UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 31 – The End

Episode 38
? ? Written by : Seunnzzy
Author’s POV
Tony have his men securing every inch and corner of the house and on standby for Mike.

Tony keep getting impatient as he hasn’t heard anything from Mike and he’s getting restless.

He has been pacing around the room thinking of what next to do, same with his father as well.

Mr Hassan had been walking around the house Making sure everyone was at their position.

Two men were moving together in the ground floor then they noticed the silhouette of a person.

They quickly draw out their weapons and pointed it at the person.

” Come out now or we shoot you” one of them said then Mike came out of hiding with a gun in his hands.

” Drop your weapon now” the guy said still aiming at him then Mike quickly shoot at both of them but nothing happened.

” That’s the dumbest thing I ever experienced” the other guy said and Mike smiled.

” Yeah, I have a feeling he must have injected you with the serum but I had to try and be sure” Mike Said raising up his hands.

” Drop your weapon, now…….I won’t repeat myself” the guy said then Mike dropped his gun.

” Search him” he ordered the second guy and he search him and found two more guns and a knife which they took from him.

” Tie him up, the boss wants has been expecting him” the said and Mike was tied and they took him away.
Tony was in his room when he heard the loud unmistakably sound of gun and he jumped up from the couch.

” Heyy, what the hell is going on out there? ” He shouted then two of the security rushed inside.

” Boss”

” Tell me, what was that?” Tony asked.

” It seems one of our men caught someone in the premises and he’s been held up as we speak.

” What!…..who?….who is he?” Tony asked curiously then another set of security came to him.

” Boss, we caught him sneaking around in the ground floor” the guy said.

” You caught who?” Tony asked furrowing his brow.

” The man you’ve been waiting for, you said his name is agent Hawk…..yeah, we have him boss” the guy said.

” No, that’s impossible” Tony said and soon they were joined by Mr Hassan.

” What’s going on?……I heard gunshots” Mr Hassan said.

” They said caught Mike ” Tony answered.

” What!….. that’s not possible, Mike is not that gullible to be caught that easily” Mr Hassan replied.

” My point exactly……. something bad is going on and I can feel it and I hate it when I don’t know anything” Tony growled angrily.

” Are you sure he’s the one?” Mr Hassan asked.

” Boss, we are telling the truth……We have him tied down in the basement…. it’s him I swear” the guy said.

” Fine, let’s go” Tony said and they all went to the basement together.

They arrived at the basement and when they entered Tony and his father were both shocked to Mike.

” OhmyGod, It’s him” Tony exclaimed in wonder.

” Hi Tony…….i see you’re looking good” Mike replied.

” I still can’t believe this…….I shot you dead with the whole of a bullet cartridge” Tony said in wonder.

” We are both surprised man…….I still can’t believe someone I considered as brother would do that to me” Mike replied.

” How do you survive?” Tony asked.

” As much as I’d love to answer….. I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything, you and I aren’t friends anymore” Mike said then turned to Mr Hassan.

” What happened deputy chief?”

” Cat caught your tongue?”

” You haven’t say anything since you got here” Mike said grinning then Mr Hassan turned to one of the security.

” Have you searched him?” He asked.

” Yes Sir, those are the weapons we took from him” the guy replied pointing to a table where his weapons are.

” What are you doing here Mike?…..you could’ve just stay where you are in Nigeria, and enjoy your second chance” Tony said.

” Nah, I can’t do that…….you see I made a promise to myself that I won’t stop or rest until I kill you and your father”

” It’s like a urge for me because that’s all I could think of, I have to stop your evil plans and get rid of your family” Mike replied and Tony started laughing.

” Well you tried, yeah, you did try but I’m sorry….you’re too late, my mission is accomplished” Tony said proudly.

” Mission?…..what do you mean?” Mike asked.

” Oh, you didn’t know?….oh yeah….. you’re on the plane so you didn’t hear about the news” Tony said.

” What News?” Mike asked again furrowing his brow then Tony bring out his phone and showed him.

” Oh, that News?…….oh wow, I’m glad you bought it” Mike said grinning and they were confused.

” What do you mean?” Tony asked.

” I mean as Rich as you are I never believe you can actually buy something as fake and cheap as that” Mike said again and Tony get angry.

” What do you really mean by that?” He said grabbing him by the neck.

” Fine, fine….. I’ll tell you, listen to this story attentively because it all happened after the conference”


UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 31 – The End

Mike’s POV
After the Press conference I went back to my place and when I arrived I saw someone waiting for me.

” Mark, I gave you a task so why are you here?…..have you found him?” I asked the man who saved my life.

” No sir, but I think you will want to hear what I’m about to tell you” Mark said.

” Let’s go inside” I replied then we both went inside the house.

” Look Mark, I need you to hurry up with what you have to say, because I have a flight to catch” I said as we entered.

” You found Peruzad?” Mark asked.

” Not exactly but I have an address” I replied and we sat down.

” Okay Sir, remember I told you my men were out there sniffing around if they could perceive any sign of Peruzad” Mark said.

” Yeah you did, what about it?” I asked.

” One of my men have just been recruited for Peruzad’s new Mission which is to be carried out today” Mark informed.

” Mission?, What’s it about?” I asked curiously.

” According to the guy, they are thirty of them and they are sending each of them to different military facilities around the country” he said.

” Sent to do what?” Mike asked.

” They were each given a bomb to carried into these places to bomb” he said.

” God, where are they now?” I asked.

” According to the guy, he said they are still waiting for others from Peruzad before they can begin” Mark answered.

” How do we stop them?…….where are they?” I asked.

” I don’t know sir, my told me they were blindfolded to the place, so he doesn’t know where they are” Mark replied.

” So what do we do?…..we just stand here and do nothing?” I said angrily.

” Although I asked him to send me the pictures of each of them and their locations which they are being sent” Mark said.

” Have he sent it?” I asked.

” No, I’m still waiting for it” he replied.

” Oh, dmn it…… c’mon Mike, think think” I muttered to myself then a message came through Mark’s phone.

” Sir, My guy just sent me the pictures and locations of each one of them but one more thing” he said and i turned to him.

” What?” I asked.

” Peruzad just gave them the go ahead, the have been deployed” he said.

” How do we send go after thirty people together at the same time?…..how do we stop this?” I asked.

” I will sent out my men after some of these people to take them down” Mark suggested.

” How many are your men?” I asked.

” Fifteen” he answered.

” That still won’t be enough……we need more trusted men” I replied then I heard my doorbell.

” Who is this?” I muttered and went to check the camera and saw agent Raven outside which got me angry.

? ” Not a good time, Agent Raven” I said to the Mic which was connected to the gate.

? ” Please Mike, let me help……Let me make things right” she said back.

? ” I don’t need your help Agent Raven….. I’ve got things under control” I said.
” Actually Sir, we are running out of time and we could actually use any help we can get ” Mark said.

I realized he was right and there are many people’s lives at risk, then I press a button and the gate opened.

She drove inside and Soon after Agent Raven joined us in the room.

” If you dare pull any stunt, I promise you……you will have an experience how the he.ll looks like” I said to her.

” I promise you Mike, My intensions are pure” she replied then I heard the doorbell again.

” Who is this?” I said then went to check the camera and Lara and Derrick then i pressed the button again and the gate opened.

They drove in and soon they also joined us in the room with Lara carrying a small box.

” What are you two doing here?” I asked.

” Please Mike, we are not your enemy….. whatever Tony, Peruzad or whatever his name is planned”

” We have no part in it……..he fooled us just as he fooled you…. please Mike” Lara said.

” It’s alright……but now is not a Good time” I said to them.

” We know, we just want to see if there’s anything we could do to help you stop him” Derrick replied.

” Fine, listen to what we have so far” I said then explained everything to them.

” OhmyGod, I still couldn’t believe Tony could actually be responsible this……what kind of demon is he” Lara said.

” We don’t have much time…..and they have been deployed to each location as we speak” I said.

” I can gather the agents and have them go after some of these men” Agent Raven said.

” We can’t use the agents at the agency, we don’t know who among them is working for Peruzad” I said.

” Trust me, I have some are not working for him……but the problem is they won’t be enough….they are only seven” she said.

” Gather them, I will send you the pictures and locations of the one to go after…….hurry up, time is running out” I said.

” Copy that” she said then went out.

” Gather your men, I will also send you the locations of the one’s to go after” I said.

” Yes sir, but you still haven’t talked about the ones sent to Lagos, are you going after them?” Mark asked.

” I’m not going after any of them…….I’m going to Italy after the boss himself” I said.

” What about the ones going to Lagos?” He asked.

” Don’t worry about that…….I have some people in Lagos who would loved nothing but to kill those ba$tards”

UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 31 – The End

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