



By Melody.


Liam arrived at his office in the nick of time.

But as soon as he walked in, he was welcomed with a different mode.

He halted in his steps and stared at the guest overtaking his table.

” Ray?. What are you..Who let you in here?!” Liam yelled, glaring daggers at him.

Ray placed both hands behind to support his head and his feet was leg crossed on his table, stepping on some of his files.

” Suprise!. Suprise!” Ray said with a relaxed voice.

” This is not a joke. How did you get into my office and why wasn’t i informed.” Liam continued to rabble.

He was going nuts and he declared to himself to sack all the security men after this scenario.

” Chill little friend. Sit on the tiles let’s have a small talk about business.” He said and Liam got red edges on his nose.

” Don’t get me over the edges Ray or you might hate what you’d see. Leave this office right now before i make my next blink.” He threatened

” I ain’t leaving here until I’m done with my errands, kid. I’m here to pass you a few message from Emperor.” He said and Liam gaze darkened.

” What about him?” He asked, getting some sort of interest.

” Emperor can no longer compete with you in this game. It’s time for your company to go down.” He said with a grin.

” If you are looking for who to threaten then you have met the wrong person.” He said and ray laughed beastly.

” Have my words for it, liam. You don’t want emperor to hurt you for the second time.” He grinned.

” Fairwell, with your plans. But I’m prepared to put you guys in your place including your Emperor.” He said and Ray grinned at his words before standing to his feet.

” Poor kid. I wonder Emperor next move on you. I just pray you don’t d!e.” He snorted.

” we’ll see about that.” Liam grinned and watched him step out of the room skeptically.

When the door was closed, He heaved a heavy sigh and walked towards his table descending on it tiredly.

His fingers pinched and ran into his hair in a slow relaxed way.

Soon, his door opened and Mitchell was whining in beautifully with some files with her.

” Good morning boss. I hope you had a good sleep last night?” She asked with a smile, expecting his next word.

” What are the contract for today?” Liam asked with a lazy eyes and Mitchell snorted.

” HeLLO?. I just asked about your night. Aren’t you suppose to reply?” She asked, poking out her big eyeballs.

Liam sighed and curled his lip to a side as he stared up at her.

” My night was good. Happy now?” He asked and Mitchell threw another dirty stare at him.

She palmed his table and Liam began to open up the files.

” Seems today would be a busy day.” He said, flipping each page with full eyes.

” Oh. It’s hot in here.” Mitchell said and opened few of her upper buttons just to expose her fine bbs.

She leaned back on the table and smiled in big victory waiting for Liam to look up as well.

” So i have an interview with Jessy product by noon?” He asked.

” I don’t answer questions at people unless they are staring back at me.” She snorted and Liam halted feeling disturbed by her words.

He slowly raised his head and he got his innocent eyes at her yellow and squeezed bbs poking out on her shirt.

His eyes nervously darted around it and his spit melted down his Adam’s apple.

” You like it?” She asked, slowly getting up her fingers to squeeze them in her fist.

He stumped his book close and stood up on his feet.

” What the h’ll is all this!?” He yelled.

” Don’t lie to me. I know you like the view. Come on, it’s all yours..” she said, slowly moving to touch him.

” It’s very milky in there. This is a chance, Liam. Have them full. Ugh!”

Liam almost lost his senses and he quickly pushed her to the wall and covered her lips from saying any more words.

” I can’t stand to hear you speak this nonsense!. What has gotten into you.”

She dragged his hands off her lip and glared at him.

” My love for you is what has gotten into me, Liam. I love you and I’ve been stupidly scared to tell you!” She yelled and calmed off biting her lower lip.

” You have been my dream man. Everything i wanted, you owned it. The Perfect body, the $educing voice, the wealth, popularity….There was nothing else i could ask for than for you to love me in return.”

She took his jacket and pinned her chest in his, looking into his bright hazel eyes.

” Please bluebell. Just give us a chance. Give me a chance.” She said.

Liam palmed the wall and all he wanted to do was roll on the floor and never stop laughing.

This little teenager was quite hilarious. She was only ninteen going twenty soon and she’s already asking for a chance.

” You are very brave girl, i must say.” Liam said and peeled her hands off his coat.

” I am not interested with women. They suck and will continue to be that way towards me” He said.

” Seriously?!” Michelle yelled.

” Get out from office or i might change my mind again.” He warned

She grabbed his jacket roughly and leaned up to kss him by all means.

She wanted to have a taste of those vrgn lips of his at all cost.

A resounding sI.ap got to her cheeks and Mitchell ears got hypnotised to hear nothing for some minute.

It sent shiver down her spine and all she did was gap at him.

Picked For You:  HIS WEAK SURROGATE : CHAPTER 41 – 50

” You sI.apped me…?”

” And I’ll love to do it one time again.” He said and out of anger, he pulled her out of his office.

She stepped out of his office and Liam slammed the door against her.

She laughed and dropped her hand off her cheeks.

” Oh. I love this. Playing hard to get huh?. No worries, i got the right trick for ya.” She laughed and rubbed her swollen cheeks again.



Ray was sitting infront of Emperor’s table as the man smoked on a cigarette.

He placed the voice recorder on the table as Liam voice reminisced out from the background.

When the recording stopped, Emperor shifted his gaze to ray. Emperor is a young mafia man with an incredible long hair and deep set eyes.

He was the CEO of the Big Bag designs.

He is presumed as Liam’s worst enemy. And ray was his personal assistant.

” This is all he said?” He asked, scratching his chin.

” Fairly.” Ray replied, folding his hands.

” This kid is crossing his boundaries. He doesn’t want to surrender his company to us and he doesn’t know which mafia he’s messing with.” Emperor said.

” He is soon to know, by the time he get the taste of de.ath.” Ray grinned inwardly.

” I know the easiest way to get him.” Ray said and brought up a picture of a girl on his phone.

” This is one of his assistant. She follows him everywhere and she knows every place he keeps his private things or documents.” He said and Emperor looked at the stunning young ady in the picture.

” She looks familiar.”

” Perhaps. I don’t really know her name. I’ve been following her around for long now.” He said.

” How do we use her then?” Emperor asked, knotting his brows together.

” She’s a tough girl herself. I’ll get to date her for some time and maybe when we get very close, I’ll just get some undercover information about Liam from her and we can get her to attack him from there.”

” Dmn…that’s a plan!” Emperor exclaimed.

” I told you it would be easy for us.” He said and Emperor leaned closer.

” Let the plan begin much earlier and effective…you know…before Liam start to act as well”

” Sure. Trust me.” He grinned and stared at Mitchell’s picture again.



Liam was at the cafeteria, cruching on some chips at the same time, busy with his laptop again.

Mitchell came by and held her waist like a detective. She closed up the laptop making Liam reach his gaze at her.

” You again?” He asked, raising his brows in suspicion.

” Yes. Me again.” She said.

She sat down and heaved a sigh.

” Liam. I really want to apologise for what happened in your office. I was really out of mind and crazy…for doing such.”

” Your apologies can’t stop me from being hurt.” He said.

” Well then. I don’t possibly need to apologise.” She snorted and stretched out her hands, picking from his meals.

” Have it all.” He pushed the plate towards her side and she laughed, covering her lips.

” I didn’t say i was hungry. Anyways thanks for the meal, bluebell.”

” Don’t ever call me that!” Liam shot her a straight gaze. She poked out her tongue.

” Ugly…BLue..BEll..” she stretched and liam packed up his stuff trying to leave in annoyance.

His anger doubled because she actually called him ugly. No one has ever spared their lives to call him ugly, but this round cheeks girl did.

She held his wrist stopping him from going.

” Before you start boiling in your ears, i need to tell you something before you leave.” She said and liam was forced to sit back, maintaining his cool.

” Hey. I need somewhere to hide from someone.”

” Go hide in a cave.” He spat.

” No actually. I’m being seriously being hunted by my Ex and he wants to kll me. I’ve been avoiding him for weeks but sometimes i feel like he’s following me around” She said.

Liam saw the seriousness in her eyes and he could tell that she was probably saying the truth.

” So. What am i suppose to do in this case?” He shrugged.

She swallowed and leaned closer to him.

” He threatened me in a video call earlier this morning and I’m scared of returning home. i need somewhere to hide tonight. ”

” Go lodge in an hotel.” He told her.

” He’s everywhere!” She said and held his wrist, prodding a pleading eyes at him.

” Please liam. I need to stay in your home for the night.”

” That’s a BIG No.” Liam said standing on his feet.

” I’m saying this not because i have some other plans aside this. I’m sure I’d feel safe and secured in your home than any other places.” She said and Liam looked at her bluntly.

” Show me this your boyfriend hunting you down.” He said and Mitchell quickly brought out the phone.

She showed him his pics.

” This is him. His name is Richard. Do you by chance know him?”

” Not at all.” Liam said, standing to his feet.

” I might not be available tomorrow. Perhaps, the guy hunting me would have gotten away with it if I decide to go home tonight” She said and sighed.

Liam sighed and picked up his drink, gulping down the rest of the drink.

” Richard is deadly?” He asked.

” Perhaps.” She replied.

” Fine. I’ll just look for a place to keep you.” He lazily said and Mitchell happily runned over him like an attached butterfly

” Oh thank goodness. Thank you in bunch!.” She said, hugging him.


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