WORLDS APART: Episode 1-10

?Worlds Apart?

?Unknown identity?

Episode 10

Mabel’s Pov

Mabel what the h.ell happened between you and your friends today in school mom asked immediately I came in.

Mom would you stop pestering my life, am 18 for goodness sake I said .

The fact that am your mother gives me right .

Answer the d@mn questions Mabel my dad said and I flinched.

Dad it’s nothing I lied.

It’s what? You and that a$$ h0le you call boyfriend beat the h.ell out of a girl until she passed out and you guys left her at the waste bin. What if she had died, you wanna spoil my reputation right but that won’t work because you are grounded dad screamed angrily at me.

What dad you know that’s impossible am not that 10 year old baby girl you ground anyhow am an adult now and not a treenager so that’s not gonna be possible and the fact that she looks just like me freaks me out.

What, she looks just like you mom asked?

Yeah and I don’t care .

I don’t care Mabel but if you don’t change, you would break up with that boyfriend of yours and you are not modelling for any company he dropped the b0mbshell.

What dad you know you can’t do this to me, mom talk to dad I said as tears gushed out from eyes.

You heard your dad Mabel you are grounded, you better go to your room because anywhere you are going, you are going with securities.

I hate the both of you, am not done with her yet I screamed at them and ran to my room .

Mara’s Pov

It’s been an hour since Jayden left, I wonder what was taking him so long, just then the door burst open and he walked in.

What took you so long I asked as I saw the wound in his face, did you fight with Danny, I asked .

Come on Mara, I wouldn’t do sht.

But you did I said cutting him off.

I did it for you he said starring at me.

I don’t want that, but the deed is already done, but promise me you won’t do it again I said.

Promise he said smiling.

Fine when am I gonna be discharged I asked, because am sick of the hospital.

Today and you are coming with me to my house he said.

Jayden but I tried saying, boy he cut me off, no but baby you are coming with me.

Hours later.

I sat at the still in the kitchen watching Jayden cook, he refused to allow me to cook, am beginning to love this guy I must admit.

Babe am done Jayden said placing the spaghetti in front of me.

Yummy yummy I said as I licked my lips.

Come on open your mouth let me feed you he said piointing a spoon of spaghetti in front of me .

Ah he said and I opened my mouth and he shoved it in.

Wow so good I said as I ate the spaghetti hungrily and he smiled.

Seems you are d@mn hungry, now eat up he said feeding me.

Unknown Pov

I smiled as I watched the mansion, they would all pay, am not gonna spare anyone of them, they would all pay.

My phone rang and I looked at the caller, it was dad, dad I said as I picked up the call.

Are you there son he asked.

Yes dad I answered.

You know what to do son, hope I can trust you, don’t pity anyone of them, don’t let them device you with their goodies.

Trust me dad am not gonna disappoint you I said and cut the call.

I smiled am so gonna be their worst nightmare.

I puffed out smoke from my cigrate, I needed to clear my head I wanna fk.

Zoey I called as she picked up her phone .

Yeah baby am coming over she said and cut the call.

Zoey was my personal btch, well she had always been there for me when I was lonely I so much love her.

What the fk, did I just say love, no I don’t love I just like her she’s my best friend right from childhood and she always gives me sx when am h0.rny .

I pulled the call at the drive way as I entered the compound.

Welcome boss my guards greeted buy I totally ignored them.

I entered my room only to see Zoey laying n@ked on my bed.

Welcome back down duddy she said coming towards me and immediately she got to where I was, she p.ulled 0ff my tr0user, my dk sprang up immediately and she took it into her m0uth and began to sck it.

Uhm I gr0aned, she knows how to make me feel good.

I gr0aned loudly as I felt my coming and I spl@sh it all over her f@ce, she turned her back to me, giving me the perfect dggy st.yle.

I thru$t int0 her r0ughly when she m0aned loudly.

Yeah baby go faster she scre@med cr@zily.

I fk her sen$elessly till we both cu.mmed and fell weakly on each other



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