By Authoress Popcorn

Chapter Twelve

Erica sat in front of the mirror. She was fully dressed for the wedding, wearing a very beautiful long red gown. It was an armless gown that exposed her shoulders and back. It had a beautiful waistline and an opening from the tip to her laps.
She combed her hair and styled it making some part fall on her shoulders.

She was still thinking about the dream she had.
“Who do I tell? Someone is trying to ruin the wedding and…” She said and hot interrupted by the knock on the door.

She grabbed her key.
“Door open!” She said and it flung open.

“Hello Erica. You are looking so beautiful” he said.

Erica was confused for some seconds, wondering if it was Calvin or Kelvin.

“Oh, it’s me Calvin. If you are confused” he said, noticing the look on his face.

Erica smiled and lowered her gaze.
“Thank you for saving me last night. I didn’t get the chance to… appreciate you” she said.

Calvin furrowed his eyebrows.
“Save you? When?” He asked.

Immediately she heard that, she knew it was Kelvin that saved her.
But why? That was what rang in her mind.

“Never mind about that. I wanted to tell you don’t quite urgent”

Calvin stared at his watch.
“Okay? You have three minutes. I have to be somewhere urgently” he said.

Erica sighed. She didn’t know where to start from. If she tell him it was a dream and it end up coming to pass, he would know about her weird ability.

“I had a dream”

Calvin’s lips curved into a smile.
“Really? So, what happened?” He asked.

“I.. I mean, I saw”

Calvin touched her bare shoulders.
“It’s just a dream Erica. Dreams doesn’t harm anyone” he said.


“I’ll send a guard to take you downstairs when the wedding is about to commence” he said.

Erica nodded slowly.
She didn’t want to say anything else to upset her boss.
“Thank you sir!” She said.

He withdrew his hand from her shoulder and left.
She sat back on her chair and continued thinking.
“Kelvin was the one who saved me. But why? I should ask him and probably thank him!” She said and took her bag.

She head out of the room and bumped into a guard. He was wearing thick black suit with black shades.

“You must be miss Erica. Young Master asked me to look after you” he said.

Erica stared at him for some time.
“You must know Kelvin’s room. Take me there” she said.

The guard nodded and led him to his room.
They got into the elevator and went to the floor under Erica’s room.
They walked for some time and found themselves in front of his room.

“It’s right under my own room” she murmured and knocked the door.

The door flung open.
“I’ll be back” she said to the guard and he stood beside the door.

Erica walked into his room. It was much bigger and beautiful. All the room were just beautiful in the mansion.

“What do you want?” She heard a voice from behind and turned only to find Kelvin sitting on a white couch.

He stood up and walked towards her. She noticed his eyes strolling around her body.

“I asked a question” he said again.

“You were the one who saved me last night” she said.

Kelvin face changed. He was wondering how she found out.

“I wanted to thank you”

“Okay, you can leave now” he said.

Erica bit her lips and stared at him again. She really wanted to tell him about the dream she had but doesn’t know how to.

“I wanted to tell you something” she said.

“I don’t want to listen to you” he said and grabbed his key.
“Door open!” He said.

“It’s about the wedding” she said and he quickly gazed at her.

“What about the wedding?” He asked.

Erica can’t tell him she had a dream. It sounded silly to Calvin, she was sure it would sound same to Kelvin.

“I have a feeling that someone wants to ruin it” she said.

“Why should I care? Father is making more enemies for himself by marrying so many wives, making them his mistress”

“But you should care about your father. If we don’t do something about it, people must be hurt” she said.

“We? Erica, please leave!” He said and nodded out if his room.

She nodded and left his room.
“I apologise for ruining your peace” she said and he slammed the door on his face.

Kelvin fell back on the white couch and thought about what Erica just said. He rolled his eyes and shook the thought out of his head.

“But I don’t know what to do Ava. Calvin is busy and his annoying brother is so… Harsh!!” She groaned.

“Well, the last option is to go for the b!tch” Ava said.

“Oh no, Barbie? She’s super annoying just like Kelvin and I’m sure she hates me. I have to do this myself” she said.

“If anything comes up, let me know if I can help from here” Ava said.

“Thanks Ava. My regards to my brother” she said and Ava secretly rolled her eyes.

“So, you don’t want Erica knowing we are back together” George said.

Ava laid back on the bed and placed her head on his bare chest.
“If she knows, we are breaking up” she said.

“Why?” He frowned.

“I want it to be a surprise for her when she gets back” she replied with a chuckle.

George’s lips curved into a smile.


Erica went to down with the guard behind her. She went to the huge and beautiful garden that was decorated. It was the one she saw in her dream, the same one that was on fire.

She saw Calvin talking with the event planner.
He was really busy.

“But who would want to ruin the wedding?” She murmured and placed her hands on her chin.

Her eyes sighted the chefs that were walking out of the temporary kitchen.
“Hmm?” She murmured.

“Oh Erica. The party hasn’t started yet” Calvin said as he walked towards her.

“I want to help sir. I’m your assistant and you brought me here to work”

“Are you sure you want to work?” He asked and she nodded.

“Fine, what do I give you?” He muttered as he looked round the garden.

“I want to be in charge of the kitchen” she said.

“Kitchen? We have the head of chef” he said.

Erica frowned.
“Then I want to be the head of the head of chef” she said.

He ended up laughing.
“Fine, this way!” He said and led her to the kitchen.


Hours later, the guest started flooding in. The garden was filled with billionaires and other wealthy people.

Erica hated seeing people show off but she was going to see a lot in the party.

“I got my necklace for twenty million dollars. It’s too cheap”

“Yeah, very cheap” the other lady replied.

Erica looked away from them.
“My life would change for good if I had that kind of money” she murmured.

She walked into the kitchen.
“Start serving the drinks. On the tray, there should be mixtures of drinks so they could choose themselves. Wine, champagne, pvnch, juice, alcohol”

“Yes Miss!” They chorused and started the preparation.

Erica knew that anyone who would want to attack would attack from the kitchen because that’s the only way the fire could come from.

She also took note of everyone’s faces even if she couldn’t remember their names. There were like seventy of them or more.

They started serving the drinks. She saw how everyone wanted to take pictures with Barbie. She was really popular.

She diverted her gaze away from her and continued doing the job she was assigned to.
“Take that to table 96” she said.

“I want a drink!”
She heard Barbie’s annoying voice.
She wished she could $trangle her and threw her into the bin.

“Them get yourself some. The waiters and waitress are walking around with filled tray, is it so hard for you to call them and take a drink?” She asked.

Barbie chuckled.
“How dare you speak to me that way?” She asked.

“What way? I didn’t say anything bad or insult you” Erica said with a smile on her face.

“I have no idea where Calvin got such a low class bI.oody a$s like you” she said.

Erica still continued smiling.
“I may be a low class but I don’t depend on other people to live.

I don’t have to look beautiful for people to love me and I don’t display my nked body on the television to impress people.

I think I should leave now, I have work to do. Enjoy the party, miss Barbie” Erica said and left.

Barbie stood there in shocked. She was dumbfounded. She never imagined Erica to insult her.
“I’ll have to teach her a lesson but not here!” She murmured and left.


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