CRUSHING ON YOU : Chapter 41 – 50

Authoress Berry Julie?

Chapter 42.?

“How is he doctor? What happened to him?” I asked nervously once the doctor finished checking him

“He’s fine, he just need some rest”

“So you nothing serious is wrong with him ? I asked him

“Nothing serious ma, he’s just weak and needs some rest, he have been over thinking and its causing damages in his brain” he replied and I nodded

“Thank Doc”

“Once he wakes up give some white soup it will help him feels much better” he instructed and I nodded

“I will take my leave now, do take good care of him”

“I will, Thanks” I replied and watched him walked out the room

I turned to stare at the sleeping Noah laying on the bed

I was looking more handsome in his sleep, I don’t know if he will get angry if I touch him

But this is my opportunity and I don’t wanna miss it

I rubbed my heated palm together and slowly walks to him bed side, I pulled out a side chair and sat on it

Then stare at him, he look so peaceful, like a new born baby with no worries…


I opened my eyes to realize I was still in Noah’s room

I have actually fallen asleep, I stared at the bed but couldn’t find Noah

The doctor said he needed some rest so where is he??

I dressed up the bed and walked straight to the kitchen where I prepared the white soup

I put some into the plate and carried it to his room

This time he laying on his bed, face up

“Hi, how are you feeling” I dropped the tray on the side table

He stared at me before replying

“Much better” he turned to face the wall while i sighed

“The doctor said you’ve been over thinking and needed some rest” I informed him but he kept mute

He’s becoming annoying again!

“He demanded you drink this white soup” I said

“What?! There’s no way am drinking that disgusting thing”

“Disgusting thing that can make you feel better” I sighed

“Come on, open up just try it” I tried forcing him to drink it

After some minutes he finally give in and then i feed him till the plate was empty

“If you need anything,am in my room” I tell him and walked to the door when he called me

“Amily”my name sounds so sweet in his mouth and really it was the first time he mentioned my name since i lived in

“Huh?”I turned to him

“Thanks” he muttered slowly and i found my self smiling


The driver parked the car at Noah’s garage and opened the door for me

I got down and straightened up my gown then adjusted my sunglasses

It’s really been long I visited and sure Noah will be so glad to see me again

We aren’t the best lovers but am trying my best to see I win his heart

Well Noah isn’t the only guy in my life, I have others whom I have fun with but Noah is my number one

I opened the glass door and stepped into the house

Nothing has really changed expect the fact that the house seems calm than normal

I dropped my bag on the three seat couch and walked up to the stairs

I don’t want to announce my presence to him, i want to surprise him

Just as I was about climbing the last stair I meet a lady backing me

Dressed on a straight cut long gown which bring out almost all her shapes

“Excuse me?” I said and the lady turned to me


That bch from the school? What is she doing here?

“Tracy” she called in surprise too

“You….” I shake my head

No way! Noah can’t be cheating on me with her! A poor bch!

“What are you doing here? I asked her

“I should ask you that”

“What? I mouthed, she really is brave

“Why are you here?” Her question came up taking me unaware

How dare her!! She’s in my man’s house and still asks me why am here?

For real??


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