



By Melody


May was still in Liam’s limo as they drove smoothly towards his office.

She was still hugging his arm tightly and Liam got really confused. She was scared, danger was approaching.

He wondered when on earth his wife began to perceive something.

He gave a rough sigh and patted his dear May’s head gently, kssing it as well

” Don’t worry. All is well.” He kept whispering to her till the end of the ride.

When they came off the Limo, May was as excited as a touched bunny. Anyone who could see her would testify the level of her happiness.

First, she thought there was danger at the door but there wasn’t and secondly, she couldn’t wait to explore inside Liam’s company’s.

She held his arm protectively, like she wouldn’t let any other person drag him away from her.

Liam was talking to some important people and May used the opportunity to glance around.

Liam’s office was precisely as good as Emperor. When he was done communicating, she held his arm possessive.

” Let’s go now, Liam. I’m so curious!.” She jumped, making her long brown hair dance on her shoulder.

” Fine. Fine. Let’s go in before you eat up my ribs.” He said and picked her towards the elevator.

He pulled her in and got in as well.

” Oh. It’s so cold in here.” She said, hugging herself even tho she was wearing a thick coat and neck scarf.

” You are cold?” Liam walked towards her and she slowly nodded, resting her head on the elevator wall as she stared up at his tall, fine figure.

Liam palmed the wall with both hands and leaned to stare at his lovely wife’s eye.

” Should I make you twice warm?” He asked and she nervously looked down, getting hot on her cheeks already.

She began to think how he would make her twice warm. She wondered if there was a Thermostat here as well or he’d just perform magic.

Liam picked her chin.

” You don’t wanna talk, Sweet. I’ll take your silence as a yes.” He said and leaned in a good position, placing his lip on her sweetly.

He kssed her with so much gentleness and love and May fell her hands, letting him take control of her.

He grabbed her cheeks and deepened the kss, closing his eyes passionately. May could feel her heart beat wildly in her chest.

Suddenly, The elevator made a stop and they were still kssing hard.

It opened up and some staffs tried to walk into the elevator, but the view of the couples stopped them.

” Good morning…

” Good morning boss..” They chattered with greeting and Liam didn’t reply them.

Yet, he increased the tension of the kss.

When the elevator was about closing back up, He used the back of his feet to hold it up before breaking the kss.

” How do you feel now?” He asked with a smile. May felt nervous to reply. The kss caught her off guard and she was rendered a blank head.

” S…super….Warm.” She quickly replied.

He gave a hint of smile and pulled her out of towards his office with all the staffs staring at them.

” That’s his wife?”

” You are new here. How’d you know”

” I never knew boss had a wife.”

” Woah. She’s so beautiful. I love her hair and her smile.”

” I love the way they both matched. Boss is really lucky.”

They chattered delightfully until the elevator stopped and they all departed to their various office.

Liam took May straight to his office first. He made her sit on his private chair.

” I want to go check on something. I’ll be back.” He said, before excusing himself.

May stood up and began to walk around the large office. It was has large as two combined large rooms.

She was scared of touching even a single item to avoid trouble from Liam. She only stared and woahed at it.

Suddenly, May heard car’s tripping into the company’s compound.

She rushed to the window and rested on the deck. She met a man leaving his car wearing a black suit.

She couldn’t recognise the person but she knew the person was from the top class.

She stepped back, thinking perhaps it was Liam’s brand costumers as usual

She sat back on the swivel chair and waited patiently for Liam to return back. She had started to feel bored without him with her

The door suddenly got opened and May flew out of chair, thinking it was Liam.

” May?” Emperor stepped in with a fine fragrance filling the air the atmosphere.

Picked For You:  RUDE MR POPULAR: Episode 11-20

” Um..Emperor.” She called. Seeing him here with her alone felt like air was choking into her silently.

He walked into the office while pocketing his hands. He was still looking as gorgeous as ever with his long hair and thin sharp jaw.

” So you finally came to Mr Liam’s office?” He asked with a charming smile that always left May’s leg trembling.

” He brought me here.” She simply replied.

” And where is he?” He asked, stopping to stare at her.

” He told me he wanted to go check on something. ” She replied with a one sided heart.

” It’s been just two days since you left me but it feels like two years.” He laughed and May managed to smile, faking it.

” And your husband…” He stopped in front of her and May couldn’t step back. She had no way to run to.

” May. Why would you?” He asked, thinning his eyes at her. May looked at him with all the innocence of the world.

” After all my kind treatment, After everything I did for you while your husband was running nuts, You still chose him over me.” He said and swallowed in a tough sigh.

” I Chose him because it was easier for me to remain with him since we are married and secondly, he accepted to change.” She said boldly.

” Woah. Really?. Did you trust Liam that so well?” He asked and brought out his phone.

” Just Hear this.” He said and played a voice note on his phone

” What’s my business about that. I just accepted her all because I don’t want her for you. That’s all. Not for anything else!” He pressed his thumb on the screen, stopping it.

May knew that was Liam’s voice and yes, he said it all. But she was wondering why he wanted her to hear it.

” I believe he said that cus I know that’s clearly his voice. But I won’t believe you until I start to see changes in his behaviour towards me.” She said and Emperor shaked his head.

” Too late. I can’t force you to do what you don’t want to do.” He said and palmed the table, moving close to her.

” It’s better you change your mind now or there won’t be room for that later.” He said and the door flung open.

Liam walked in with an aggressive expression.

” Do you wanna break the door?” Emperor asked, leaning away from the table.

” When did you arrive here?” Liam stepped in, ignoring his first question.

” You want me to answer that question in my right sense huh?” Emperor asked and Liam frowned.

” May . Excuse us.” He said and May quickly hopped out of the office. The moment she left, fire blazed on each of them eyes.

Liam turned to look at Emperor and Emperor didn’t stare at him in a relaxed way.

” What did you come here to do?. I hope its not to come and spy on us.” He said and Emperor chuckled lightly.

” I didn’t come to spy on anyone. I came to settle the dispute once-and-over.” He said and Liam bit his lip to avoid laughing.

” You?. Settle a dispute?. I’m not dreaming, Am I?” He asked and Emperor snapped his fingers.

” I don’t think we should fight anymore. We should be good boys from now on.” He started to speak in mimicry.

” Yeah. Good boys indeed.” Liam smirked, pocketing his hands.

Emperor leaned forward.

” About May.. ” He said and Liam gaze darkened.

” I don’t want to hear anything about her please.” He said and Emperor coughed.

” Fine. I won’t bother to talk as well. As you know already, I only came to settle a dispute, but we don’t look ready” He said

” Tell me the Actual reason for your visit Emperor. I know you only visit when you wish to carry out your satanic plan.” He said quoting his fingers in the air.

Emperor throated a chuckle.

” My main reason for coming here will be accomplished later on. For now, have a nice day at work.” Emperor smiled and left the office with security guards escorting him.

May stepped back into the office and looked at Liam’s calm face.

” What happened between the two of you?. I didn’t heard much noise” She said, sitting close to him and he smirked.

” Don’t worry, May. Believe me, Everything will be fine.” He smiled and took her out of his office.


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