




“Uhmmmm…..sweetheart, you should be taking your rest inside, what are you doing here?” Emma’s dad asked on approaching her.

“Oh yeah. But it’s super boring because there’s no light, so I came to call Emma to put on the generator for me, only to come here and meet the confused expression on your faces.”

“So you haven’t been here for long?” Mr. George asked.

“No, not at all.” She said, her response making the duo feel at ease within.
George offered to follow her inside but she declined politely.

“It was obvious I was interrupting something, so I’d just let you have your spaces to continue your ‘men discussion’.” She said and was about leaving but paused in her tracks.

“Emma please I want light in the house in ten minutes. This mansion is so boring without it; and my baby is not around.” She said.

“Yes ma’am. I’d tell Rufus to do that in no time.” Emma responded as she nodded and left.

“Do you think she heard much?” Emma’s dad asked nervously.

“I don’t know. I mean she said she didn’t hear a thing so…..she didn’t.” Emma responded but his dad was still skeptical about it.

“Sooner or later, it’ll all be exposed.” He thought to himself.

Mrs. Folawe got to her room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

“Oh God!!!” She screamed into her pillow, overwhelmed at what she heard not too long ago. Yes, she heard everything, but didn’t think it wise to let them know.

“God, why would you let evil befall me? Where were you when I was settling down with this…..this…..” She said and welt bitterly as words began failing her.

“How could you sit down and watch my life turn from bitter to sweet, Lord? How could you watch the life of your own daughter become miserable, yet you did nothing about it?” She whimpered as she sobbed silently, how beautiful and promising her life was as a spinster.

“I was a church goer. I followed my parents to church every damn Sunday and there wasn’t a week that passed by without us attending weekly services. I did all of that at my inconvenience just so you’d be happy with me and this is how you repay me?” She soliloquized, having a huge urge to begin throwing tantrums buh exercises self control.

“I practically married a man that killed everything that made me me and left me miserable. My vision of being someone in life is literally gone.
Had I known, I wouldn’t have gone into this marriage. I just…..” She thought aloud regretfully as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

All along, her husband had been by the door, listening to her audible lamentations.
The mere fact that she regretted marrying him broke his heart.

He blamed himself for making her feel that way.
His greed had birthed hatred and regret from his wife.
If only he had been contented with what they had and the little income they were making years back, she definitely would be feeling this way or saying these heart broken words.

He recalled when they newly wedded.
She was jovial, kind, simple and always smiling.

She loved agriculture and made use of the little farm behind their little apartment after several attempted to apply for a good job failed.

Prosperity smiled on her and she became successful in her business.

The market women she knew and had befriended, preferred her agricultural products to others.

She made enough money to take care of the domestic needs of the house.

George on the other hand, wasn’t a fan of self-employment but gave his wife his full support, especially when she began making profit from it after a year of toiling.

Things however turned sour for him when she began telling him of how she wanted to expand and have a farm of her own as the one at the backyard wasn’t enough to meet up with the demands anymore.

At that point, he felt incompetent and less of a man.
He wished he could provide, but hadn’t enough money to do so.

The office where he worked wasn’t one with a good pay at all.

Though he was happy for her success, he wasn’t too happy she was doing better than him.

When he couldn’t bear it anymore, he discussed his plight with his friend Douglas who was doing well where he worked.

The result of the discussion he held with his friend that is what has landed him into the mess he has found himself.

“I’m sorry.” He said at the door devasted as memories kept crossing his mind.

If only he had been content, none of these would’ve been happening.

Rachel felt someone was at the door and reached for it.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, trying to maintain a steady voice and avoiding eye contact.

“I heard everything, Rachel.
You probable hate me right now but please, hear me out.
Honestly it… wasn’t intentional.” He said to his sniffing wife who said not a word.

“Rachel please I beg you, allow me explain myself.” He pleaded and held the door she was trying to shut.

After staring at him for a short while, she left the door to seat on the bed.
George came in immediately and wasted no time I’m apologising.

“Rachel to be honest, this is not how I planned life with you to be. I really love you from the depth of my heart but my actions since our marriage have proved the direct opposite.

I was to an extent, threatened by your success and that’s why I……”

“You asked me to quit what I loved doing because it was making you inferior. That wasn’t intentional, right?” Rachel cut in sharply.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…….”

“You didn’t mean to what? I don’t blame you for ruining my life George, I don’t! The blame’s on me because I should’ve known better.

If I had known, I wouldn’t have……….” She kept quiet, knowing the next set of words wouldn’t go down well with him.

Picked For You:  UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 191 - 200

“Rachel I’m sincerely sorry; the blame’s on me….I should’ve known better.

I don’t even know whether to blame the devil or Douglas for initiating me into something I didn’t know and fully understand then.

Please dear, I’m truly sorry.” George pleaded once more.

“Ah God! What kind of a man did I end up with?
Just where did I get it wrong, where?” Rachel lamented regrettably.

Mrs. Desmond sat up in the middle of the night, fully awake. She reached out for her phone to check what the time was.

“2am.” She muttered to herself as she forces herself off the bed.

She quietly went to the bathroom to wash her face before praying.

As soon as she was done with prayers, it was past 3am. She read her Bible for a while and then retired to bed.

All these she did quietly in order not to disturb her partner’s sleep.

When sleep didn’t come immediately, she thought of everything that has been going on, as well as her relationship with God

Truth be told, she was disappointed in herself for not availing herself for her creator when He needed her the most.

Giving a young girl such a huge assignment in place of her, made her feel replaced even though she had been told that wasn’t the case.

“Well, at least I wasn’t replaced with stones.” She said in a bid to comfort herself.

“The enemy shall not prevail.” She said conclusively, promising herself to maintain her lane and never let jealousy set in, as it was obvious that’d be the next emotion to crop up.

“Wow, wow, wow! The past few weeks have been just wow!” Rose squirled in excitement, joyfully pacing around her room.

Early that morning, she sat down with her jotter to write down any insight receive from God for the day, and ended up writing up to three pages!

It’s been two and a half months since Linda had a conversation with her about the “purpose before marriage” principle, and since then had been making progress in that line as she took her friend’s advice serious and began praying for directions without wasting time, and has been receiving answers for the past three weeks now.

“Oh wow. I’m beginning to love my life again! OMG!” She kept saying as she childishly ran around her new apartment she recently parked into not too long ago.

“God is good!” Rose said as she laid on her bed in smiles, recalling how her past weeks have been.

She has a skill she had been learning for sometime now, and it was one she had developed a special kind of interest in.
She really didn’t have any plan for it per say, not until she started receiving insights on how far such talent could take her.

It happened that whenever she prayed about discovering her purpose as advised by her friend.

During her little scout for purpose discovery, her thoughts always went back to her talent- tailoring.

Furthermore, she was given Ex. 4:2 as a confirmation, as her spirit led her to the chapter over and over again, concentrating on the particular verse.

At first she didn’t understand the passage, not until a few weeks later when it seemed as if someone sat her down to explain things to her.

“When God asked Moses, ‘what is that in thine hand’, his response was ‘A rod’, and it was that rod God used to announce him to the universe.

You need to pray to find your own rod through which God would use to announce you to the universe.” The voice explained that day, and had been pondering on the explanation ever since.

“What is my rod? O Lord, show me my rod.” She began to pray.

Answers didn’t seem to be forthcoming until weeks later when an event happened on two occasions which note of.

One of her customers whon she had just finished tailoring her clothes for was excited about the designs of the clothe and it’s timely readiness.

“You’re my best tailor in town o….you should even go international sef, you’re soooo good at this.” Her customer said with gladness, and thereafter left.

Sure she had received such compliments before, but hadn’t really taken them to heart or seen them as anything serious until somehow, something in her began making her take note of these.

After another customer had made the same compliment that same week, she smiled and heard within her.

“This is it. This is your rod.” The voice said.

The thought of God being gracious enough to hear her prayers and solve the puzzle of her heart, got her overwhelmed with joy. She it was God who opened her eyes to his talent of hers because left to, it was just a skill she practiced as a side hustle, to make ends meet.

“I can’t believe that by this time 6 months ago, I was sulking and felt my world had ended because of a failed relationship.” She soliloquized in smiles as memories flashed through her mind.

“All things really work together for the good of them that love the Lord. I’m grateful God loves me, to the extent of forcefully placing me back on track.

At that time it was so inconvenient, but it was all for my good.
All for my good!” She said as she giggled a little. The thought of having something to keep her busy excited her greatly.

The journey of purpose discovery was more than enough to distract her from any unfriutfull relationships as she knew the discovery of her talent was just the start of the journey.

She would have to pray for helpers and open doors concerning the work of her hands.

“This journey would be so exciting!”


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