Mazi Mbakwe has been making conscious and intentional efforts towards his spiritual growth, ever since Kingsley had done his part in leading Mazi to Christ.
Being an herbalist before, he didn’t find it difficult to believe the great acts of God as he read through the Bible presented to him as a gift from K.
It was the midnight hour as he had just finished reading his Bible.
He prayed the much he could and then went to bed.
“You think you can eat your cake and have it you mortal? It’s not possible!” Hamen who had appeared in his sleep shortly after retiring to bed, said.
“It wasn’t my intention to leave, I was called.”
“Called? Where was the caller she you were coming to us for helped and power?! Where exactly was this caller of yours when your heart and human feelings disappeared, automatically converting you to a heartless human? Where was He when….”
“And where were you when I picked the wrong fellow, whose glory I had wanted to replace with my son’s?” Mazi retorted. You could tell he was beginning to lose it.
“Where were you when I lost my power of sight and had barely few days to live? Just where were you???” He retorted as Hamen stood shocked at his reaction.
“I can see you have grown wings. To have the guts to talk back at me and interrupt my speech, you really have grown wings.
However let me tell you this: you will never get away with this, never!”
“I have already gotten away with it, because you are completely powerless over me. Your powers and authority is useless on me”
“Oh you car be too sure. I may be powerless over you, but I have fill right and power over the one you love the most.” Hamen said and laughed mockingly on seeing a thin expression of fright on Mazi’s face.
“You wouldn’t dare harm him.”
“Hmmm… that supposed to be a challenge? I do love challenges, you know.” Hamen said and was about leaving when Mazi warned sternly
“Don’t you try to lay your hands on my son!”
“And why is that? I have full right and authority over him, remember? You used your very hands to dedicate him to us, so you have no one to blame but yourself if anything happens to him.” The ruler said and with that disappeared as Mazi woke up simultaneously.
“Please rescue me from this problem, Supreme one.” He prayed silently.
Favour’s mom, Mrs. Desmond, decide to take a sock leave on Friday as the recent happenings in her home was beginning to tell on her body.
Because she was bored at home, she resolved to watch TV since there was no light.
Switching from station to station, she decided to settle at her favorite godly channel.
As at the time she tuned in, a sermon was going on.
“The idol in your heart” the Pastor said.
“In Ezekiel chapter 14, we start from verse 1 through to 8.” He said as the congregation opened to the passage. Mrs ??? also felt the urge to actively participate so she went inside to get her Bible and joined the congregation.
“In this passage, we see that the children of Israel went to the prophet to ask for help; but they did so with an idol in their heart. That explained why they haven’t been receiving anything tangible from the Lord.
Now what is an idol? How do we know if we have an idol in our hearts? What are the consequences of not removing these idols? All these are what we’re going to learn from the Holy Spirit today, after which we pray.” The Pastor said as Mrs ??? readjusted in full concentration.
The topic alone had gained her attention.
“An idol is anything you place above God. It is what you derive pleasure in doing in place of God.
How do you know you have an idol in your heart?” The Pastor said and paused for a while.
“Exactly what I’ve been waiting for” Mrs Desmond soliloquized.
“When your work replaces your relationship with God, there is an idol in your heart. That work is the idol.
When your relationship with your spouse, family, swallows up what you have with God, there’s an idol in your heart.
Now don’t get me wrong; you’re to maintain good relationships with your wife/husband and family, but when you set family meetings at the time you’re meant to be praying or observing your quiet time, it’ll definitely ki.ll your prayer life and intimacy with time and your family becomes an idol.
Family is important, but priorities have to be set right.
God comes first, then others follow. When you focus on God, all other things fall in place.
The reason you’re holding that meeting may be because of one problem or the other which wouldn’t have surfaced if you took God serious and made Him an important consultant in your life.
Family is important, don’t get me wrong; the meetings are important too for bonding and improvements, but you must set your priorities right.
Your quiet time should be your quiet time no matter what happens, no matter how serious a distraction is demanding your attention; you shouldn’t joke with it.”. The pastor on screen preached a s Mrs. Desmond reflected on her life.
She knew she was guilty in one of the things mentioned in the sermon.
“My work has been my idol for a while now” she thought to herself.
“It explains why all these are happening in my family without my consent and without being forewarned.
“The worst is you haven’t been heeding to my calls.” A voice within said; she knew it was the Holy Spirit.
“Not heeding to your calls? When? Lord, I don’t even remember you giving me an instruction I didn’t obey.” Favour’s mom responded.
“Is that so?” The voice responded as her memory immediately flashed back to two major events where her spirit was drawn to Rom. 8:28 twice.
She also recalled reading the same verse and her husband suggested that perhaps God wants them to seek His face and ask Him what step to take since He has permitted Frank to be in their lives according to what they had read in the passage, but she waved it off, saying it’s not possible God brought a confused man as Frank for a purpose.
“Ohh….I didn’t know it was you speaking.” Mrs. Desmond said as she flashed back to the two incidences that occured not too long ago.
“I know. You can no longer detect when I’m speaking because you barely have a steady time for me, your thoughts and imagination has always been so busy and clouded with the idol in your heart.” The voice responded.
No one needed to tell her He was talking about her present job. She had been on fire for God, to the extent that nothing happened in her home without her pre-knowledge of it, until she got her desired breakthrough- a promotion in her career, which she wouldn’t have ordinary received as her boss had turned himself to her enemy.
Ever since she received her breakthrough, she had been extremely busy with it, to at least maintain her position. Thus, she practically had no steady time for her spiritual life as before.
“I’m sorry Lord.” She mumbled remorsefully.
“Funny enough, that’s not the painful part. The disappointing aspect is the abandoned project I single-handedly entrusted to your care.”
“Project? What project?” She asked with a confusing look.
“You mean you don’t know.” The voice responded as her brain did the work of refreshing her memories.
“Favor.” She said with a gasp as she recalled the divine circumstances surrounding her birth.
“God? What have I done?! I placed my work as the topmidt priority of my life, at the expenses of my spiritual duties and assignments.” She soliloquized remorsefully in low tones.
“I’m so sorry, Lord.” She said on her knees.
“Please Lord, I’m truly sorry. I know I’m not indispensable and can be replaced if I don’t take your business serious. Worse still, I could be replaced with stones! But Lord, I’m sorry. I’ve realized my mistakes, I’m back to my senses now.
Please give me a second chance and if turn a new leaf.” She said with a mixed feeling of fear and deep remorse.
She had both heared and watched Christian movies where people with bright destinies were replaced unexpectedly as a result of carelessness and misplacement of priorities. She hadn’t wanted that to be her case.
“Please Lord, I’m sorry for getting close to you for what I would gain and thereafter disappeared after receiving my long awaited miracle. Please Lord, I’m so sorry.” She kept pleading in sincere tears.
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