

THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 21 to 30.

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 21 to 30.

? Episode 21?

? Lonrenzo ?

“They are here” l said and master nodded while Dreyfus stared at me in confusion.

I recalled the fight we had the other day, well this isn’t the time for that.

“They are here? In this house?”Dreyfus asked.

“Come with me” l said and they followed behind me.

We got to Dreyfus study.

“Why are we heading to my study? Dreyfus asked anxiously.

“Be quiet Dreyfus” master reprimanded.

“They are here, this place can’t be tracked, you know that Dreyfus because you did it yourself, no one can find you when you are here, unless you come out yourself” l said.

“I did it myself and l could have been able to track them, but am not seeing any one here” Dreyfus said.

“You are behaving abnormal Dreyfus, the effect of the pearl” l said and master nodded in agreement.

“He held the pearl for quite a long time,it weakened his inner powers and foresight but he will be fine after 48 hours.” Master explained.

“They were concealed with black magic,l can see them” l said.

“I can see them too” master said.

“There is no one here” Dreyfus said as he looked confused.

“But l will have to break the barrier hiding them, the person who did this is extremely sensible and decietful”l said.

“Who would ever have thought that they were here? This was the best place to hid them, it’s a good thing you found out” master said.

“Breaking the barrier requires strong black magic” l said and stared at master.

In firmament we are taught never to use black magic unless in the most critical situation.

As a firmanent teacher it’s a legal crime for master to use black magic, though the students practice and use it once in a while without our teacher knowing,but it’s a big offense if a student is caught using black magic.

“Go ahead” master said and l smiled appreciatively.

This is why l love my teacher, he is very kind and considerate.

“Thank you teacher” l said and bowed.

Dreyfus kept pacing up and down.

“Do it already” he said worriedly.

“You will have to leave Dreyfus” l said.

“And you too master” l added.

Master left immediately cause he understood, l knew Dreyfus is gonna say something.

“Why? I stay here” he said just like l expected.

“You will have to leave Dreyfus,l promise to explain later, the earlier you leave the better for them” l said and he stomped off.

I released the breathe l didn’t know l was holding.

This will be very difficult.

Am gonna use lots of energy.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

They are unconscious, this will make it more difficult for me.

I chanted incantations and l could feel a change in my body, l always feel this way anytime l use black magic and l end up badly hurt.

Aaaaaaaah! I screamed and spat out blood as l coughed profusely.

Master came on time and held me in place.

They are unconscious l said as l stared at Maya and Skylar.

It’s a pity their powers where sealed they can’t even protect themselves.

Picked For You:  ONCE UPON A KINGDOM : CHAPTER 31 – 40

“Take them to the firmanent and find out the person behind this”master said and Dreyfus came running in.

He took Skylar from me quickly.

Why are they unconscious?

They were bounded by a very strong black magic they couldn’t contain it so they passed out.

“Dreyfus, they should be taken to firmanent for their safety, join Lonrenzo in finding out who is responsible for this mischief”master said.

“Yes master” Dreyfus replied.

“Don’t try to force your powers,you have to be fully healed from the effect of the pearl before you do so” master said to Dreyfus and he nodded.

“Lonrenzo take the twins to the firmanent and go back to finish serving your punishment” master said.

“Yes master” l said touched Maya and Skylar then disappeared.



*(Phoenix high school)


We sat in class as the teacher taught on.

I kept fuming, that bitch dared to participate in the treasure hunt and worse still Lindon compared me to that lowlife am so gonna deal with her.

Lindon kept tapping the desk like someone who is in deep thoughts.

“Lindon” l whispered and tapped him slightly.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked.

“I hope Clarissa is safe” he said.

“Wait! Did l hear you correctly?what does her safety got to do with you?”

“Babe are you liking her, you keep talking about her this days, she is just a lowlife, a wretch, a slave” l said.

“My father is planning to throw them out because they are neglecting there duties in the manor, the twins gone missing, Clarissa in the treasure hunt, their uncle can’t carry out all the chores,l just want Clarissa to return safely so she can resume their duties inorder for my father not to throw them out” Lindon said.

“Aren’t you supposed to be happy, they should be thrown out for neglecting their duties” l said and hissed loudly which got the attention of the teacher.

“Miss Aries, be quiet” the teacher said and l rolled my eyes are Lindon.

“Stop thinking about Clarissa, am l not enough for you? You are a warlock and am a witch we will make a great couple, Clarissa is just a mortal who was forced to attend our school, she is a slave Lindon, your slave” l said.

“Let’s listen to the teacher Aries” Lindon said.

I knew that was what he will say.

Am gonna deal with that lowlife and maybe disfigured her wretched face, so that the more sight of her will disgust lindon.

A student came in, she greeted the teacher and whispered something to her and left.

“Miss Aries you are wanted in the principal’s office” the teacher said.

“Why?” I asked no one in particular.

“Am coming babe” l told Lindon and pecked him on the lips.

“Gross” a girl said from behind and rolled her eyes and l glared at her.

I exited the class and headed to the principal’s office.

On getting there, l knocked on the door to the office and gasped as l saw miss Chloe in the pole of her blood.




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