing me off.

Are you saying I made a mistake? She asked as if she could not believe her ears well I don’t care I am going to lecture her if that what she needs.

Yes, I mean we are humans aren’t we? I asked and countined. It’s only proper if humans make mistakes, if you can check again I am sure you will find it because your jewelry is not with me. I said literally shoving the cup of coffee in her hand.

You bch. She yelled wanting to pour the coffee on me but I was quick to move out of the way which made it pour on the floor. Mu job is to clean it.

Ma’am, you should have told me you can’t hold the coffee. I said sarcastically I can’t do anything to get back at her except this.

You will pay for this. She said storming out of the room and her PA Nina followed like a chick following the hen.

Nina turned to glare at me as she said. Clean that up. She pointed at the coffee on the ground

I mutter as the door closed. Birds of a feather, as if it’s my fault.

Darn you Kiara. I mutter getting a mop.


White House

Babe. Ethan called as he sat on the bed, Ariel was already sited she was browsing something on the internet or she’s pretending to.

The council was really hectic today, senator and vice president fought again we had to end the meeting because of them. He stopped and chuckle

I wonder if those two were cat and rat in their previous lives. He paused when Ariel seems not to be paying attention

Ariel are you listening? He asked tapping her

Ethan for once let me be, I am not interested in whatever it was that happened I just want to have my solitude. She said turning to back him.

This is what their marriage has been like since it is an arranged marriage unlike what you read in novels theirs never changed, they didn’t accept each other or is it just Ariel.

She doesn’t love Ethan and that didn’t change since day one, she gives him the cold shoulder, he once brought up the issue.

Ariel we are married for goodness sake and there’s nothing we can do to change that let’s just be friends at least let’s accept each other. He said

I don’t like you, I don’t want to be friends with you. She replied before storming out of the room.

I. He wanted to talk

I want to sleep Ethan so good night. She said still backing him

He sighed as he got down from the bed and walked to the third living room.

Picked For You:  UNEXPECTED KNOT : CHAPTER 71 - 80

He was lost in thought when he heard a movement behind him

Who’s there? He asked turning to face the direction of the movement.

It’s me. Tommy answered walking towards him.

Tommy? What are you doing awake by this time of the night? Where’s your nanny? He inquired

She’s asleep, I could not sleep so I decided to come look at mom and dad. He answered turning around to look at the huge portrait of their late parents

You miss them? Ethan asked

Yes. He answered. Don’t you?

I do all the time. He answered. Come sit beside me. He tapped the space beside him and Tommy went to sit there

Tell me about them. Tommy requested

What do you remember? He asked

Not much…. Tell me how they met. He said excited

They met in a hospital, their father was in a critical condition one of his kidney was damaged, and Tommy’s mother donated her kidney to him.

He got married to her because she saved his life a year and half later Tommy came into the picture.

But Ethan didn’t tell him that story he told him something more romantic like meeting in a coffee shop love at first sight.

Tommy didn’t listen to half of the story before falling asleep, Ethan smile as he carried him on his shoulder and he wrap his arms around Ethan’s neck.

He covered him with duvet and peck his forehead before leaving the room. Despite being half brothers Ethan and Tommy love each other.


At Grace’s house

I’m home. I announced as she opened the door

Welcome. Monica greeted as she solve her homework

You alone? I ask as she sit on the wooden chair.

Not really, April is not back, Maria is asleep. She answered

April doesn’t have a job yet she leaves the house every morning and come back at the eleventh hour, I once query her but she made something up so I just let her be I have more important things to think of than an adult.


The following morning

Grace hope you remember your promise? Monica asked as I prepare breakfast

Of course I do. I said with a smile.

I borrowed some money yesterday it’s not enough but because of that Kiara I won’t be getting a month salary that was the agreement they came to

Go to my room you will find my bag, open it and take 6000 dollars. I said

Six thousand? That’s not enough. Maria complained as she walked into the Kitchen

Learn to appreciate what you are given. April said as she $panked her head walking into the kitchen too

That’s right Maria Grace is trying. Monica said.

I know Monica wants to complain too but she hid it.

Thanks I will go get it. Maria said

She sent me so just go get ready for school. Monica said

No I will. Maria said running out of the kitchen obviously to my room

Maria come back here! Monica yell running after her.

They are through go again. April said as she shake her head.

Good morning. I greeted

Morning. She answered

April. I called and didn’t wait for her to answer before I asked. You must have come home around midnight yesterday cause I was awake until eleven pm, where were you?

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