“This mortal really thinks I’m a joker.” Hamen said in anger as he watched Mazi praying, via his crystal ball.
“For this insult and big slap on my face, I’m going to hit hard, and wipe out any stranger who dares stand in my way.”
“God, if truly you’re God, why would you watch me get myself into this mess?
Why didn’t you re-direct my paths and retrace my steps when I was going the opposite of your will?
Why were you good to my parents by giving them a good home but decided to be bad to me???
Just why God, why?” Mrs. Rachel Folawe questioned as she couldn’t hold back her tears.
Her life was already ruined.
Her dreams and hopes dashed.
All because of the marriage she entered.
At this point she felt hopeless and helpless.
She recalled her mom trying to warm her to pray enough before going into marriage, but she kept her advice one side and blindly let love lead.
She remembered how she at some point felt skeptical about her relationship with George during their dating period, but didn’t pay the necessary attention to it.
Now she was stuck…..with no direction or hit on the next move to take.
She wished she did things differently. She just wished she could go back in time and changed the situation of things.
“God…..why didn’t you warn me very well that this marriage would fail?
Why…..why did…..” She said in tears on the floor at the dead of the night.
“Why do you keep blaming God about this predicament of yours when He’s not even at fault here?
Despite the fact that you were a mere church goer with little or no relationship with God, he tried using your parents and instincts to warn you of the danger ahead but you didn’t take note of them.
You felt you could handle it and things would turn out fine in the end.
Now things didn’t go your way, you’re turning around and blaming God like He’s the one at fault.
Now tell me, is that fair?” A voice within responded as Rachel remained silent for sometime.
“It is still wickedness to let a child stray away in ignorance, without any harder attempt to correct me.” She retorted.
It was Tuesday evening and Kingsley could be seen attending a Bible study in his church.
In no time, they were done with the service for the day, but for one reason or the other, K waited behind.
While at it, his eyes met a lady who looked familiar. He thought hard on where they had met before but his memory failed him.
Before he could glance away, their eyes met. The lady smiled as a form of greeting, which K returned.
Soon, she walked up to seat a stone throw away from him.
At that time, K felt the urge to start-up a conversation with her.
“You’re waiting for someone too?” He asked.
“Yes, my friend over there.” She responded politely as she pointed to a lady busy with a set of people.
“Oh okay……I’m sorry to ask you this but hae we met before?
I mean, I feel I’ve seen this face before, but I can’t seem to recall where, that’s why I’m asking.”
“Yeah sure. At Ajata bus-stop remember? The day you sacrificed your seat for my grandma who had just been discharged from the hospital.” The lady said, assisting K to recall.
“Oh oh oh…….Vivian! Am I right?”
“Exactly. You remember the name.”
“Yes, I do remember now. By the way how’s grandma, I hope she’s better now?”
“Yes much better, thank you.”
“Okay, greet her for me.”
“Sure.” She said and faced her front while K looked at the time, set to leave.
“Nice meeting you again, Vivian. You worship here, right?”
“Yeah sometimes.”
“Yeah, I worship here when I’m on campus and in my family church when home.”
“Oh okay. That means I’d see you around often then.” He said as she smiled in response.
He was about leaving when his conscience stopped him.
“How sure are you you’d see her around again. Baba collect her no. joor.”
With that, he walked up to her again and achieved his aim.
“I’d call you later today to confirm you didn’t give me a fake no.” He said with a smile as Vivian giggled.
“Can’t you do that now?” She asked.
“Nah… battery is down.”
“Okay o. It’s not fake sha.”
“Time would tell.” He said as she laughed again, before he left.
“Good morning Ma!” Mrs. Desmond heard her children’s voices say slightly as she lazily opened her eyes.
“Wait…’s what?” She asked as her eyes flung open and straight to the wall clock.
“I overslept.” She said and was about hurrying off bed when she saw the kids already in their uniform, set for school.
“Pheww….thank God.” She heaved a sigh of relief as her husband walked in.
“You got them ready?” She asked as he greeted her with a peck.
“Yeah. Noticed you weren’t awake at your usual time and concluded you were worn out so I decided to be the mommy for today.” He responded as she giggled sweetly.
“That’s so sweet of you, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Don’t worry by the time you get home, a delicious meal would be waiting for you. I think that would be a better ‘Thank You’ than just words.” She said as Mr. Desmond smiled.
“I trust you. Okay we’d be leaving now, so we won’t be late.”
“Okay, no problem. And Mr. Frank.”
“He left the house not too long ago.”
“It’s home alone then.”
“Not for long, I’d see you soon.” He said as they kissed briefly, after which he left to meet the kids who were at that time in the parlour waiting for him.
“It’s about time.” Hamen said as watched Favour’s dad dropped her and her bro at school.
“It’s not my fault you’d be a source of sorrow to your parents this very day. You brought this upon yourself.” Hamen said further as he watched her walk into her class.
It was barely break time when Favour began to feel some sort of uneasiness in her stomach area.
She ignored it at first, but it became severe, causing her to groan in pain.
“Favour, are you okay?” Gloria asked.
“I’m fine, it’s just a slight stomach ache.” Favour responded as she squeezed her stomach roughly.
“A slight pain and you’re squeezing your face like this? When did it start? Perhaps we should visit the school clinic.” Chris who was seating beside her, said with a concerned look.
“No I’ll be fine. It’s just….” She couldn’t complete her speech as it seemed the she spoke, the more intense the pain became.
“Favour what is it? How exactly are you feeling?” Gloria asked, getting tensed already.
“Like my… my stomach is on fire….” She said with a loud groan.
Mrs. Desmond had just made breakfast.
She was settling down to dig in when she suddenly felt a nudge o emergency to pray.
She didn’t know whether to responded to the impression of her spirit or to satisfy herself first.
After a short reluctance, she obliged.
“Chai….. intercession is not easy.” She grumbled to herself as she began praying immediately.
“Favour what is it? What did you eat this morning before leaving home?” Her concerned friend asked as she could hardly hide the pain any longer.
“What other hindrance is this again?” Hamen roared in frustration as he saw his work being nullified, though it hadn’t manifested fully in the physical as his target could still feel pain.
“Must there be an obstacle on the way when it comes to this particular soul?” He mumbled.
“A reinforcement? But who? From where?” He questioned himself as his ball gave no response.
Unlike in Favour’s case where she could be seen clearly, he couldn’t get any information on this one.
All he saw was a light bright enough to blindfold him.
“This is quite more than expected, but I’m not giving up.” He said as he withdraw his weapons in retreat, with the aim of re-strategizing.
Mrs. Desmond felt peace in her spirit after praying for quite a while.
“Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.” She kept saying joyfully, though unaware on what had transpired as a result of her prayers.
“It’s… has subsided.” Favour finally spoke.
“What has subsided?” Glory who was holding her arm asked her. They were on their way to the clinic and had covered much distance already.
“The pain it’s…. it’s gone the same way it came.” Favour responded as Gloria heaved a sigh of relief.
“Phewww, thank God. Still we’re still going to the clinic for checkup.”
“For what again? I said I’m fine now.”
“Noooo, I insist. We have to be sure you’re medically fine and it’s not a matter of going and coming back later only for it to be more painful….or is it spiritual?”
“I don’t know, I can’t tell.” Favour responded.
“Good. So to be on the safe side, let’s still get there for check-up. We’ve covered a long distance already, so we’d be there in no time.” Gloria said as Favour obliged.
Mbakwe jerked off his sleep again panting and sweating heavily.
He had had another nightmare.
“Oh Supreme One, this persecution is too much. Why would you invite me to be on your side of you’d let me go through this torture?” Mbakwe questioned within, trying hard to catch his breath.
“There’s nothing you can do to escape this, mortal.” He heard Hamen’s voice say.
He looked around but saw no one.
“Do you need to hide your face while talking to me? Your face may be scary and dreadful to mortals, but I’m am exception.” Mbakwe said with no tint of fear in his voice.
“Oh I will come for you, as soon as my mission gets accomplished. Hand your son over to me as promised or I’d do it the hard way.”
“And I have told you time and again, I’m presently not aware of his whereabout.”
“Do you take me for a fool? You cleverly hid that soul under the watch of a guardian who has a powerful reinforcement backing her up and you claim ignorant of all these?” Hamen said in anger.
“I still maintain that I do not know what you’re talking about, neither do I know his whereabout as we speak.” Mbakwe replied Hamen’s voice as he heard him roar.
He knew the purpose of his roar was to instill fear in him and so decided to remain brave, even though he shook within.
“If you are as powerful as you claim, you go find him yourself and stop trying to get information from me with threats.
I strike a deal with you.
If you get him on your own, I’d leave the Supreme one to serve you; but if you don’t, I’d prefer to make my tent in the camp of the all powerful.”
“You dare challenge me?”
“It’s no challenge. I’m simply asking you to prove your power.” Mbakwe said as he could sense Hamen was getting angry.
“When I finally get your son, you’d no longer be useful to me any longer, because I’d make sure you have a taste of what it means to live a miserable life, before I permit you to die a painful and hard de.ath.” Hamen said and thereafter spoke no more.
Mbakwe closed his eyes and thought of what he had just done.
He knew he had enraged Hamen by challenging him.
“Supreme one, prove you truly reign.” He prayed silently.
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