




Mama Blessing left after sometime, as Rose kept daydreaming of how meaningful her life was becoming.

Vivian’s grandma was about sleeping peacefully when an alarm which she alone could hear, rang loudly.

“It’s time for situation report already?” She thought as she sat up, ready to teleport herself to the venue of her group’s meeting.

By the time she arrived, a member was giving an update of her victim’s moves, so she waited patiently for her turn.

“Eunice!” Karen called out firmly but respectfully, indicating it was her turn.
Vivian’s grandma responded by moving forward and made a bow.

“Give us a detailed update on the situation surrounding your victim, capable of taking her to the next level.

Is there anything new about to happen in your victim’s life, any breakthrough she’s about to access or miracle both her and her family are about experiencing?”

“Yes, there’s a new breakthrough coming her way, and a huge opportunity her family’s, but it’s hanging around, yet to be accessed.”

“Is she sensitive to this?”

“I think so, dear mistress; but the discouraging spirit I sent to her has made her lose interest in prayers, such that her current prayer life is very weak to claim the rewards of her past prayers and sacrifices.”

“That’s good. And the good spirit in her?” She asked, referring to her conscience.

“It has been weakened.”

“Good! There’s no means of escape then. You’re doin a great job.

If I may ask, what sort of breakthrough and opportunity are hers to claim?”

“For her, it’s marital breakthrough; and the opportunity is financially restoring all that they had lost via hospital bills, through a helper.”

“Wow….hmmm. That must have taken a great deal of consistency and perseverance in prayers to build.

I like your style- the last minute syndrome; leaving her to toil for it all, and striking at the crucial time of claiming and accessing them.

However, do not let your guards down.
You’re to make sure she doesn’t suspect anything and ensure she results you fully, enough bro tell her deepest secret herself.

This is for us to know when she’s gently escaping our snare.” Karen said as Eunice responded with a bow.

“As you wish, so shall it be done.”

“Whoa, Saturday’s here!” Happiness said in much excitement, getting up from bed by 7am.

“Lol….you better be calming down, it’s still morning. We’re going by evening.” Esther who had been up since 6am, said.

“Well, it’s not too early to start preparing.” Happiness responded as she immediately went into the bathroom with her toothbrush. Esther watched her in amusement.

“So how do I look, sis?” Happiness asked as she checked herself out in the mirror.

“Gorgeous. I love the gown plus the purse that complements your outfit.”

“Awwwwwww, thank yooouuu.” She responded.

“Now for the hair……should I make it in ponytail or I should just leave it this way.” She asked, still focusing on the mirror.

“I don’t think ponytail would fit this gown. Just style it your normal way.”

“Ohkay. You’re not getting dressed? It’s 2pm already.” Happiness asked as Esther rolled her eyes.

“Emma said 4pm. What’s the essence of dressing too early?” Esther asked.

Happiness was the early bird, who never went for anything late; unlike Esther who cared less about punctuality.

“Well, it wouldn’t hurt if we get there early and not keep him waiting.”

“It’s not abnormal to keep him waiting now. He’s a man.”

“Sis abeg, get dressed. You know you waste time getting dressed so by the time you’re done, time must’ve gone.” She persuaded.

“Okay fine.” Esther obliged as she checked her wardrobe to get dressed…..

“Wooow……you ladies look gorgeous.” Emma complimented as the two ladies blushed a little.

“Thank you favourite cousin.” Happiness responded with a hug.

“So are we set?” He asked.

“Of course!” Happiness said excitedly as he led them to his car.

“Hmm….this place is really beautiful. I’ve always wanted to be here.” Happiness complimented as the trio settle in an exquisite restaurant not far from town.

Picked For You:  GHOST RUN : Part 22 - 32

“So tell me, how’s life for you girls?” Emma asked as they patiently waited for their order with a drink.

“Well, we thank God.” The reserved Esther said.

“Have you been hearing from mom and dad?”

“Every once in a while. Mom called to check up on us, and promised we’d be home soon.

I can’t wait to see them.” Happiness responded as she sipped her drink.

“Yeah right.” Esther muttered beneath her breath, to the hearing of Happiness and Emmanuel.

“Don’t mind her, she’s just being paranoid.” Happiness said to Emma and just then, the waiter arrived with their order.

They ate quietly and thereafter left for the shopping mall, Happiness’ favourite place to be.

As usual, she went round the shop and bought different clothes and shoes on the basis of need and impulse.

“So tell me, what’s been going on with you?” Emma asked Esther as soon as she was done shopping and waited with him for her sis.

“Nothing. Why do you ask?”

“Well, we were talking about your parents not long ago, and you sounded not interested in seeing them.” Emma said as she scoffed.

“I don’t want to talk about them, if you don’t mind.” She responded as he raised his hands up in surrender.

“Okay fine, I won’t push it.” He said as they both maintained silence for a while.

“So tell me, what’s up with you……I’m not talking about your parents this time, I mean you as a person.” He said, breaking the silence.

“Well, nothing much. Everything has been fine and going well.”

“Great to hear that. So have you met anyone new so far?” He asked, causing her to smile.


“Oh wow, interesting. So tell me, how did you guys meet?” He asked as she explained everything to him.

“Hmm… remember the last time we discussed, you agreed not to have anything to do with relationships for now, especially because you just got out of one.

Plus you’ve been heartbroken quite a couple of times and you need to heal.”

“I know bro, I know. But this one is real. He’s not like the rest; and I feel like he likes me.” Esther said as Emma sighed.

“So this new guy, what’s his name?”


“Wow……that’s the name of my friend I came to meet here, before I decided to branch at your place and say ‘hi'”

“Oh really? It must’ve been a coincidence then.”

“Yeah but seriously, don’t try building a relationship with this one.” Emma advised.


“Well if you ask me, I’d say you’re not ready.”

“How? Am I not old enough to love and be loved?”

“Yeah you’re old enough for that, not that’s not the point. Listen your heart is bitter against heart is…..”

“What are you guys saying? Emmanuel what are you even saying?” Esther snapped.

“I’ve not even said anything.”

“You don’t need to, I know the story already. For God’s sake, why are you and my sister this way?

If my parents have refused to love me, can’t I find love myself?” She asked, already pissed off.

“Okay okay, there’s no need to argue okay? I’m sorry I pissed you off okay? Just relax.” Emma said. Leaving with an angry countenance was not what he planned, so he had to change the topic.

“So this guy, do you have a picture of him or something?” He asked, after changing the topic for sometime.

“Yeah, I think……here.” She said as she handed over her phone to him.

Emma stared at the picture with a shocked expression on his face.

“What?! Who is this I’m seeing?” He thought to himself, zooming the picture to be sure his eyes weren’t deceiving him.

“Wait… this the Kingsley you’re talking about?” He asked after a while.

“Yes, that’s him. Why? And why’s your face that way?” She asked as Emma remained dumbfounded.

It wasn’t long before he suddenly bursted into laughter, his different reactions confusing Esther.


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