HIS DAUGHTER: Episode 1 – The End

??His Daughter??

{The Young Ceo?}

Written by Author Jenny??

Chapter 8

? Kulture Pov?

What the h*ell is going on

First of all she starts working in the company
secondly saving me when I fainted
thirdly gaining back our investors
fourthly becoming our cook and now my babysitter

She is definitely up to something and I need to stop her

But the problem is that the more I’m trying to push her away ,she seems not to be affected

My dad even puts her in charge of the company till he gets back and making me attend a stupid school

I very brilliant and I don’t need school at least the home class I was having is pretty okay.

I wore my uniform and made my way downstairs with my backpack

Benita packed up my lunch and I entered the cars ignoring her

we arrived at the school and I came down

I went straight to the principal office and she couldn’t start talking and talking

yeah she needs to feel lucky that I’m in her school

I was led into the class and I introduced myself

One thing my dad taught me was never to be afraid or shy in public

“Hi guys my name is Kulture Styles, well some of you already know what ,I hope I have a nice time here but please don’t come close to me. thank you” I said sternly and looked for an empty seat to sit

The whole class murmured looking at me

“Back to what we were saying”the teacher said and continued teaching

I looked at the board and my jaw dropped

this mathematics are for kids

I raised my hands up and the teacher pointed me

“actually sir you made a mistake at the second row “I said politely

This math is simple and his still making mistake

Don’t blame me if I’m rude ,I never wanted to come school ,I should be at the company handling business

Not children maths and students gossiping about me

“Hi I’m Chris”a voice said behind me and I turned

Nice hair,cute face,nice smile ….I don’t like him

I ignored him and focused on what the teacher is saying.

The whole day went really bad for me ,I tried my best to ignore everyone trying to talk to me especially Chris

it was closing time and I rushed to the parking lot

I can’t waste another minute in this school

I entered the car and looked out the window

A lot of mother’s were picking up their kids Even if some of them were too grown for that

it reminded me of my own mom

I really missed her

I wonder why she went to God so early ,she should have stayed a little

I didn’t know tears trickle from my eyes until something wet hit my palm

I quickly cleaned it up

No matter how tough I act for my age ,I’m still very soft on the inside

I wish it was easy to give another woman a chance to be my mother but I’m scared

what if I like her and she ends up leaving like my mom did.

After getting some ice cream to lighten up my mood

we arrived at the apartment and I saw someone sitting on our couch

No just anyone

someone familiar

“Chris”I called in shock

“Kulture “he called back also surprised

“Hiii ,how was school”Benita asking with a smile plastered on her face

she’s always smiling ,I wonder why

“so meet chris my ….

I didn’t even allow her complete the sentence before walking away

I can’t believe dad agreed to her bringing her son over to stay with us until she gets back and just just anyone but Chris

God give me strength, I need this people out if my life

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