Episode 49

By Kebby NG Media Services

“Why isn’t he out yet?” Romina wondered as she pace around the corridor.

“Don’t worry Romina, it is going to be fine,” Zoey assured. “Fine? I don’t think so,” she replied.

“Your mother is a strong woman, you just have to trust her and Elias,” Nanny Romina muttered but Romina was not convinced, she was worried.

It has been four hours and Elias assured her that it was only going to take three and half hours, using an extra hour means something is wrong.

“Zoey… Zoey,” she called and rushed to her, Romina held her hand with a forced smile. “You can hack CCTVs right?” Romina asked.

“Yes,” Zoey replied. “Can you hack the CCTV in the operating room?” She asked.

“I can, but why will you want that?” Zoey inquired. “I need to know what’s going on in there,” she replied.

“But that is wrong, you should wait for Elias,” Zoey suggested.

“We have been waiting for the past forty minutes, something is wrong I can feel it. I just need to see,” she said on the verge of tears.

“You have waited for four years, forty minutes should be nothing,” Nanny Gloria said and Romina hugged her.

She was breaking down and the best thing she needed at that moment was a shoulder to cry on.

She hugged nanny Gloria tightly as tears left her face, all she wanted was her mother. They have been through a lot already the least the Almighty can do for them is to let the surgery be a success.

Nanny Gloria successfully got her to sit, Romina rested her head on nanny Gloria’s shoulder while Zoey stood beside the waiting bench.

“Everything will be fine, right?” Romina asked after checking the time, it was already sixty minutes.

They have been in the Operating Room for five hours and thirty minutes. “They are here,” Zoey announced and Romina sprang up, she rushed to her unconscious mother on the bed.

She held her hand and luckily it was warm, she smiled in satisfaction and raised her head to look at Elias who flashed her a weak smile.

“Thank you,” she mouthed and the nurses and doctors walked away with her mom, they took her to a private ward.

Romina hugged Elias while Zoey and nanny Gloria followed the doctors, Elias didn’t hug her back which got her curious.

“Is something wrong?” She asked and disengaged from the hug. “Your mom is sixty-five percent out of danger,” he informed her.

“What do you mean?” She asked trying her best not to show her fears.

“Your mom had a cardiac arrest during surgery, I am not sure how fast she will recover,” he informed her with his head bowed.

She felt her leg weaken and she fell to the ground, she sat on the floor as tears rolled out of her eyes.

“I am the worst daughter, aren’t I?” She asked as tears blurred her vision. “No, you are the best,” Elias replied and hugged her to himself.

“You look ugly when you cry,” he whispered into her ear and she disengaged from the hug.

“What did you just say?” She asked wiping her tears. “The surgery was successfully done about an hour ago, I saw how nervous you were so I decided to play a prank on you, and it worked!” He yelled out of excitement but she h!t him instead.

“How could you pull such a prank?! I almost had a heart attack because of you!” She snapped but he only smiled.

“How could you think you are the worst daughter when every parent wishes to have a daughter like you,” he said and pinch her nose playfully.

“I am going to kll you the next time you try such,” she said and raised her finger to her throat, she sIit it and he chuckles.

“It’s fine if you kll me, I will have no regret,” he said. “Really? Are you sure?” She asked moving closer.

“Wanna do it now?” He asked nervously and she nodded. “Here?” He inquired staring around.

“Don’t tell me you had a change of heart,” she smirked. “Never! I’m worried about you,” he blurted.

“Why me?” She asked with her brows furrowed. “There are lots of CCTV cameras here, I don’t want you to get into trouble once I’m gone,” he started and she pecked his lips.

“What w-was that for?” He stuttered shortly. “Thank you for saving my mom,” she replied.

“We should celebrate later, don’t you think?” he asked suggestively.

“Celebrate?” She repeated confused. “Yeah, in your house, you, me, and Zoey,” he clarified.

“That is if you want,” he quickly added. “It sounds fun and cool,” she replied.

“We should go and see your mom,” he uttered suggestively and they stood up, they walked side by side to the ward and Romina would not stop smiling.

Elias was happy he didn’t fail her, he did all his best to save her mom and it worked. He had no idea of what he would do if the surgery was not successful, he stared at her face and her expression was priceless.

He would not trade it for anyone or anything, he held her hand and she stared away shyly.

Nanny Gloria was sitting close to the bed while Zoey was standing by the window.

“She looks healthy,” Nanny Gloria stated when she felt Romina’s presence, Romina placed her hand on Nanny Gloria’s shoulder.

“She should wake up within four to six hours,” Zoey stated. “Instead of waiting why don’t we go to the mansion and celebrate this success?” Elias suggested.

“I like the idea, I will cook,” Nanny Gloria said and stood up. “Who is going to look after mom?” Romina asked.

“That is taken care of,” Zoey replied and Romina nodded.

“Don’t be too nervous, your mom will walk through that door and she won’t need to be hidden from the world,” Elias said and she smiled.

“We can’t thank you enough doctor,” Nanny Gloria uttered and Elias smiled in return.



Neil is sited with Jerry in his car, he rubbed his temple as he waited for his informant to call him.

Jerry told him what he overheard Romina discussing with someone, he called Niel since it was about her mother’s surgery.

“How long are we going to wait?” Jerry inquired as he was getting impatient already

“You can leave it if you want,” Neil stated nonchalantly. “You can’t send me away that easily,” Jerry replied.

“And why can’t I?” Neil inquired. “The last time I checked you are my freaking employee and I can fire you at any time,” he added.

“Yes, you are right, but I would not act rashly if I were you. I know half of your secrets and plan, I can make a call to Romina right now and inform her of your freaking plan,” he threatened.

“You would not dare!” Neil growled. “Oh, try me,” he replied with a smirk and brought out a burner phone.

“Did you lose your mind? Why the heck did you bring that in the first place? Did you plan this all along?” Neil asked.

“When you work with a d’vil you have to think like him or you are going to be the prey,” he replied.

“How much is Romina paying you?” Neil asked. “Zero,” he replied with a d’vilish smirk.

“Jerry!!” Neil screamed as he placed his hand on the dial button.



Romina went to her room after dinner, and Elias stayed behind he helped Nanny Gloria in cleaning the kitchen.

His siblings were with the caretaker, he hired one for them when he got busier and surprisingly they didn’t protest.

Zoey went to charge herself while Elias went to Romina’s room after he was done helping nanny Gloria.

She was going through a photo album at the same time drinking from her glass of wine.

“Having fun?” Elias asked standing by the door, she smiled at him and gestured for him to come inside.

He walked in and close the door behind him. “Your family?” He asked an obvious question when he saw the photos.

“I miss the good old days, there was no problem. We are happy and satisfied, however, Neil’s appearance changed everything,” she said and closed the album

“It’s going to be over once your mom wakes up,” he assured and she smiled, she took another wine glass and poured wine into it.

She gave it to him and they clicked glasses before sipping from the wine, they continued the act until two empty bottles were lying on the floor.

Elias was sitting on the floor while Romina lay on the bed, she rolled from one edge to another as she craved for more wine.

“I want more,” she mumbled drunkenly and Elias stood up.

“I can give you more,” he uttered and staggered to the bed, he fell beside her and she laid on her side.

“How?” She asked and he pulled her closer, he stared at her eyes then her lips.


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