When My Ex Ended Our Relationship

I remember when my Ex ended the relationship with me, I was so devastated. I got so much heartbroken, I felt so much betrayed when he hooked up with a new girl immediately, I felt so used, I hated love, I swore never to love again, I fell sick, I skipped eating food for some … Read more


MY HEARTBEAT ****EPISODE 1**** Femi: “…more of you, more of you, more of you, Jesus, more of you….” The entire church was silent as they listened to Femi’s voice giving a rendition of Sinach’s song. Her voice, rich, powerful flowed beautifully and everyone either held their breaths or bowed their heads in prayer. When she … Read more


She is always in Church, wearing faded jeans, an old T-shirt and slippers to clean and arrange the seats, decorate and clean the pulpit whenever it is dirty. For six years, she never missed a single Saturday coming to clean the Church. One Saturday, a young man walked into the Church while she was still … Read more


MY HEARTBEAT ****EPISODE 5**** There were days when Femi felt like the world was out to get her. Today was one of those days. First, her aunt had been angry with her for not helping her pack in the clothes she dried outside the night before but Femi had been in a hurry to get … Read more


By Odegbayi Damilare When we devote time in training the maids on how to cook well, how to clean the house and on good mannerisms while leaving our own daughters untrained. We overwork the maids and they adjust with equanimity because they need us to survive. The maids turn out to manage the indignation and … Read more


MY HEARTBEAT ****EPISODE 1**** Femi: “…more of you, more of you, more of you, Jesus, more of you….” The entire church was silent as they listened to Femi’s voice giving a rendition of Sinach’s song. Her voice, rich, powerful flowed beautifully and everyone either held their breaths or bowed their heads in prayer. When she … Read more

THE LONGEST NIGHT Episodes 9 – 13

The Longest Night Episode 9 Before 5am, I was up, I had to vent my anger or get busy. I chose the later. I mopped every nook and cranny of the house. By 7am, Uzor and Ada were awake. “Good morning sweetheart”. He said lovingly as he walked toward me. I motioned him to stop. … Read more

No uncle or aunty is worth having my child

At a particular point in my life I considered stealing as an option. Yes. I do not blame people who go into crime. Really it is not their fault. If only you know the number of people suffering every single day, you will give glory to God for your life. Just two weeks back, I … Read more

THE LONGEST NIGHT Episodes 5 – 8

Episode 5 Author : Unknown Is this heaven ? So still and quiet but dark. I know it isn’t because the Bible gave a picturesque description of it being so beautiful. Is this hell? I couldn’t feel the fire yet. Or am I being prepped to go into the lake of fire to burn? I … Read more

THE LONGEST NIGHT Episodes 1 – 4

The Longest Night Author : Unknown Episode 1 It was 8.00pm as I checked the wall clock again for the umpteenth time. Uzor wasn’t home yet. This is unlike him but it was a recent habit adopted by him. Thank God Ada was sleeping she would have quizzed her Dad’s whereabout. I pondered on why … Read more