DARE TO LEAVE : Episode 11 – The End


Episode 12

“Breakfast is served”…… Lydia said as she packed her breakfast

“Good morning babe ” Ken said as he encircled his arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder

“Good morning ”

“How was your night ”

“Great… Yours ”

“I missed you ”

Lydia had to sleep in the guest room because Ken won’t stop touching her last night and there’s was no way she would allow him touch her with his state last night

“I missed you too” she moved away and carried her bag

“You are leaving already.. ”

“Yeah…. I have an important meeting this morning ”

“Don’t go…. ”

“What… ”

“Stay with me…. Let’s spend the whole today together doing the n@stiest things to each other ”
He grinned

“Ahhh that sounds like alot of fun but I can’t miss today’s meeting ”

“Don’t worry about that”

“I have to worry… If I am not sitted at that meeting I could lose my job”

“Then so be it”


“You heard me…. Let them take their lousy job, I’ll make you head of PR or managing director if you want…. Anything for you my love ”

“I… I can’t ”

“I can’t quit my job… You know how much I love my job.. And we both agreed that you are not going to talk me into either”

“That was eight years when we were about to get married… Don’t you think that contract is long due.. You keep making millions for them, why don’t you come make millions for us”

“I’m not having this conversation this morning am running late ”

He stood up from the table and held her arm

“We are having this conversation now”

“Let me go Ken… I don’t want to talk about it”

“You are quitting your job today… Enough of this bullshit ”

“Am. Not quitting. My. Job. Ken…… What has come over you, all this because I refuse to take a day break and spend the whole day with you having s*x”

“Why do you make it sound as if am making you do something wrong… We are married we should be spending alot of time together ”

“That has never been a problem… Until recently. ”

“Stop being so difficult.. Lydia ”
He has never called her by her name before, he was more accustomed to pet names and now it sounded so strange coming from him

“Let me go.. Ken ” she said firmly

“If You leave.. I dont ever want to hear a thing about adoption anymore… I mean how are we suppose to have our own kids when your job is your top priority and you dont want to make time for anything.. Else”

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stare at her husband

“That’s so… Unfair ”
She said slowly and forced her hand out of his crib and walked out of the house

Lydia cried her way to work
Lately crying as become a daily routine for her
And why won’t it be when her husband has drastically changed overnight

Ken has never spoken to her like this all the years they have been married.

Today he didn’t only show her that he had lost values for their marriage.. He had accused of not making effort to have children.

Everybody knows how craze she is about having a child of her own.

Why is life treating her like thi? She has never wished for anyone’s life to be ruined why is everything suddenly taking a bad turn for her.

The rest of the day was a blur to Lydia.
Even after work she couldn’t go straight home.
She drove for a while before packing her car and just staying there.

She needed to call someone, so she dialed his number.

Pascal was at home with the kids after what happened yesterday. He just had come straight after work.

Lucia as been on her best behavior all day
Minding her business and not trying to start any quarrel

This would only last for a few hours.

She was serving dinner when his phone rang
And it was Lydia calling
He excused himself and could practically feel Lucia eyes trailed behind him as he moved to the corridor.

“Heyyy pancho”

“Pascal… Where are you ”

“Am at home ”

“Can You come pls ”

“Sure…. Is everything OK ”

“Yeah I just don’t want to be alone, ”

“Are You not at home ”


“Where are you ”

“Am in my car…. Parked somewhere on Allen road ”

“Am on my way ”

“Thanks ”

“See You soon ”

He hung up and walked back to the dinning

“Uhhhm I have to rush out.. I’ll be back soon”

“But where are you going this late”

“I need to do something quickly ”

“Aren’t You at least going to have dinner before you leave ”

He would but this is Lydia
He can’t be eating while she’s somewhere feeling sad.

“No.. I have to leave now.. I’ll eat when I get back ”

“But…. ”

“I said I will be back ”

He hurried out of the house

Lucia stared at her husband as he walked out of the house
Probably hurrying to meet that b!tch
After spending so much time in the kitchen he didn’t even taste the food.

It took everything she had to not go after him and find the home wrecker and tear her into pieces.

It is not fair that she has to put up with this all the time.

If she could find someone to stay with the kids, she would ran after him now.

By unknown

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