DARE TO LEAVE : Episode 1 – 10

Dare To Leave

Episode 7

Lucia sat in her shop filing her nails when her phone rang and it was Bobby calling

“Hello madam ”

“Yes Bobby ”

“How are you doing ma ”

“Like I’m about to break your head… Why are calling? Did something come up?”

“Actually ma….. I’ve been following oga all day and right now we are at a shopping mall”


“And You know you asked me to call the moment I sense something unusual ”

“Yes…. ”

“Anyway……. Before we came here…. Your husband picked a lady up from one house in your neighborhood and brought her here”

Lucia tossed her filer aside and press the phone tight to her ear

“A lady…. In his car”


“And they went together to the mall”

“Yes madam ”

“What are they doing now ”

“I really don’t know…. They just went inside”

“If they are inside…. Then why are you outside ”

“I just quickly want to put a call across to you ”

“Then You must go back immediately… You can’t let them out of your sight.. Wait! Did you say he picked up the girl from our neighborhood?”

“Yes… Just two streets away from your house ”

“Then it must be the same girl.. He was driving to work the other day… Jenny…… ”

Lucia jumped up immediately

“Bobby text me the address I’m on my way ”

“Huh… ”

“Are You deaf? I said text me the address ”

“Right away ma”

She rushed out of her store, carrying her phone and purse


Lucia arrived at the mall on a bike, she then dialed bobby’s number and he rushed out of the mall to meet her

“Ahhh madam… You are really here… In the flesh ”

“No in the spirit…. Where are they?”

“Well madam your husband is still inside but the lady just left ”

“What!!!!….. How could you just let her leave?”

“But madam, what was I suppose to do? Tie her legs and hold her till you come? Besides she just left ”

“Didn’t you say she came with my husband? How did she go back when he’s still here?

“She took one of those cabs packed there….. ”

“So she just came and left like that”

“Nooo. Oh… She came with your husband and they shopped together. She brought a lot of things and left like she was in a hurry…. After answering a phone call ”

“So my husband paid for the stuff she bought ”

“I’m not really sure but as a gentleman… He should”

“Can’t you see that you are just stupid? Are you trying to make things better or worse? And why didn’t you call me on time?”

“Ahh but I called immediately we got here ”

“And spend the first few minutes saying rubbish, besides you should have called me the moment she stepped into my husband’s car ”

“But madam ”

“Don’t try to act smart with me… This is not what I’m paying you for ”

“Lucia……… ” the bold voice came from behind and before she turned she recognize whose Voice it was

“Lucia…… ” Pascal called again and she turned slowly to look at him

“Ohhh.. Honey! Wow… You are here”

“Obviously… What are you doing here?”

“I….. I came here to meet a client ”
Pascal turned to look at Bobby and Lucia waved her hand at him to dismiss him and he walked away immediately

“Who was that?”

“Who…. No one, I was just asking him for directions”

“Directions to where?”

“Don’t bother about that… What are you doing here?”

“I came to shop of course ” he raised his shopping bag

“Ohhh… Alone”

“Yeah….. Who would I come with ”

“Ohh no one… I was just wondering ”

“OK…. I’m leaving now ”

He started moving towards his car when Lucia realized she had come on a bike
And it wasn’t convenient at all

“Pascal wait….. Can you drop me at the shop please?”

“I thought you came here to see a client ”

“I did…. Yeah.. I did but uhmm.. She left already”

“She left”

“Yeah.. She left in a cab”

“Why would you be meeting your client here?”

“Actually…. I was supposed to pick her from here and bring her to the shop but she couldn’t wait for me so she left”

“And how did you intend to take her there when you didn’t come in your car?”

“I was in a hurry to meet up with her…. And what’s with the questions? Are you giving me a ride or what?”

“Get in…. ”

She hopped into the car and started searching for any clue that a lady was in here

“What are you looking for?”

“Nothing I’m just trying to fix my seatbelt ”

He started the engine and turned on the music. Lucia kept sniffing around for clues but found nothing until he got to her shop

“Uhhhm thanks love! Don’t you think your car wrinks of female perfume? Did you change the air freshener or something?”

“I didn’t ”

“So did you carry a female passenger? Because this has to be female perfume ”

“Lucia… We are at your shop… Can you alight from the car please? I have somewhere else to go”

She sighed feeling defeated. If only she had the tinest bit of evidence.. This wouldn’t have slipped
And that good for nothing Bobby ruined everything
She hopped down and placed her hand on the window

“So where are you headed to?”

He didn’t respond. He just drove off. If she had not removed her hand quickly, she would have cut herself but that wasn’t the problem
The problem was not knowing where he was going.

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