LOVE HAPPENS: Episode 41-The End of Season 1

•Love Happens•
Written by Authoress Kamara

Episode 53
“Hi. Ashley”.

Ashley turned and smiled. “Hey. Xander”.

“Umm. Jessamyn, J.R said he has something to tell you”. Xander said nervously.


He didn’t let J.R finish. He pushed him towards me.

He quickly took Ashley’s hand leading her through the hallways.

J.R stepped away from me. “I’m so sorry”.

“What do you want to tell me?”. I asked curiously.

He tilts his head. “Yeah about that, i just wanted to umm, yeah”.

I raised an eyebrow. “Wanted to what?”.

He runs his hand through his hair nervously. “I’m sorry about yesterday, i left early so i couldn’t give you the tickets”.

I smiled. “Its okay”.
•Authoress Kamara Library
She smiled. “Its okay”.

Come to think of it. She looks beautiful while smiling.
Snap out of it!!!

“It is?”. I asked as she closed her locker.

“Yeah. I actually got tickets later on from Ashley and you wouldn’t believe who gave it to her”. She ranted on. “It was Jaden Roy. The love of my life”.

I scoffed. “He doesn’t even know you exist”.

Well he does. Since i’m him.
But she doesn’t know that.

“Who cares if he doesn’t know me? I actually got to speak with him”. She added.

More like get yelled at.

“Was he as you imagined?”. I asked trying to continue the conversation.

“Nope. He seemed grumpy”. She said walking away.

Wait what!! Did she just call me grumpy?

I walked to her angrily. “What makes you think he’s grumpy?”. I asked calmly.

“Well for starters, he yelled at me because i spilled wine on him”.

“Because you were clumsy”.

“You weren’t there so keep shut”. She snapped at me.

I rolled my eyes. “If only you knew how much that shirt costs”. I muttered.

“Why are you defending him?”. She crossed her arm looking at me.

“I’m not defending him”.

She gasped. “Oh My God!! Are you gay ? You love Jaden Roy? Thats why you are on his side”.

I flared up. “You have no right to call me gay”.

She flinched. “Sorry”.

I walked away. This is one reasons why I don’t interact with girls. Too naive for my liking.

Why did Xander even make me talk to her. Now she has ruined my morning. First, she spilled wine on me yesterday and now she’s calling me gay.
I quickly took Ashley’s hand leading her through the hallways.

Ashley stopped. “Where are you taking me?”.

Well .. Audrey said gain her attention.

“I have a surprise for you”.

She frowned. “You better not be playing pranks on me”.

“Speaking of pranks”. I said leading her to a locker at the far end of the hallway.

“Where is the surprise?”. She whispered in my ear.

G0sh! That gave me cold chills.

I pointed to the rows of lockers facing us.

“Your surprise is Axel’s locker?”. She asked confused.

“Wait for it”.
“Wait for it”. Xander said looking back at the lockers.

He was anticipating something.
What the h*ell did he do?

Then Axel and his group of friends headed to the lockers laughing.

I suddenly realised what was going on. The prank he pulled on me at the beginning of school; he was gonna pull the same prank on Axel.

OMG!! This is gonna be epic!

Axel opened his locker and nothing happened. I sigh disappointedly.

Then suddenly, pink hair dye came splashing on Axel. The bright patches of pink splashed around him on irregular surfaces.

Everyone around him started laughing. They brought out their phones to record it. Laughing, I took out my phone to capture the funny moment.

“Do you like it?”. Xander said behind me.

I faced him. “You did this?”.

He nodded nervously. “Yeah I was thinking i would__”.

I immediately locked my lips on his cutting him off as i kssed him passionately.

This was certain. I totally like Xander.
Well love is a strong word so i’m still working on that.
But what Xander did just now was really sweet … I like how he cares for me.

I withdrew. “I’m so sorry”.

He chuckled. “Wow!! That was__”.

I interrupted him. “Unexpected?”.

“Breathtaking”. He replied.

I giggled.

He cupped my face and turned it back to Axel. I had even forgotten about him. I laughed at him as he kept trying to stand up from the pink dye.

“Why did you do it?”.

“Well … To get back at him for what he did to you”. He said sincerely.

I blushed. “Thanks”.

The bell immediately rang.

“What class do you have now?”. He asked.

“Umm History”.

“I’ll walk you there”.

I took a last glance at Axel as we walked by.

“Is the dye permanent?”. I whispered.

He smirked. “Do you want it to be permanent?”.


He slings his arm around me. “I could make arrangements”.

His arm was immediately removed.

“I can see you both are getting close”. I turned to see Adrian staring at us suspiciously.

“I better go to class”. I said and left.

Phew!! That was a close one.
I sure hope Ian didn’t see us kss.
“That was totally amazing”. Adrian said as Ashley left.

I feigned ignorance. “What are you talking about?”.

“Come on. You are my best-friend, i know what you are capable of doing”.

“How did you know?”.

“Well … For starters … When it comes to pranks, you are a pro at it”.

I stopped him. “Not that. How did you know that Axel was pranked?”.

“Oh that”.

He showed me his phone. The video of the dye splashing on him was all over the school’s blog.

“Maria is gonna get kicked out of school if Axel sees this”. He said laughing.

Maria was like the school blogger. She blogged about everything ranging from break-ups, bullying and all those stuff trending in DaSilva High.

“Maria can’t get kicked out, her father owns a major share in this school”. I explained.

“How do you know so much about Maria? Dude! Don’t tell me you like Maria?”. He teased me.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Yeah. Make fun of me”.

He tapped me playfully. “I was only kidding”.

We stopped by my class.

“What are you having?”.

“Spanish”. He said as he walks away.

“Then why did you walk along with me to class?”.

He turned. “That’s what best-friends do”.

“Good luck with spanish”. I mocked him.


“That’s french you d!mwit”.

He shrugged running off to class.

I opened the door and walked in.

The Arts teacher turned to me. “Why are you late to my class?”.

“I saw a pretty unicorn on the way so i decided to chase it maybe it will give me good-luck”. I said dryly while others laughed in the class.

The teacher frowned. “Go take a seat”.

“As expected”. I muttered finding a seat.

Most of the girls were making gestures at me but i ignored it. I sighted J.R at the left side of the class so i went over to sit next to him.

“What’s up”. I said as i sat down.

“I don’t know, you tell me after you left me with a completely annoying girl”. He snapped at me angrily.

“She’s a fan of Jaden Roy”.

“Well J.R isn’t a fan of her”. He said scornfully.

“What happened?”.

“Can you believe she called me gay?”.

I chuckled. “Why did she call you gay?”.

“She criticized Jaden Roy saying he’s too grumpy so i defended him. Then she called me gay”. He said exasperatedly.

“How can a girl as beautiful as that be so naive to people’s feelings?”. He added.

“So you finally admit she’s beautiful”. I teased him.

“I never said she wasn’t beautiful”. He admitted. “She’s pretty with a natural look, the way she wore her glasses on the brim of her nose, the way her hair was packed in a messy bun, the way__”.

I stopped him. “Its alright”.

“So how was it with Ashley?”.

“She kssed me”.
•Authoress Kamara Library
I went into history class settling in next to Jessy.

“What happened between you and Xander?”. She asked as i sat down.

“Long story. We kssed, well technically, i kssed him”.

She nodded. “Fill me up over lunch at the cafeteria”.

I chuckled. “Sure. So what was it that you and J.R talked about?”.

She sighed. “Long story”.

We both laughed.

“Will you both just please keep quiet so I can continue teaching?”. The history teacher said.

“Sorry. Mr. Matt”. Jessy apologized.

The history teacher continued teaching but he was suddenly interrupted. The class door opened and Axel came in angrily; His hair still had some pink dye but he wore new clothes.

“Axel. You can’t just barge in while i’m teaching”. Mr. Matt said.

“Shut your pipe hole”. Axel yelled at Mr. Matt. “My Dad owns this school and I can fire you if you don’t stay out of this”.

Axel faced the class. “Who the hell did this to me?”. He said referring to his ‘pink hair’.

The class remained silent.

I chuckled quietly. “He looks like an Angry little troll”. I whispered to Jessy.

“A troll? I thought he was a pixie”.

“He’s an angry little troll who can also be a pixie”. I said while Jessy laughed.

“What did you just say?”.

I looked at the front of class to see Axel shooting daggers at with his eyes.

“Did you just call me a troll?”. He yelled.

“She didn’t but i just did. Troll king”.

A voice said at the back mockingly.
Axel has finally become a troll king with pink hair … Just wow.
I see something brewing between Jessy and J.R
What about Ashley and Xander .. Ashley kssed him .. It might mean something
And who was that voice that called Axel a troll king

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