Mr. Frank had noticed as the family became more and more spiritual, he felt some level peace within and as they held their vigil, his depressed mind would grow and remain calm throughout the night.
Being desperate to be freed from the bondage he felt within, he decided to secretly join them in his room whenever they had vigils, and listen to the teachings the mother taught the kids in their room which was next to his, with the intention of applying it to his life.
“If the prayers of someone could make me feel more alive, it’s high time I begin praying for myself as well.” He thought.
“Hey, you missed a call.” A lady said as soon as Vivian walked out of the bathroom in a towel.
“Really? I hope it’s not dad.” She asked as she picked up her phone quickly
“No, it’s not your dad. It’s Kingsley. He called twice.” Her roomie responded
“Oh…” She responded as she rolled her eyes.
“Well, aren’t you gonna return the gentleman’s call?” Her roomie pressed further as Vivian sighed.
Vivian and her roommate Cindy were close enough to talk about any guy trying to woo them, so there was nothing like prying into anyone’s privacy when it came to that.
“I’d return it later.” Vivian said non-chalantly; Delight got the message and decided to change the topic.
“Meanwhile, are you going for Bible study today?”
“No babe, I’m honestly tired and I need to rest. Besides, I haven’t read my books in a while now.
You know test is in about tree weeks time.” Vivian said as she laid on her bed after covering up.
“Hmmm.” Delight said aloud.
“Nothing, but I just feel you’ve been slacking abit in your relationship with God.
Your prayer life isn’t as hot as it was early this year, you’re beginning to lose interest in fellowshipping with the brethren and……”
“See babe. Please, I’m just coming out of the shower after a long day looking out for my family.
This isn’t the best time for this roomie, please.
We’d talk about this later, okay? But for now, I just need to sleep.” Vivian said as she backed her to rest.
“Okay, later then.” Delight responded with disappointment in her voice.
Mr. Folawe could be seen tossing up and down on his bed, as his thoughts denied him his peace.
Though the room was quiet and well ventilated- a conducive environment for observing his siesta, today wasn’t one of the days for sleep.
Everything around him- everything damn thing he has ever built was threatening to crumble like a pack of cards before him and his hands seemed tied like there was little or nothing he could do about it.
He had recent began losing contract like an amateur footballer missed goals in champions league.
He also lost a whopping amount of money to a promising investment and as if that wasn’t enough, his employers have started complaining about not being paid on time and from his sense of reasoning, a protest would soon commence.
It has crossed his mind once or twice to share his fears with his wife Rachel, but always waved it off as a bad idea.
“Lord, please I hope it’s not what I’m thinking. I hope this isn’t the beginning of my end.” He thought to himself and didn’t know when he drifted to sleep where he found himself lamenting his plights non-stop.
“My company is under the threat of crumbling without any reasonable trace and it’s leaving my confused.” He said and just then, he saw a building like a skyscraper collapse before his very eyes.
Suddenly, he began wailing like a child and asking for help which seemed not to be at reach.
This left him devasted and his legs couldn’t carry him anymore.
In between his silent sobs was a loud mocking laughter heard.
“Baba?” He said, seeming to recognize whose laughter that was.
Soon enough, Baba appeared from nowhere, marching towards him.
“Are…..are you…..are you behind this?” He asked in fright, as his question aroused another round of laughter.
“You fool! Of course I’m back for my revenge.”
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