
HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 - 10.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10

By Obianke Prosper

Chapter Seven


“Grace, are you okay?”.Dave asked when he noticed my shaken movement and gasps.

“Grace?”.His voice shook with concern as he held my arm but immediately, realization sparks through his eyes.

“Oh my God! Your inhaler!”.He rasped and began searching my backpack for my inhaler while I kept trying to breathe.

“Are you guys okay?”.Mr Lucas asked but no body answered him.

He must have heard my gasps and some ‘ka-ka’ sounds Dave was making as he searched for my inhaler.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10

Finally, he found it and brought it to closer to nose. After feeling the hot air coming inside my lungs, I sighed in relief cleaning off the tears dripping from my eyes.

“Are you okay Grace?”.Dave asked and I nodded, holding onto my chest while feeling my heart race.

“Thank you Dave”.I smiled a bit in appreciation.

“Don’t you think I should call mum to inform her that your attack came again”.He asked, clicking on the phone app on his phone.

“No, don’t…”.Before I could complete my sentence, he had already dialed mum’s number.

“Hey mum”.He said dully.

“Hey Dave, aren’t you guys back from school?”.I could hear her voice even though it wasn’t on loud speaker cause I was so close to Dave.

“We are on our way but mum, something came up and I had to call you”.

“What Dave?”.

“Um…mum, Grace attack came again”.He said and I heard a gasp from mum.

“What! When?”.

“A minute ago mum”.

“Oh, please tell the driver to hurry up”.

“Okay mum”.Then I heard a beep, the call was disconnected.

“I told you not to call mum”.I frowned.

“She needs to get informed”.

“Gish! Whatever!”.

The car finally came to a halt in front of the house and I and Dave stepped out of the car. I noticed Dave held my hand gently and I scoffed.

“Am fine, don’t worry”.I huffed as I drew my hand away from his grip.

The driver, Mr Lucas stared at us through the car window and spoke up.

“Can someone tell me what happened in the car? I heard gasps and you Dave, you mentioned inhaler, attack…what’s going on?”.He asked looking so confused and curious.

“Nothing Mr Lucas, I was on phone”.Dave lied with an awkward smile on his lips.

“What about the gasps I heard?”.

“Umm, I was on phone with a friend of mine who is in the hospital receiving treatment. He suddenly began gasping and I had to cut off the call”.Dave answered.

“Really? Did that involve calling your mum?”.Mr Lucas doesn’t seem hundred percent convinced.

“Ye…ah, he is also a friend of my mum. I had to inform her about him and the accident he got involved in”.

“Oh! Okay, bye. See you tomorrow”.He said and we waved at him before he drive the car away.

“I hope he is convinced, am tired of lying”.Dave said sighing.

“Lucifer can never get tired of lying, you know”.I chuckled slightly.

“Hey! Who says am Lucifer?”.He asked, putting on a fake frown.

“I don’t know, who called you that? Is it Grace or maybe someone else?”.I asked with a mocking smirk and he laughed at my response.

As soon as we got to the living room, mum ran to me with a cup of warm water and some tablets of medicine.

“Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?”.She said and I glanced at her whitish face which had gone pale.

Now I think I should talk briefly about mum and dad.

Mum is an American but got married to Dad who is an Nigeria but came to do some business deals in America.

I don’t know how their love story began but I once heard from them that they met on a beach at noon under an harsh sun. I do wonder how they talked, how they got to know each other but I wouldn’t ask them how.

Ever since I was five, have been suffering from asthma, it’s not like I contacted it but I inherited it from my mum’s dad which is my maternal grandpa.

Yeah, asthma can be inherited and then, I got to be the unlucky one in the family who inherited it. How unfortunate!

Anyways, it first began with coughs, my parents didn’t take it serious cause they thought it was just normal coughs but it got worst, I coughed endlessly mostly at night thereby causing me sleepless nights. My parents had to take me to an hospital after I fainted due to shortness of breath and it was a shock to hear I had asthma tho I was still young, just five years old but I understood a little bit about what asthma was. I took my medications daily but even tho the pains reduced, my asthmatic attacks never stops visiting.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10

“Am fine mum, don’t be worried please”.I coaxed and she nodded handing me the cup of water and medicines.

“I would stop being worried only if you take this medicine, okay?”.

“Okay mum”.I mouthed and took the drugs from her, then I place on my mouth and began chewing.

This was me, it was one thing I hate about myself. It is difficult for me to swallow drugs without chewing it, I find it too hard to swallow the solid without grinding it with my teeth.

No one else knows about this except my family, I can’t let it out cause I feel like it’s an embarrassment to me.

After I was done with the chewing, I force the bitter drugs to my throat and drank the cup of water feeling tired.

Picked For You:  IN BETWEEN: Episode 21 – The End

Like seriously…have been taking this drug, Leukotriene Modifiers for years and am so tired of it though it helps prevent asthmatic attacks.

“Yeah, that’s it”.Mum smiled as she saw I was done with the drugs she handed to me.

“I will be in my room, mum”.I said and hurriedly climbed the stairs with a sad smile forming on my lips.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10


After ordering some slices chocolate cake in the cafeteria, I began searching for a seat to sit.

I didn’t want to disturb Dave and Vanessa who have been talking non stop since they came to the cafeteria.

Well, school was boring today. Jeanann didn’t come to school and as a result I sat on her seat alone with no one to talk to. I really wanted to ask her why she ignored me yesterday but unfortunately, she isn’t in school.

Sighing heavily, my eyes caught that of Kyree who smiled widely at me. He approached me still with his smile on his face.

Kyree is handsome but not more than Dylan, he got blonde hair like Jeanann and cute dark brown eyes. He is kinda slender but with a muscular body and well shaped nose. His lips are pink and plump and whenever he smiles, oh my! His cuteness becomes overloaded.

“Hi Grace”.He was close to me now but as soon as his body perfume scent hits my nose, I sniffed rapidly.

“Hey, are you fine?”.He asked concerned trying to come closer to me but I shifted back.

“Please….Kyree, keep some space”.I pleaded and he rose one of his eyebrow in confusion and swears, that made him look like a baby, so cute and innocent.

“Are you okay, Grace?”.He didn’t try to come closer this time.

“Am okay, it’s just that your body perfume scent is overwhelming”.I stopped sniffing.

“Oh, am so sorry about that. Hope I didn’t cause you a running nose?”.

“No, am fine.. Thanks”.

He smiled again and dipped his hands into his pant pockets.

“You must be searching for a place to eat”.His gaze dropped on my dessert which was on a tray.

“Yes, how did you know?”.I was surprised.

“Well, let’s just say am a magician”.He said and I chuckled.

“Crazy”.I muttered. “Do you have any table where I can sit and enjoy my lunch?”.

“Of course I have, follow me”.He said and began walking away while I followed after him.

We stopped at a table surrounded with four chairs, I sat on one so did Kyree.

“Uh…hope my body perfume scent isn’t affecting you?”.He asked as soon as we sat.

“A little bit though”.I said and drop the tray I held on the table.

“Am so sorry about that, I guess I shouldn’t be sitting with you then”.He said but I shook my head.

“No please, it’s okay. Sitting with you is a lot better than sitting alone”.I said and he beamed.

“Is that a complement?”.He asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.

“It is, if you take it as one”.I shrugged and took a slice of the cake from the tray.

“Wow! Grace is eating with one of the school mister popular, she should be envied”.He joked.

“Oh please!”.I rolled my eyes as I eat another slice of the cake. “But are you really popular here?”

“Yep, ask any student here if they know Kyree Hills and you will be surprised with the reply”.He said and I smiled, taking the last slice of my cake.

“You know what, Grace?”.He asked and I turned to him.


“I enjoy your company more than I do with Jean”.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10

?Authoress Prosper POV

“Gish! I feel like killing her”.Sophia scoffed as they all stared at Grace and Kyree who were discussing and laughing happily.

“I can’t believe this, I can’t believe she would stoop so low to seduce Kyree, Jean’s boyfriend. How heartless!”.Harper scowled, glaring at Grace who was done eating her cake.

“I warned Jean, we warned her about this bitch but she wouldn’t listen. Now see what the bitch is trying to do…she is trying to snatch Jean’s boyfriend when Jean is absent in school”.Allison frowned, her gaze in the two persons – Grace and Kyree.

“Dmn! I wish I had told Jean about this girl earlier, then this wouldn’t have happened”.Harper snarled and Sophia and Allison turned to her.

“What do you mean?”.Sophia asked her.

“Seems like you guys aren’t aware of her real identity”.Harper said but that made the girls confuse.

“Harper, what are you trying to say?”Allison asked curiously.

“She is African, she came from a country…what is the name again? Um..yeah Nigeria”.She said and the girls gasped.

“You got to be kidding me, Harper. How did you know? Besides she doesn’t look like an African, then how can she be one?”.Allison asked confused.

“Well girls, when she came to our class for the first time Mr Nick who was teaching at that particular time ask her some questions and she replied, telling him she was an African from a country named Nigeria. I was surprised but thanks fully, I got to hear their conservation cause I was sitting close to where the teacher stood”.Harper scoffed loudly.

“Sht! This is unbelievable”.Sophia exclaimed.

“Exactly”.Allison said and grabbed her phone, she began dialing Jean’s number.

“What are you doing, Ally?”.Harper asked.

“I have to tell Jane about her being an African, cause this is the only way to end her friendship with that bch!”.


HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 1 – 10

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