By Mary Ann Adams


Harry’s pov

That same day…

During dinner, a disturbing silence between Chloe and I. I made to break it up no words came out of my mouth.

“Chloe, about earlier..” I started and she looked at me.

“Yes..” She replied.

“Common, don’t give me that look. I understand you want us to leave but isn’t like showing Finn that they have won?” I said.

“And why do you care? That’s the truth. They won. We just have to forget about it by starting a new life.” Chloe told me and I sighed.

“Harry, just think about this..”

“I understand..”


“Let’s do it” I finally said after seconds of silence.

“That’s more like it. So which country?” She asked me.

“Wait, you suggested that without having a country yet in mind?”

Chloe just shrugged. “Let’s just choose a country.”


Chloe and I said respectively at the same time and we both looked at ourselves.

“England it is then”
“France it is then”

We both said at the same time again and then burst out laughing.

“Common, we need to decide” I said In between laughter.

“Let’s roll a coin when we are done” Chloe suggested.

“Good idea” I agreed.

After eating, we both retired to my room. Chloe then brought out the coin.

“The tail is for France while the head is for England. Agreed?” She asked me and I nodded.

She rolled the coin and it landed on the floor. We both checked and she faced me.

“Guess we are going to England” she grinned.




Getting a buyer for the house and our cars was pretty easy. We were able to sell it at an affordable prize.

I already booked for an apartment in London, England and we would move in immediately we get there.

I haven’t seen my dad and Finn since the incident happened and I don’t plan to.

We already called a cab that would take us to the airport and it was currently waiting outside.

After packing our things in the cab, we entered and taking a last glance at the house that was once ours, the cab drove off.

I looked over at Chloe and she had tears in her eyes.

She cleaned her tears when she saw me looking at her.

“I’m not crying..it’s just..something entered my eyes” she stuttered.

“It’s fine okay? I understand how you feel right now and you can cry if it makes you feel better”

“Thanks bro” Chloe smoked in between tears.


30 minutes later…


We were already in the plane and I don’t know why but I suddenly started feeling emotional too.
I can’t break down in front of Chloe. I need to be strong for the both of us.

Starting all over again is going be hard, like real hard. I have to get a job and start from the scratch.

I wore my air pods and connected it to my phone and started listening to juicewrld musics to avoid thinking.

Chloe was beside me playing a game on her phone. I rested my head and closed the eyes and almost immediately, I fell asleep.




We finally arrived after hours, it was late already and I just want to get on the bed and sleep.

Chloe had slept off when we landed and I had to wake her up.

We boarded a cab to the apartment we rented. It’s a bungalow with three rooms, kitchen, toilet, living room and others and it’s nice.

There’s also a bungalow at the right side of the house and a duplex at the left hand side.

Chloe and I entered dragging our bags in. I locked the door behind us and put on the lights.

“Wow” was what escaped Chloe’s lips.

She wasn’t that pleased but she showed she was nevertheless. I mean we live in a bigger and more expensive house than this before and now.

We aren’t suffering, at least for now so the least we could do is to accept it just like that.

“I just need to sleep. We would choose our rooms and arrange our stuffs tomorrow” I told her.

“Yeah yeah yeah” Chloe nodded her head.

I went into one of the room and climbed on the bed and fell asleep immediately.



I woke up feeling energetic. I got out of the bed. And opened the window. The duplex house coming into view.

The windows of the house were closed so I couldn’t see through it.

I closed the window and picked my phone and my eyes widened on seeing the time.

10 freaking am!!

My stomach grumbled and I decided to take something before taking my bath then I remembered we are new here and there’s no foodstuffs.

I do hope Chloe is awake and have gone to get something for us to eat.

I left the my room and gently opened the door of the room beside mine to see Chloe on the bed still sleeping.

I closed the door back not wanting to wake her up. I touched my growling stomach. Maybe I should just order for food.

That would be more easier. I went to the living room and sat on the couch and ordered for chicken and chips.

It should arrive in less than an hour. I would take my bath first and I hope by the time I’m done, it should have gotten here. I stood up and the doorbell rang.

I stopped on my tracks wondering who it is. We don’t know anyone here so who then would be on the door.

In order to feed my curiosity, I walked away to the door and opened it.

A blonde lady was at the door. She has big doll eyes and a smile was plastered on her face. Her deep dimple was so hard to ignore.

“Oh..it’s a male. And wow, you are cute” she said without thinking and immediately covered her mouth.

“uhm..Who are you ?” I asked trying to be polite.

“I’m Miranda. I live over there” she said pointing at the bungalow beside ours.
“I heard there are new neighbors so I came to say hi” she said, a cheerful smile on her face.

“Oh okay. I’m Harry” I said clearly not interested in this introductory shit.

“Sorry to ask but are you the only one here?” She asked.

“I and my sister” I answered.

“Ooh” She said and I wonder if she does nothing than smiling. Well, it did suites her. Make her look extremely pretty.

I was about to enter but her voice stopped me.

“I would love to meet her too but I guess that would be later. Can I get your digit?” She asked.

I looked at her and said nothing.

“Not for anything. Just for…” she stopped when she saw my hand signaling for her to bring her phone.

She handed it over for me and I typed in my number and gave her back her phone.

“Thank you. So I would see you later, Harry” she said, the smile still plastered on her face and left.

I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face. Not my fault. Her smile is infectious.


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