Mazi Mbakwe couldn’t stop thanking God for His abundant mercies over his life.
He had never felt the kind of peace he was experiencing; it was overwhelming and exciting.
The freedom he felt after he had thrown all the materials he used as a herbalist and denounced them was second to none.
This peace extended to his thoughts and dreams.
“Thank you Lord, for this great deliverance.”
Esther was about heading out in a hurry when her phone rang.
“Geez, I almost forgot my phone.” She said as she moved towards the sound of the ringtone.
A big smile escaped her lips on knowing who the caller was.
“Today’s about to be beautiful.”
Vivian’s conscience wouldn’t let her be throughout the day.
It kept pricking her about how low her prayer life was, with warnings about her lukewarm attitude towards God.
“You’re no longer praying like you used to, Vivian.
Suppose there’s a breakthrough that’s coming you’re way, you’re going to lose it because of your weak prayer level.”
“The fire on your prayer altar has become mere ashes and that’s not a good sign.
You need to retrace your steps fast before you lose something tangible.”
Now there were times she had wanted to yield to these promptings within her, but her flesh had the best of her each time.
This made it obvious her priorities have been misplaced.
“I don’t know, but I just don’t have appetite to pray these days.” She thought to herself as she walked home.
“You better force yourself to pray, before you are forced to pray.” A voice within responded as she walked into the living room.
“You’re back early?” Grandma asked as Vivian greeted.
“Yes, I forgot some notes in my room so I came to pick it up.” Vivian responded.
“Where is dad?” She asked, looking around.
“He left not too long ago. Your mom is being discharged today so he should be back with her in no time.” Grandma said as the news of mom finally coming home made Vivian overwhelmed with joy.
“Oh really? I’d stay a few days then.” She said joyously.
“Have you had something to eat?”
“Yes dear.”
“Okay, I’d just go in and change now, I’m coming.” Vivian said as she headed to her room in a happy mood.
“She really has a bright glory just like her father, and with little protection around it.” Grandma thought to herself as she watched her leave.
“And my duty is to make sure she operates below what has been written of her.”
“Yipee, I won! I’m a queen at this game sis, deal with that.” Happiness said happily, being the second time she beat her sis in the Scrabble game they were playing.
“Blah blah blah. Better don’t keep your hopes up girl, no condition is permanent.” Esther said as they prepared for another round.
“Ehe babe, guess who called today while in a hurry to hit the road.” Esther said to Happiness who was concentrating on the game.
“No babe, nope. I know you’re tryna distract me to beat me, and it’s not gonna work girl.
Gist me later, let me concentrate on this game.” Happiness said without shifting her eyes from the game.
“Lol… I’m not tryna distract you. Just guess..”
“I’m mentally busyyyyy……there! Good play” She said as she made a move.
“So you were saying?”
“Oh it’s now you have my time abi?” Esther said, feigning anger.
“I’m sorry na. So who called? Kingsley?” She guessed as Esther scoffed.
“I wish…, try again.”
“Hen who? You’re so talented at pissing one off.”
“Lol… wasn’t intentional. Or you met someone new?”
“No. It’s Emma. Emmanuel called.”
“Emmanuel? A new boyfriend of yours or ……”
“Happiness I’m not a dog, please.
It’s the same Emmanuel we know.” Esther said as Happiness clapped happily.
“My favourite cousin! What did he say? Did he ask of me? Is he coming to visit?
When is he coming? Just tell me, what did he say?” Happiness asked with no breathing space, her attitude amusing her sister.
Emmanuel was just not a cousin to them, but a close friend and brother too.
To Happiness, she was his ATM as he enjoyed spending lavishly on her.
They would always go shopping whenever he came around and Happiness would always buy more than needed, which seemed not to bother him.
To Esther, Emmanuel was like a brother and bestie, one she told her relationship dilemmas to.
Because of how close they were, the duo always looked forward to his visits.
“Calm down sis…..which do you want me to answer first now?”
“All please.”
“’re funny. Well, he said he came here to see a friend so he thought it wise to come around before he goes back home.”
“Oh really? He’s in town? Great!
I really miss him and his family. It’s been a while since we saw one another.”
“Ikr. We are so lucky to have good relatives. If only mom and dad would be…..” Esther said but Happiness chipped in.
“Oh please please please please, don’t spoil my mood with your pessimistic talk.” She said as Esther sipped the drink beside her.
“So when would we be seeing?”
“Weekend. This Saturday. That’s about three days from now.”
“Cool. Can’t wait! Would he pick us up or….”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay but…..”
“Babe, calm your anxious abi excited self down. The day would soon come, okay? Let’s get back to the game.”
“What is this?” Hamen said with a gasp as a ray of fear could be seen in his facial expression.
He had tried so many times to gain access to Mbakwe’s thoughts with the aim of manipulating and oppressing him but his efforts constantly prices abortive.
He was surprised at this development because he made sure he had blocked his mind from ever coming to grasp what the root of his problems were.
“How come he has burned down the bridges already?” He murmured to himself frustratingly as he became blaming himself for getting distracted in the first place, with an assignment which later resulted to being meaningless, one that wasted his time and energy.
Hamen was so sure there was no way Mbakwe could escape, but for the fact that he got distracted and focused on something else.
“If only I had focussed on this mortal, he would never have escaped my grip.” Hamen kept saying to himself as he thought of what next to do.
“At this point the war is tougher than I thought. I can’t fight this alone. I really need reinforcements more than ever.”
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