Written by Authoress Angel

Episode 31

???? Diana Pov ????

The sun that afternoon felt so hot.

I loosened my neck tie as I walked towards the lab and soon arrived it.

I headed inside the building and made my way to my class.
When I arrived,it was almost full and only an experiment island serving as a table was left.

I occupied the stool at the extreme close to the wall and placed my bag aside before taking out my book to go through some things.

Someone occupied the other stool nonchalantly and I perceived it…
Ryan’s cologne!

I looked at my side to really confirm him sitting at my side.

I felt my heart do flips when he glanced at me and faced the book he had taken out without saying a word.

Still on with the silent treatment…
I sighed and began to absently itch my body till the teacher arrived.

Lessons were taught and soon, the teacher informed us of a class project and we would be working in two’s.

Luckily,a cliché didn’t happen this time. I got paired with a blondie according to our names in the class register.

I felt glad in a way that I wouldn’t be stuck with Ryan over some project.

Time crawled on and I found myself staring at Ryan more and more.

He stood by me in all my trying times yet, all I did was to push him away.

“… that’s all for today class. Good day.” The teacher concluded and made an exit.

I sighed deeply as Ryan began to pack up.

I tiredly fixed my jotter into my bag and stood up just when Ryan was about to leave.

“Ryan!” I called ready to apologize but he didn’t respond and headed out with me trailing behind him.

I tried so hard not to attract the eyes of students till we exited the building.

“Ryan!…” I called again.
“Please..” I pleaded and he stopped two feets away and didn’t turn.

“Look…I know what I did was so wrong. You helped me alot but all I did was to push you away.” I began and bit my lower lip.

“Am sorry.” I apologized and there was silence before he walked away without a word.

I stumbled backwards with a heavy sigh

Oh heavens..

I ran my fingers through my hair then alighted the stairs when I heard my name being called and Dave jogged to meet me.

“Babe…” He breathed falling in track with me but I gave him no reply.

“Babe..” He tried touching me and I stopped walking.

“What do you want Dave!? What!?” I snapped facing him and be sighed.

“I know I acted so babe, I was wrong to have left you all alone that night.” He said.

“Last night…” I corrected with a scoff.

“Anyhow but babe am sorry. It won’t happen ever again.” He apologized.

“Fine.. I forgive you.” I finally said after a long pause and he pulled me into a hug.

“Thank you so much babe. I love you.” He exclaimed and I reluctantly hugged him back.


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