



Written by Authoress Angel

Episode 29

???? Diana Pov ????

“Oh! Saviour Diana. What? You wanna hurt us?” One of them sneered and I sighed tiredly.

“It’s totally obvious you got nothing useful to do with your lives. It would be pleasant if you go use your ugly faces to wipe the seats that would be used soon enough”I snapped and they looked tongue tied before leaving the change room.

“Thanks alot Diana.” Jane muttered and pulled on the head of the costume she was wearing and headed out with the other girls.

I let out a pathetic sigh and picked up my costume which laid on the chair there in the room.
As j stepped out into the court, I headed to join the group.

The costume wasn’t heavy nor itchy…just fitting but obviously embarrassing.

We were called upon to show our moves while we the mascots would only lurk around aimlessly.

I could barely breathe from the gigantic head I was wearing.

No sooner, the game began and beads of sweat were already gathering around my face and next thing, I began to feel itchy.

I couldn’t excuse myself, not until the game was over.
At every goal, we would show our stunts again and I was slowly running out of breath.

The entire place had already begun to spin when I heard the game finally come to an end.

The Elite had won and we were free.
I ran towards the change room, got in and headed for the sink.

I quickly took off the head and immediately puked heavily due to intense irritation.

I gasped for air heavily and buried my head in the sink again emptying my bowel.

“Are you ok?”I heard a girl ask. One of the mascots, but I was too weak to answer.

My neck suddenly began to itch and I tried tending to it but the spot turned red.

“Have this water.” Jane offered and I grabbed the can from her gulping down its entire content

“You need to relax Diana.” One of them spoke up and I could only gasp for air while itching my neck and face.

We quickly took off our costumes and hit the showers to calm our itching and tensed sweaty bodies.


??Corriene Pov ??

I grinned watching Diana suffer so much.
This is only just the beginning, more are yet to come.
Alot more…

I headed to meet Ryan and celebrated him once again for his victory.

He is so talented and I am so proud.

“Congratulations darling.” I cooed upon getting to him and he smiled.

“Thanks”He replied and I nodded.

“Are you leaving now?”I asked.
“Er…not really. I have something to finish up.” Ryan replied and I frowned.

“Gosh! I wanted us to have some pies under the moonlight”I pouted and he touched my face and pulled my cheek slightly.

“Next time swi…” He assured and kissed my forehead.

“Ok then. Bye!” I baded and walked off.

I need to go rest my bones and my bed is the best place.


???? Diana Pov ????

I wore the black jean bom short stopping at mid thigh which I had brought and pulled on my baggy yellow shirt.

I stepped out of the shower room and headed for a mirror while itching myself.

The shower didn’t even help me one bit.

I gasped at my new look. My exposed skin appeared red.

“No!” I muttered unable to believe the sight.

“Goodness! Your rash has already began to appear.” Jane exclaimed.

Dmn Corriene!

“You need to visit the school clinic Diana else it would worsen”Jane suggested and I ran my fingers through my hair.

“Com’on. I will take you there.” Jane offered and the other itchy girls agreed but I slumped on a bench.

“I will be fine.” I muttered in a final tone.

“Please take care” They wished and made a haste exit.

Maybe I could have avoided this and leave the group…just maybe.

But I can never give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me quit cause of them.


I heard the door open and close.
Next was a pair of rushing feet as the familiar cologne filled the air and I looked up to see Ryan.

“Fk!” He swore kneeling before me as he examined my exposed skin.

“Goodness! It’s really getting worse” Ryan exclaimed as I itched.

“Come on, I will take you to the clinic.” He offered.

“No!” I deadpanned freeing my hand from his hold.

“I will be fine”I said and he scoffed.

“You are way too stubborn to see that you are suffering cherry. Just let me take you there”Ryan pleaded and tucked loose hair behind my ear while holding gazes with me.

He picked up my duffel bag and made me stand up.

“You need me to carry you?” Ryan asked.

“Am fine.” I turned down.

We exited the court and headed for the clinic which was over five minutes walk from the basketball court.

Picked For You:  YOU ARE MY POSSESSION : CHAPTER 111 - 120

When we arrived, I was placed in an empty ward while a lady nurse headed to get my needed medication.

Ryan made me lay on the bed and he dropped my duffel bag aside and sat on a chair by my bedside.

“Am so sorry you have to go through this” Ryan apologized and I sat up.

“You are not at fault here. And thank you. Thank you for helping me despite how I refused.” I appreciated and he only smiled.

The nurse came back with a dose of injection, a tube of cream and few pills for me to swallow.

I took the pills first and had to hold Ryan’s hand tightly to receive the injection in my arm.

“If you haven’t eaten, try get something soon and you can help with applying the cream on her affected body parts.” The nurse said and made an exit.

Ryan stood up and closed the ward door then returned back to my side.

“Alright. I’ll apply the cream on you now.” Ryan notified and I nodded biting my lower lip.

He opened the tube, took some quantity and applied it on my left arm first.

“Why are you being so nice to me? You are already with someone, so am I.” I spoke up as he switched to my other arm.

“I am a friend to you Cherry and I can’t ignore you while you are hurting”Ryan replied with a plain face.

I sighed and relaxed back on the bed as he magically worked on my leg and I felt so fuzzy alover me as my head became clouded with endless thoughts.

As his hand travelled up my thigh, I shivered and he seem to notice as he looked at my already flushed face.

“Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded swallowing heavily.

When he got above my knee,he stared at my face.

“Am I allowed to go further?” Ryan asked and I gulped. thoughts ran wild in my head and a whole new feeling enveloped me.

The tension in the air was so thick to end.

“I’ll carry on with it” I suddenly said taking the tube from him.

“Great. I’ll go us something. Be back soon.” He replied and exited the ward.

I let out a relaxed sigh immediately he left.
Ryan is really toying with my brain.

I am someone’s boo, Dave’s girlfriend.

I stared blankly at the cream wondering if I should apply it but my unattended leg began to itch making me hastily apply it.
I was lying atop the bed in wait for Ryan when the door opened in a rush as I sat up to see Delia and Denise.

“Diana!” They exclaimed rushing to my bedside and enveloped me in a group hug.

“You got us really worried as you didn’t return after the game” Delia said and I sighed.

“Am sorry guys. My reaction appeared too soon so I came here.” I replied and Denise caressed my hair tenderly.

“How bad is it?” She asked.
“I dunno but I was so close to suffocating and I threw up, infact, I grew sick.” I narrated and they wore apologetic faces.

“That was so cruel of Corriene. Am certain she had all planned out.” Delia said bitterly.

“That’s why we told you to stay away from Ryan. He is bad news Diana.” Denise supported.

“But am staying away.” I blurted and bit inside my cheek.

My brain screamed.

The ward door opened and we turned to see Ryan.


He stared at us for a moment and stepped in with his duffel bag and a white polythene.

The girls faced me with a questioning look and I bit my lower lip.
They both stood up and hugged me.

“You really have lots of things to answer Diana.” Denise deadpanned in a hushed tone and left, not without glancing at Ryan.

I sank into the bed as the door closed and Ryan walked to me.

“Did I interrupt something?” He asked and I sighed brushing my hair back up.

“No. They were about leaving.” I replied.

“Ur.. okay” He stressed and sat by me placing the bag on the space atop the bed.

“I brought you something to eat.” Ryan notified and began to unpack whatever he brought.

“You really don’t have to do this Ryan. Am fine.” I said and he paused staring at me.

“Why? Why Diana? Tell me why? Fine!” He snapped and I jerked surprised.

“I get you are in a relationship and all but at least,let me help you for goodness sake Diana,we are friends. Dating our desired partners shouldn’t change that.” Ryan retorted.

It does Ryan…it does.
You won’t understand…

“Listen to me Cherry.” He began tenderly after a lingering silence.

“…I got you dinner and you are gonna have it then I will leave.” Ryan finalized and I stared at him in awe.


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