Esther woke up with smiles on her face.
She jumped out of her bed in excitement, feeling energetic and ready to face the day.
On coming out of her bathroom, she hummed some love songs as she caressed her body with her favourite cream.
“Sis, this one you’re in a happy mood, did you win a lottery?” Her sister who noticed her unusual mood, asked.
“No, but my sister’s name is Happiness. Don’t you think I deserve to be happy at all times?” She teased.
“Lol….everyone deserves happiness sis. But it’s quite unusual of you to be singing a love song early this morning.
The way you jumped out of bed sef, it was so dramatic and…..or wait o.
Don’t tell me…..” Happiness said as she gave Esther a knowing smile.
“What? What’s behind this smile of yours?” Esther asked.
“Wait….sis….tell me the truth ehn….don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody.” She said as she kept giggling in between.
“Happiness what is it na. Can’t someone be happy again ni, ah ah. Nawa o” Esther said as she clapped her hands in a dramatic way.
“Are you in love?” She asked suddenly.
“Huh? Is who in love?”
“Don’t play games with me joor.”
“Hey sis, easy. Me I don’t get where you’re driving at o.” Esther said. Happiness knew her sister too well. It was obvious she wasn’t telling her the truth.
“Tell me na, I want to know the special person that is making you feel happy this morning.” Happiness pressed on as Esther smiled.
It’s been three weeks since Esther and Kingsley exchanged contacts, and they’ve been talking since then.
In a short while, she had grown to like him.
Esther wasn’t a church person, but became regular at church to use that as an opportunity to see K.
Jane became surprised at this sudden change as she had tried persuading her to be regular in her church since she wasn’t worshipping at any, all to no avail.
Esther would make sure she talked to Kingsley before going home each Sunday, while Jane would be busy with meetings upon meetings.
All these while, she told no one about him, not even her sister.
“Sis, you’re not saying anything.” Happiness said, bringing the smiling Esther back to reality.
“Well….. I don’t know how to start.” Esther said as she faced her sis who was eager to hear whatever story she had for her.
“You remember the guy in my department I told you I had a crush on, but never got the opportunity to talk to? That I met again recently at the bank and returned his ATM card he almost lost, but he didn’t recognize me ……”
“Yeah…….I remember.” Happiness cut in.
“You said you wished you had an opportunity to get his number then.”
“Exactly! Guess what? I saw him again at Jane’s church.”
“Oh really? So what happened?”
“Well, we bumped into each other and I used that opportunity to get his digits.” Esther said.
“Hmmm….. that’s meant to be a guy’s move, but nothing spoil. So what happened next?”
“Well, we’ve been talking since then and sis, I really like this guy. I thought the crush had died since we’re out of school but I just realized it’s still there.
Like….apart from him being handsome, he’s so cool and….I don’t know, he’s just……”
“Lol…don’t tell me he’s the one making you lose your speech like this. Oh wow, wow, wow, wow.
I’m happy for you girl, that’s if he feels the same way about you though. I don’t want any more ‘it ended in tears’ stories.” Happiness said.
“Oh come on, don’t be so negative.
He likes me as well.”
“Really? How did you know that?”
“I don’t know, I just know it.”
“Okay o. I’ve heard you. Let me quickly go and bath. I’m late for lectures already.” Happiness said and with that left her smiley sis.
“Been waiting for you.” Mr. Desmond said in smiles as soon as wife walked in. She had just finished with the kids.
“I know, right? I’m glad the kids are independent now, so I just went to check up on them and nothing more.” Mrs. Desmond said as she laid beside her husband.
“I’m glad the kids are independent now, at least I can have my wife to myself.” Mr. Desmond said with a wink, causing Mrs. Desmond to laugh out loud.
“This my husband, aren’t we too old for that.” She said in-between laughs.
“Age is just a number dear.” He responded with a smile.
“Even after two kids?”
“Who cares? So far you’re still attractive to me, there’s no big deal.”
“Speaking of kids, did Favour told you what transpired in school today?” Mrs. Desmond asked, changing the topic.
“Yeah, she told me. I was grateful to God nothing happened to her. It could be the reason you were convinced to concentrate more on your family, you know. Because who knows, a strange stomach pain could land he in a hospital and drain our finances..” He responded.
“Yeah that’s true.”
“You haven’t told me your own side of the story. Did you feel anything? I’m sure you prayed but gist me, what exactly happened?” He asked as she narrated everything to him.
“Hmm… God is really an intentional creator and faithful too.” He said as she smiled.
Though she was glad she was receptive and obedient to the impression laid in her spirit, a part of her was bothered about something.
While praying, she had noticed she didn’t receive any insight on what exactly had transpired in the spirit, which was quite unusual as she usually did see what went on as she prayed.
She knew she had lost that grace as a result of her lukewarmness, and resolved to intensity her prayers to get it back.
“……on such a young girl?” She heard her husband say, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“What?” She asked. She didn’t hear the whole sentence.
“I said what could be the cause of an attack on such a young girl?” He repeated.
“Battles have no respect for age dear. But on her case, God wants to use her to deliver a soul and there’s a resistance which is normal.”
“Wait…..did you just say God wants to use my little girl to deliver someone?? As small as she is??”
“My thoughts exactly but God can’t be questioned and He said that is how He wants it and I’m to be active spiritually to standing as a backup.”
“Like today.” Mr. Desmond said in smiles.
“Well, I’m glad when it comes to spiritual things, I have nothing to worry about because I have a fireful woman at home.” He said in smiles as she giggled abit.
“Would you be leaving early tomorrow?” She asked as her husband shook his head.
“You’re so good at changing topics, dear wife.
I let you do so the first time, not again.” He said, coming close to hug her as she smiled within.
Mazi Mbakwe was beginning to live a life full of regrets.
The mere thought of how many lives, his family inclusive, he had destroyed in the past years, haunted him, threatening to push him into depression.
He also had been trying to reach out to his son to no avail, adding to his frustration.
“Oh Lord, save me! I’ve surrendered to you, yet I have no peace of mind.
Am I missing something?
Is there something I should do I haven’t done yet?
Help me Lord, this torment is increasing by the day.” He prayed silently one day, as he sat at the corridor of his lonely apartment.
“I’m okay dear, really.” Mama said for the sixth time now to the skeptical Vivian.
She had heard her call for help while she was upstairs, only to rush and see her grandma lying helplessly on the floor.
After helping her up, she discovered she hadn’t had anything reasonable for the day and decided to spoon-feed her.
She had barely eaten two spoons and claimed she was full, but Vivian wasn’t having it.
After much persuasion, she ate three more and discontinued.
Ever since she had been discharged from the hospital, Vivian had noticed her loss of appetite and has been trying her best to keep the amount of food she cooks for her short and tantalizing.
Still, it seemed no matter what she cooked she would never go beyond 7 spoons.
“I’m full already dear, and I’m fine too.” Her grandma said in smiles.
“But mummy you just had five spoons out of your meal. His can yo…”
“Vivian my favorite daughter, trust your grandma for once.” Grandma cut in as she touched her cheeks playfully.
“I’m full, okay? I just need a glass of water, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” She said as Vivian nodded and left to get water for her.
Eunice watched her run along in smiles.
Ever since she had been discharged from the hospital after a strange sickness which plagued the whole family last month, Vivian had been the one taking care of her.
Because of her, she heads to school from home but has never for once complained of any inconveniences faced.
Her dad who was the first to recover, resumed work immediately and had little or no time to come around.
Her mom who would be discharged soon, was still being diagnosed at the hospital..
Vivian was the only one exempted from the sickness and thus was saddled with the responsibilities of taking care of her, being the only child.
She had begin going to school from home which was like an hour journey daily, yet never complained.
Deep down, grandma’s heart was gladdened for having a beautiful soul around to cater for her.
“Thank you my dear.” Grandma said as Vivian handed her the glass of water.
“So, when are you going back to school?” She asked as soon as she was done drinking.
“As soon as mom get discharged.” Vivian responded.
“You think you can wait that long? Wouldn’t it affect your academics?”
“I have that taken care of already.”
“Hmmm….okay but as soon as she gets discharged, you’d go back to your hostel so you can focus very well on your studies and come out with flying colors.”
“Okay but….who then would take care of her.”
“Your dad and myself of course.
You don’t need to worry about a thing, we’re capable of looking after her.”
“Buh grandma, we both know how busy dad can be. He wouldn’t have time to….”
“I’d be strong by then. I’d take care of her myself.” Grandma urged.
“Okay Mama, if you say so. Speaking of dad, he isn’t back yet? I mean, this is already past his usual time he gets home.”
“I’m sure he’d be back soon. The traffic could possibly be delaying him. Or yes….he’s probably at the hospital checking up on your mom.”
“Oh yeah…that’s true.” Vivian said with a smile.
“You know sometimes I wish I shared their kind of love with your grandfather.” Grandma said with a light smile, causing Vivian to burst into laughter.
“Ah ah…..maaamaaa. Don’t tell me you’re thinking of love at this age.” She said in laughter.
“What? Is it funny?”
“Very very.” Vivian responded with giggles. After sometime, she excused herself to pack the plates and head to her room.
“What a glorious child with a glorious destiny.” Grandma said to herself as she watched her leave.
“Lord please, make this burden of mine light.
This is just too much for me to bear; I’m getting scared of breaking down.” Mbakwe cried sincerely in prayers, as he couldn’t withstand the power of guilt in his heart anymore.
He had refused to eat, going on a fast for a specified number of days, and since he was used to the discipline, be did ease as he was bent on hearing the Supreme One speak concerning his case.
“You’ve been trying to fight on your own, that’s why the burden I made light for you seems heavy.” He heard a loud response in his room.
“Finally.” He whispered in relief.
Apart from the encounter with the angel that led to his salvation, he never heard from God or received any further instructions.
“Supreme One, where exactly do I go from here? I mean, I know I’m on your side now, as me being alive is a sign.
But it seems the opposite forces seem to have still some sort of legal control over me. Why that, Supreme One?” He questioned.
Within that minute, he felt led to go to a passage of the Bible.
“Acts 9.” He whispered as he searched for the passage.
He read it three times but couldn’t understand or relate the story in it to his predicament.
“Just like Paul, you need the ministry of Ananias if you would move forward in this journey.”
“The ministry of Ananias….I think I saw it somewhere.” He thought to himself as he searched to confirm.
“Ananias was the first and foremost essential helper of Paul, before he could do anything meaningful for Him.” Mazi said with a click of his fingers as the understanding got to him.
“That is correct.
You need the ministry of Ananias to damage your ignorance and expose you to the light of my word; only then can the darkness you feel be removed like scales, as it occured to Saul.”
“I’m the modern Saul?” Mazi probed himself.
“Your wish is my command, Supreme One. Please tell me more.
Who is my Ananias, and where can I find him?”
Music is an inspiration o.
Had my earpiece on to keep me awake while typing this
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