




“Lord, I have done as you asked? What next?” Mrs. Desmond asked in prayers.

“Return to your place of work.”

“My place of…..but I just…”

“The assignment I gave to you, I mean. Your purpose.” The inner voice gently corrected as she immediately got the message.

“I surrender totally to you Lord. Who is it you want me to intercede for this time? Who’s in danger?”

“Your daughter.”

“Good day Sir, I hear you’d like to see me.” A pastor spoke to Mazi. Mbakwe in his office as he offered him a seat.

“Yes. I asked to see you, and it’s about an important and sensitive topic.” He responded.

“Okay Sir. Forgive my manners l, please; I am Pastor Mike, the pastor I’m charge of this branch be the grace of God.”

“Nice to meet you, Pastor. I’m Mbakwe, a new member of your church.” Mazi responded, as they shook hands like gentlemen.

“Without wasting much of your time Pastor, let me go straight to why I came looking for you.” Mazi said with a serious tone as the pastor eagerly listened with rapt attention.

“I’m her to ask questions based on salvation. Apart from being a new member of your church, I’m a new convert as well but my salvation experience has not been palatable.”


Mazi’s POV

I noticed the said pastor had given me his undivided attention and sighed.

Honestly, this isn’t me- I’m about revealing a part of my life to him which I ordinarily would not if not that I really need help to be free from this torment my former boss, Hamen, is trying to oppress me with.

I know he’s leveraging on my ignorance, which is one of our most effective weapon, so I need to be freed by the knowledge of the truth which would serve as a light at the end of this thick tunnel of darkness I’m into.

“Go on Sir, I’m listening.” I heard him say, his voice shutting me out of my world of thoughts.

How do I start? What should and shouldn’t I reveal about myself to this young Mazi sitting in front of me? I carefully made my research before coming here and realized this was the only living church around.

I had to go out of my way and locate this church because those close to me were dead.
You don’t need to ask how I know this.
I’m a former herbalist, I can correctly distinguish the true from the false, the dead from the living.

” I need answers on questions pertaining to salvation.
If one had once been a chronic sinner before having an encounter with the Supreme…..I mean with God, would his past still have a legal hold on him to taunt him?” I asked. I knew the answer to this particular question, but I wanted to test his level of knowledge concerning these things.

“Yes Sir.” He responded without hesitation.


“Yes Sir. There are two things I have to make clear to you about salvation. The first is that salvation doesn’t erase the punishment or repercussion of your sins; because the Bible says ‘your sins would find you out’.”


“The second point I’d like to note is that salvation doesn’t erase your battles, it only makes you gain access to the weapons of God to use in fighting your battles and emerging victorious.”

“Hmmm…..” Was all I could say as I listened attentively.

“What those points mean is that if you’ve happened to kill someone before you repented and have given your life to Christ, the blood of such person is still obliged to cry against you especially when you’re about making progress; because the blood has a voice.”

“Hm….he’s quite knowledgeable.” I thought to myself as he continued.

“It is at this point that your privilege as a believer comes in.
You can silence such voices speaking against you using the blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel – the blood of Jesus Christ.” He said and paused as I nodded to indicate I was following.

“Do you understand now, Sir? Or should I explain further?” He asked.

“No, I understand perfectly, thank you.”

“Do you have any more questions?”

“No, I don’t.” I responded, mentally ready to take my leave.

I had just made my confirmations that he has an understanding of deep things, but I still need time to reveal my past to anyone.

“If you say so then. Sir, let me use this golden opportunity to invite you to our weekly programmes.” He said as she began stating the days in the week their various programmes held.

“As long as it promises to enlighten me more on salvation, no problem.” I said casually.

“Okay Sir. Thank you very much for coming, and I look forward to seeing you here more often.” He said as I responded casually and then left his office.

Picked For You:  PSYCHÓ B£AUTY : CHAPTER 11 – 20

David could be seen reading a book based on increasing his faith in God and how this can hasten the possession of his desired breakthrough.

He was reading his Bible one day, when he came across Luke 17:5 and that verse kept ringing in his heart.

“O Lord increase my faith? What should that mean?” He asked himself and it seemed something in him responded that he needed his faith increased in order to possess his desired breakthrough.

Ever since he received that insight, he became praying for his faith to be increased, and also read books to achieve this aim.

Kingsley has been in deep thoughts for some days now, concerning an insight he received not long ago while he prayed for his promised next level.

“Deep calleth unto deep. What does that mean?” He said, recalling a Bible passage given to him not too long ago.

“I’m really trying my best to understand my God and how He works, but I seem not to be able to comprehend it.
First it was a dream about a soul needed to be saved, one to whom was next level was tied to his salvation.

Next it was me thinking this next level was marriage, to the point I based my thoughts on it.
Then it turned out to be I was limiting Him from what He really had in mind to do and I asked for forgiveness.

Now I’m given a puzzle-like scripture in response to my prayers for Him to have His way, and I’ve been racking my brain to understand.

Omooooooo, His ways and thoughts are really higher than ours.” K said with a ‘give up’ attitude.

“Son, the level I have prepared for you is deep and requires deep decisions as well. So you need to be deep enough to successfully understand and handle your next level.” K heard within when he grew quiet.

“Deep? Deep in my relationship with God! Yes, that’s it! Oh thank you Jesus for getting me out of my confused state.” He said, happy he finally knew what Ps. 42:7 meant for him.

“I need to get deep with God for Him to show me deep secrets about my future, and how to overcome the challenges I’d face.” He said and with that understood that his wife, wherever she was, had to be a deep person as well.

Mrs. Desmond couldn’t believe her eyes. The few revelations she had received from God these past few days concerning her daughter had been overwhelming.

His plan was to use her daughter Favour to save a soul, while she’s to stand in as a strong backup because the need for one would surely arise.

Though she had accepted to do His will, she still had questions concerning His plans.

She really wanted to know why God would let her daughter qualify for what she termed “a dangerous mission”.
She would’ve preferred to go instead.

“Lord, why did you send her? Why not me?” She summoned the courage to ask one day in prayers.

“While you were busy worshipping the idol in your heart, I was in search for someone from your family to go on this assignment for me.
She got qualified because she had learned from you to always put me first before any other thing, and was practicing it well to the best of her knowledge.” An inner voice replied her as she bowed in shame, hoping she had not been replaced with her own daughter.

She knew He was right in every way, because even at that very moment, she still nursed regret in her heart for asking for a leave when a juicy opportunity was around the corner.

“Haven’t you read in my word that I’d make use of foolish things to confound the wise and that babes shall rule?

Also, don’t forget she’s a special child as I revealed that to you even before her birth, so you don’t expect her life to be ordinary.” He said further to the downcast woman.

“Why is your countenance fallen? I tried calling you for this assignment through your husband when he advised you to pray for a fresh directions from me, but you were too occupied and your heart too distracted to listen and detect it was me speaking and not Him.

You’re still needed in this mission, but as secondary.”

“Hmmm…..I’m so sorry for being too busy for you, Lord. As for your plans, let your will be done.” She finally responded.


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