By Authoress Popcorn

Chapter Fourteen

The man in my dreams

Erica let go of Kelvin’s tie and grabbed the bottle.
“You aren’t the boss of me sir, your brother is. So you don’t have to act bossy, hmm?” she said and went upstairs.

Kelvin watched her as she walked out of the garden.
He could see Vic walking behind her, the same dude that tried to force himself on her last night.
He adjusted his tie and went after her.

Erica brought her key from her bag.
“Door open!”
It flung open and she went in.

As Vic was about to go in, Kelvin grabbed him from behind.
“Where do you think you are going?” He asked.

“It seem like I lost my way brother” he lied but Kelvin didn’t buy that.

He pushed Kelvin to his own door and went into Erica’s room.
He wished she could just come back to her senses.

He just leaned on the door, watching her in pity.
“Why am I even here?” He asked himself.

Erica took off her shoes and sat on the bed. She raised the bottle to take another drink. Then she realized it was empty.

“Argh!” She groaned.

“It’s better you rest now. You’ll suffer a hangout tomorrow” he said.

“I don’t want to rest, I need another drink” she said and stood up.
She staggered and end up falling on his shoulder.

There was a knock on the door.
He tried to reach for the key.
“Door open” he said and the door opened.

Calvin walked in and saw Erica on his brother’s shoulder.
“What happened?” He asked.

“She’s dead drunk” he said.

Erica opened her eyes and stared at Calvin.
“Oh yay! Boss is here” she said and walked towards him.

“Your brother isn’t a good man. He couldn’t get me another drink”
Calvin just nodded and walked her to the bed.

“Why don’t you sleep, I’ll get you a drink” he said.

Erica laid on the bed, waiting for drink.
Kelvin frowned.
“Are you going to get her another drink?” He murmured.

Then they heard a loud sigh. They turned and saw she was already fast asleep.

“That’s just the trick. Lie to them. If you’d follow me to club, you’ll understand how to take care of women” Calvin said and Kelvin rolled his eyes.

“Well, thanks for looking after her. I’ll warn her not to drink again” he added.

“You better do” Kelvin said angrily and left the room.

Calvin walked to Erica’s bed and covered her up.
“Lights off!”
“You don’t understand Ava! I mean, I was drunk and I can’t remember what happened last night”

“Did you ask your boss if you mistakenly have sx with him?”

“Are you kidding me? I’m sure I didn’t even get close to them or did I? Arghh!” She groaned as she arranged her bags.
She was having a slight headache.

“Don’t think too much, you should just have some ginger tea and rest”

“I wish, I’ll be back soon then I’ll rest all I want at home”

“Fine by me, I’ll be expecting you soon”

“Okay, Thanks. Bye…”

“Wait! I have an idea on how to get your memory back”

“What tell me” Erica said with interest.

“First of all, walk to your boss’s door. Once he open the door ask him if you…”

“Bye Ava!” Erica said and disconnected the call.
Erica was done having her breakfast. She was ready to go back home. She was tired of this huge mansion.
She missed open her door the normal way than yelling ‘door open’

There was a knock on the door.
“Young master wants you downstairs!” She heard a lady’s voice. She knew it was time to leave already.

She sighed and grabbed her box. She went into the elevator and quickly left the room.

She found the twin standing in the hall.
“Good morning sir” she greeted and lowered her gaze.

“How are you feeling Erica?” Calvin asked.

“I.. I’m good sir” she replied.

“Fine then, let’s leave already”

“Hold on!”
That was Barbie’s voice. They stopped and stared at her.

“It’s not over Erica. You insulted me and I promise to get back to you”

Erica just remained silent. Barbie wasn’t her problem, she just want to leave the twin sight immediately.

Erica nodded and turned to leave.
Barbie frowned.
“Bye brothers, see you soon” she said.

They waved at her and walked out of that mansion.
They got into the limo and drove to the airport.

Erica remained silent while the twin had numbers of calls from other companies.

“You can take the day off tomorrow and resume on Monday” Calvin said.

“Yes boss” she replied.

“You aren’t the boss of me, your brother is. So you don’t have to act bossy, hmm?”

Erica heard that and stared at Kelvin.
He was looking out the window.

She diverted away from him and swallowed hard.
“That word sounded familiar. You aren’t the boss of me… Holy sh*t!” She remembered everything already.

She remembered when she loosed her hair, sat on the table, pulled his tie, insulted him and ordered him to get her a drink.

Everything played like a movie in her mind.
She grabbed a scarf and covered her face. She didn’t forget her nose mask and sunglasses.

She looked away from him.
“Why did I do that? Why why why?!!”

“Oh Erica!”

She slowly turned and faced Calvin.
“My father sent his thanks to you for saving his wedding. He would have met you in person but he had to leave urgently for his honeymoon”

“It’s fine” she replied too quickly.

“And after the wedding…”

This was the part Erica didn’t want to hear.
“I really apologise for my mistake” she said.

“It’s fine. You should apologise to Kelvin instead. And I’ll advice you not to take alcohol again”

“I promise I won’t” she said and didn’t apologise to Kelvin.
She don’t have any idea how she would do that. She repeatedly stole glances from Kelvin but he wasn’t interested in staring at her.

“Being with two ¢razy billionaires is so hard” she thought.


Finally, they landed safely.
A car picked Calvin and Kelvin from the airport.
“Why don’t you come with us? We’ll drop you off”

She shook her head.
“It’s not necessary sir. Ava will come pick me up” she said.

“Oh yeah, Ava. Sure. Don’t forget to report at home on Monday”

Erica nodded. The glass closed and the car drove off.
Immediately the car was out of sight, she sighed deeply and took off her scarf and glasses.

“That was too close!” She muttered.

She stretched her hand and flagged down a cab.
Ava laughed at her friend after she told her about everything that happened.
“That was very good Erica. I give you one star but you weren’t hot enough” she said.

“I never wanted to be hot Ava. I wonder if Kelvin would ever forgive me. He was kind of nice to me when we were at the mansion but I’m sure he’ll become the heartless cold monster he is now we are back”

“Whatever” Erica rolled her eyes.

“Speaking of which, why are you still in my brother’s house?” She asked.

Ava swallowed hard and started blinking repeatedly.
“I’ve not been here, I just came when I saw you were coming back” she lied.

“Well I don’t believe you” Erica said with a glimpse of smile on her face.

“What? There’s nothing going on between your brother and I!” Ava swore.

“Prove it!” Erica frowned.

“I don’t have to prove it. Just believe me. I’m have nothing to do with your brother” she said again and Erica almost believed her till…

“Honey! I’m home!” George yelled as he walked into the sitting room. He saw Ava and his sister.

“Her Erica, wait, Erica?!!”
“I mean, Ava I’m home” he said softly.

“Aha! I knew it!” Erica clapped her hands and sprung up.

“Arghh! Why do you have to yell?!” Ava sI.apped her forehead.

“It’s okay. It’s a secret. I’ll leave you two now” she grabbed her box and walked into her room, giving Ava a ¢razy look.

“See, she doesn’t know anything” George said jokingly.
Ava shot him a hard glare and sI.apped his arm.


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