Written by Assurance Webber

Chapter 52 (Enough is enough)


“Mom?” Camdan called and she hung up on the call.

The look in his eyes was so cold, that she shivers slightly. She prayed silently hoping he didn’t hear a thing.

She smiled and took a step forward but he stopped her with a finger and she stopped right on her track.

“Csmdan are you ok?, Is there something wrong?” she asked calmly but he laughed like a maniac instead.

“Who was it, you were speaking to over the phone?” he asked.

“I was talking to your father Camdan.”

Camdan scoffed hearing that, he couldn’t believe his mom has been lying all these years. He actually came home to see his dad, concerning his marriage with Cassey but instead he heard something else.

“You think I am a fool right?, You wouldn’t be yelling at dad, if it was dad. Tell me the truth mom!” He yelled as his eyes welled up in tears.

“Camdan calm do…” he cut her off.

“How could you lie to me mom?, I heard everything, how could you lie to me?, You are my mom and you know I love you but instead, you chose to lie to me. Why?”

Mrs Lucas closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. The words of her son triggered her.

“I am sorry baby, I did it for the best.” she replied.

“Unbelievable, the best?, By lying to me all these years!” he hollered and scoffed

“You made me hate my brother for a property that isn’t even mine. I feel like a loser, all these years…I hate you mom!” He yelled as tears was seen visible his eyes.

“Am sorry baby, ple…” he cut her off

“Josh mom’s death has something to do with you right?” he asked in a total broken voice.

“Camdan can we just talk about this like a mother and child?”

“Answer me?!” he yelled and flinched. She was so surprised and scared. Camdan wasn’t like this, it was the first time he has acted this way to her.

“Yes I ki.lled her and am not ashamed to say. I did everything for you Camdan. She was just a mistress and I wanted to get her out of the picture.” She explained.

She moved to Camdan and held his hands in hers. “I am your mother Camdan, I know what’s best for you. I did everything for you because I love you.

“You are not my mother, you are a monster.” Camdan said and yanked his hand away from her grip.

“You ki.lled Josh’s mom?” A voiced asked in a broken voice and she turned around only to see Mr Lucas. He has been there all along but non noticed him.

Camdan just shook his head sideways and walked out of the house. Everything was just so wrong and he needed to get out of there. He couldn’t face the man whom he thought has been his father all these years.

“Camdan, Camdan!” Mrs Lucas yelled as she ran after him. She tapped on the window of the car he entered.

“Camdan listen to me, I did it all for you. I wanted you to have a good life and not live with that criminal father of yours.” she wept but It all felt like music to his ears. Without saying a word he started the car and drove out.

“Call the police.” Mr Lucas said to his private investigator.



Nicole closed the windows and adjusted the curtains in the sitting room. It was time for her to go to bed, so as to wake up early for work.

She was about to go upstairs when she heard a knock on her door which made her halt. She took a glance at the wall clock and it says 9:00pm sharp.

“Who could it be?, It’s late.” she muttered.

She walked over to the door and opened it, only to see Camdan standing in front of it.

“Sir Camdan?, What are you doing here?” She asked being so surprised.

“I am sorry for bothering you Nicole but I didn’t have no where or someone to go to.” he uttered with his head a bit bowed. The bulb outside her house shone brightly on his face.

Nicole took a close look at him and noticed his eyes and nose were red, and his hair was scattered, while his hands was trembling.

“Come on sir.” she finally said a word and he let out a light smile before going inside. Getting inside he closed the door behind him and found his way to a couch.

“Are you ok?, You don’t look too good.” she said and he sniffed in.

“My life is pathetic Nicole, I am a bas.tard.” he cried and Nicole patted his back.

Whatever it was that was bothering him, really got him this time. Though she’s seen him cry before but he wasn’t shedding much tears the last time.

“You are not pathetic Sir, don’t say that.” she uttered slowly and he chuckled.

“You don’t know me Nicole.”

“Of course I know you. You are the Sassy and strong-headed boss that everyone’s scared of in the company.” she explained and he chuckled.

“My life is really pathetic Nicole, I’ve been leaving a fake life all along.”

“But I don’t think it’s pathetic.” She said with a smile. One of the most beautiful smile he has ever seen, It reminds him of Asha and he smiled too. She moved her hands to his face and held it lightly.

“Why do you say so?”

“Because I love you.” she simply replied and he shook his head sideways. The thought of him not being able to bare a child triggered him badly.

“I am sorry I kssed you, it was an accident. You shouldn’t love me Nicole. I won’t be able to give you what you want.”

“And what is that?” she asked, even though she knew what he was referring to.

“I can’t plant a seed inside of you Nicole. I can’t get you pregnant, so what is the need of loving me?” he asked and she frowned but later replaced it with a smile.

“Everyone deserves to be loved and besides we can adopt.”

She climbed on his thigh as she rested her forehead on his.

“Nicole what are you doing?,” he asked but she shushed him and kssed him instead. He broke the kss and she frowned.

“I don’t think we should do this.”

“Don’t worry about it, Jace is at a sleepover with his friends, since yesterday was their prom night.” she rushed her words and kssed him again.

The heat between them was something else and they couldn’t take it anymore.

Nicole’s hand went to his chest as she started to unbutton his shirt quickly. After a few minutes she was done and threw his shirt to only God knows where.

She bit her lips as she stared at his beautifully made body. She traced his abs with her fingers and slowly ran it to his waistline but he caught her hand.

“Not yet sweetheart, we are just getting started.” he whispered in her ears.


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