Authoress Berry Julie

Chapter 52

“I won’t let her get away with this Arusha,she needs someone to speak some senses into her skull” Olivia said to Arusha and he didn’t bother stopping her.

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat when she saw Olivia approaching her .
She can’t possibly be scared of this shit..can she?
Though she can’t deny Olivia has the biggest guts she has ever seen, she’s the only to ever stood up to her and even called her a bitch to her face.

“Hey!” Olivia banged Jessica’s desk, intentionally bringing attention to them .

“If fight wasn’t prohibited in this school,i would have scratched out your eyes,grabbed your hair and slam your head on the wall!” Olivia said and everyone gasped.
Jessica glared at her like she would do the same to her if fight wasn’t prohibited.

“I once told you this..i don’t give a damn about you, you’re nothing to me though you just proved what you are, you’re a beast Jessica” Olivia said and another round of gasps echoed in the class.

“Time spent trying to diminish someone else’s value,does nothing to increase yours” Olivia said and the word hit Jessica deeply.

“And why acting like a nipper? You look more matured than you act. Mocking Arusha for not being up to your standard is not necessary,any sensible person would choose him over you,not in terms of wealth but brains. You claim to be so intelligent yet he crushes you in class with his intelligence,teachers prefer to hear him speak even after you’ve spoken. That should tell you this so called wealth isn’t everything! Everyone claims he’s not up to their standard, yet no one is able to surpass him in looks and intelligence, y’all should be ashamed of yourselves,” Olivia laughed and truly they felt ashamed.

“He’s not up to your standard,yet he answer questions none of you can even if anyone should be mocked,it should be you all, Arusha should be the one to mock everyone of you for being so dumb! He would get a lot of opportunities and there’s a wide range of chance that he’ll be wealthy ,but there’s no hope for dumb brains like y’all” Olivia said and they all looked pissed and insulted,yet no one was able to stand up to her.

They were surprised,they always thought her to be so calm and gentle, someone they could push around.

They always mock her than they mock Arusha,she doesn’t say anything but here she is putting them all in their places.

Mrs Meg smiled, she has been listening all the while, standing by the door and she isn’t even planning to interrupt Olivia until she’s done.
Those students have some wakening up to do.

“Y’all call my father an infamous safecracker” Olivia laughed as she said it.
She was sitting on Jessica’s desk by then and Jessica knew she didn’t even dare to tell her to get off.

“I feel sorry for you all cause my father might just…he might just crack into your safes and cart away with every valuable thing you have,My father is not only an infamous safecracker but a wrestler, if anyone of you dare messes with Arusha again,I’ll call him to kick your asses” Olivia yelled and Arusha smiled.

Olivia turned to him and winked. and one can’t help but get jealous of their relationship.

“Well..I’m done passing my message across you all” Olivia rolled her eyes and turned to Jessica.

“You really went so low with what you did,that was so petty, i liked you at first, i thought we could probably be friends but your insensitive behavior proved otherwise”Olivia said and Arusha was surprised .
He never thought Olivia wanted Jessica to be her friend.
Jessica was surprised also.

“What did you gain from exposing it to everyone? Nothing! you only made a fool of yourself, i think you allowed your looks and intelligence get into your head. Jessica,you have to become a better person before it’s too late.

You’re happy to have people surround you, people are ready to worship you but watch them all turn away when you have nothing. You’re beautiful, intelligent and of course wealthy,who wouldn’t want to associate with you? Excluding me though after watching your behavior.

I’m not always impressed with job title, social status,things you can buy,I’m always impressed by way someone treats others. I’m not easily triggered by wealth,maybe it’s because i have more than enough..i mean you all know my father is an infamous safecracker so we’re kinda wealthy” Olivia grinned.

“I want you to snap out of your oblivion Jessy and get a good life” Olivia said and headed towards her seat.

Arusha felt so proud of her that he hugged her before she sat down.
He was almost close to tears when she defended him.

She stood up for him and defended him when he couldn’t do anything.
“How was it?” Olivia asked Arusha,looking gleeful.
“Perfect! You should be an actress” He said and they both laughed.

“Thanks for standing up for me” Arusha took her hand in his.
“It’s the least i can do for you, you stood up for me the first day without even knowing me” Olivia said and Arusha smiled.

“Turns out we both stood up for each other during our weak moments” Arusha said and Olivia nodded.
“Is your father really a wrestler?”Arusha asked and Olivia laughed out loud.

Jessica picked at her fingers, almost in tears.
Olivia’s word really got to her, she regretted doing what she did to Arusha,she regretted being rude to Irish,she regretted every bad thing she did to the innocent lady.
How could she have been so unfair.

Shouldn’t she be glad her brother is helping people? When did she turn this?
When did she turned into a mon$ter!

Olivia words repeated in her head and she finally let out her tears.

She looked over at Arusha and really felt bad.
She so ashamed to even apologise to him.
She had went ahead to carry out her plans even after he apologized to her, twice.

She feels so remorseful that she wished she hadn’t done that in the first place.
–snap out of your oblivion Jessy and get a good life– Olivia’s words rang in her ears.

She totally felt like a new person after Olivia spoke to her.
Her words opened another side of her that she didn’t knew existed.

Jessica glanced at her..
“Did i say too much to her” She asked Arusha who shook his head.

“You said enough to snap her out of her oblivion, you helped her Oli”.
“Are you sure? But she’s in tears” Arusha said worriedly.
She likes Jessica right from the first time but her behavior had put her off.

“No,she’s being remorseful. ” Arusha glanced at Jessica too.
“We should be hoping for a better Jessica from now”Olivia said and Arusha nodded.

“I..i there’s something i want to say”Jessica suddenly said loudly.

Everyone turned to her .
Hey eyes were red and Arusha felt sorry for her.
She seems like a very soft hearted person but with a harsh facade.

“You all know Ethan Harlow as my brother..” Jessica started.
“Ethan Harlow is her brother?” Jessica was surprised and Arusha nodded.

“And she acts like this, he was very humble when he came for dinner at the palace” Olivia said,not realising what she just said .
“Dinner? Palace?”Arusha asked and Olivia was lost for words for a moment.

“Yeah,i mean palace, my mum works there so i go with her most times”Olivia lied.

“Ohh…your mum must be working as a cook,no wonder you bring delicious meals ” Arusha said and Olivia nodded, smiling faintly .

She almost spilled her identity.

“Ethan Harlow is not my brother, we’re not related in any way” Jessica said and there was a loud uproar in the class.

“He accommodated my mum and i when my mum was kicked out of the house after my father’s death, i was still very little then and i grew up to know him as my brother,he told me to still call him brother even after my mum told me we’re not blood related, he’s sponsoring my education just like he’s sponsoring Arusha’s and so many other people’s”
They all stared at Jessica in shock.
Arusha was surprised also, he never thought Jessica would reveal this to them herself.

The students look of shock later turned to disgust and they stared at her just like they had always stared at Arusha and Olivia.

“How dare you deceive everyone for years that you’re Ethan Harlow sister!” A girl said aloud and everyone nodded in approval.

“You must be such a fool to have being deceived, does their last names correlate? Shouldn’t you have figured it yourselves since all these years,i can’t believe you all are dumb to that extent” Jessica said, shutting the girl up.

“Anyway..i said what i said, I’m not related to Ethan Harlow in any way, we were only accommodated” Jessica said and sat down.

“I’m done with this friendship! I was only with you cause i believed you were Ethan Harlow’s sister. Liar!” Jane yelled and Jessica was shocked to the bone.
J..jane was her best friend.

She placed her head on the desk,she couldn’t cope with the dozens of eyes glaring at her like she’s thrash.
It looked like everyone suddenly turned their back on her.
She couldn’t cry anymore,she only wanted to scream in disbelief.
No this is not happening to her.

–You’re happy to have people surround you, people are ready to worship you but watch them turn away when you have nothing–
“No!” She sighed.
She hoped Jane hadn’t meant what she said.

“I feel so sorry for her cause most of her friends are going to desert her, i hope she’ll be able to cope with the pain” Olivia said.
“I hope so too” Arusha glanced at Jessica worriedly.
Her head was still on her desk.
“That’s the reason i never wanted to have friends, it’s so rare to see one that’ll stick with you during a hard time. It’s better off being alone” Olivia said.

“Good day class” Mrs Meg walked in.



Irish was in the living room when Jessica walked in.
Her eyes were red and she looked so sad.
Irish wondered what must have gone wrong.
Jessica never returned home looking this way, her shoulders were slumped and not only does her eyes look sad,she looks scared too.

Irish was worried as she watched Jessica walked to the stairs, though she doesn’t like it when Jessica glare at her, she prefers it to this her present look.
Irish headed to the kitchen immediately Jessica was out of sight.

She met Gabrielle slicing cabbage.

“Gabrielle, i think there’s something wrong with Jessica” Irsh said.
“She’s back?”Gabrielle asked.
“Yeah” Irish said and Gabrielle knew something was indeed wrong.
Jessica comes to greet her first immediately she’s back from school.

“Her eyes looked so red like she has been crying and she looked really sad, she didn’t even glare at me” Irish said.

Mrs Gabrielle dropped the knlfe,rinsed her hands and headed for Jessica’s room with Irish behind her.



Arusha and Mrs Helen ate steaming pizza rolls as they watched a movie.
He just finished completing his home work.
He couldn’t help but think about what happened in class today.
He wasn’t even concentrating on the movie and Mrs Helen noticed it.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“Something happened in the class today” He said drily.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked and he shook his head.
“Everything will be fine” She rubbed his back.

They heard a knock on the door and wondered who it was.
“I’ll go get it” Arusha said,he got up and headed to the door.
He pulled it open and saw a guy about his age at the door, with a basketball in hand .

“Hi, I’m Ryan” He smiled.
“I’m Arusha”
“I’m your neighbor and i was just aware recently that there’s a guy my age. I’ve been so bored all along”Ryan said.
“Ohh” Arusha smiled,even though he has never seen him before.

He only goes to school and come back in.
“I want to go play basketball, will you come with me?” Ryan asked and Arusha’s face lit up.
“Of course, I’ll be back,i want to inform my mum”
“Okay”Ryan said and waited.



Jessica changed into a lambswool sweater and pale green linen shorts after she finished freshening up.
She sat on her bed and stared blankly at the door.
Her mum had come but she had refused to open the door.

Her heart was not only broken but shattered.
Everyone avoided her till school was over and Jane and Paris hadn’t even waited for her after school.

Chandler had told her he wasn’t interested in her anymore and that she should go to he.ll.

Almost everyone had shut her out of their lives and it seems they were friends with her because they thought she was Harold’s sister .

That was how Arusha must have felt when people didn’t want to associate with him, she was even part of those people that mocked him.

She was part of those that didn’t want to associate with him because he’s poor.
Serves her right to feel the same pain he had felt.

‘Gray’ She thought and picked up her phone.
She placed a call across Gray,her boyfriend in Paris.

“Jeasy…how are you?” He asked and Jessica knew he has been drinking.
“Let’s break up” She said curtly.
“Wh..why? Did i offend you,I’m so sorry if i did Jessy. I’m sorry, I Love you so much”
*You did nothing Gray but..i..I’m not Ethan Harlow’s sister as you thought, we’re not related in any way. He only accommodated my mum and i.
“Wh..what! Are you joking?”
“I’m serious G.

“Ohh..i guess we should really break up then. Have a nice life’ Gray disconnected the call.

‘Is that really how people are?’ She thought and laughed at the sad reality of life.

How come everything changed in just less than a day.
She had been so happy to get to school this morning and tarnish Arusha’s image not knowing hers will be tarnished along.
And he hadn’t even told the world Ethan Harlow is not her brother even after she embarrassed him deeply.

Olivia was right and Jessica is so grateful she snapped her out of her oblivion.
She made her realise she has no friends after all.
None at all.

How can she cope without Jane and Paris?
Not when Ethan told her she’ll be staying permanently in California.

This is a dream right?
“Can someone wake me up already!” She screamed in tears.



Jessica staggered into the dining room for dinner.
She was weak, she had cried so much that she couldn’t even cry anymore.
She was too weak to cry.
She felt helpless.

Her hair looked disheveled and some of it stuck to her face,her eyes were red and swollen and her whole face was pale,like she would pass out anytime soon .
She looked like she was hit by a truck.
She felt miserable…she had never knew what betrayal felt like.

“ God!” They all rushed to her as they saw her.
She fell into Ethan’s arms immediately, her legs were shaking already.
“Call Doc Luc!” ” Ethan almost yelled at Javad.

“I..i wa..nt water” She said and Mrs Gabrielle was in tears as she quickly poured her water.

“What in the world went wrong!” Mrs Harlow panicked as they made Jessica drink the water.
“Everyone left me” Jessica said, after drinking water, she felt a bit better.
Her eyes ached terribly as another round of tears threatened to stream down her face.

“We’re here for you Jessica” Irish said, trying to fight back her own tears.
Arin was crying uncontrollably already, Jessica has never looked so horrible.

She looked pale and thin all of a sudden.
“Everyone left me” She repeated as Ethan carried her to her room.

He really hoped whatever is wrong with her right now won’t affect her mental health.

“Everyone left me”


“Uhm” Doc Luc sighed.
He packed his things back into the box.
Everyone started at him expectantly. Jessica fell asleep minutes after she was injected.

“I sedated her..” Doc Luc said.
“I’m afraid she might be needing a psychiatrist once she wakes up” He added and they all stared at him in disbelief.

“And she might not…but seeing how she behaved not too long ago, it seems her brain is in shock,i don’t know how much shock it is..that’s the reason I’m not so clear about her visiting a psychiatrist or not once she wakes up.
If i hadn’t sedated her, she would have gone on and on and that will be terrible. She’s in a weak state of mind right now”

Mrs Gabrielle stroked Jessica’s hair, she hadn’t even paid full attention to the doctor.
She was so worried about her daughter.
Everyone was.

“She’ll be awake by tomorrow morning and I’ll make sure I’m here before she wakes, so i would know if she’ll need to be transferred to a psychiatrist immediately”
“You can sleep here, a room will be prepared for you” Ethan said.
“I would have loved to but I’m on night shift, the hospital needs me. I’ll be here first thing in the morning” Doc Luc carried his box.

“I’ll book appointment with the psychiatrist tonight…” He said.
“Is it that serious?” Mrs Harlow panicked.
“We never could tell…if it doesn’t turn out bad like I’m thinking then I’ll cancel the appointment but if it does,and she doesn’t see a psychiatrist immediately, it might go beyond what a psychiatrist can handle. We should hope she’s in the right frame of mind by tomorrow.” Doc Luc said.
“What could have gone wrong in school?” Irish thought.
“I’ll take my leave now Mr Ethan”
“Alright Luc, thanks so much” Ethan said.

“Arin,you need to go to bed or you’ll be late to school tomorrow” Ethan said, minutes after Doc Luc left.
“No, I’ll be sleeping with jessy” Arin said and Ethan sighed, knowing there’s no point in arguing with her.
“Alright,go with Irish to get you ready for sleep” Ethan said and Irish got to her feet.
She took Arin’s hand and they both left the room.

Irish wore Arin her pyjamas after she showered and brushed.
She took her back to Jessy’s room after they were done and Arin laid down gently beside Jessica.

“What really happened?” Ethan asked.
“No one knows. She returned from school looking sad and i told Mrs Gabrielle about it. Jessica refused to open the door, she said she’s fine until this night…” Irish said.
“Why didn’t anyone told me that?” Ethan asked.
“You know Jessica! I thought it was one of her silly mood swings,i never thought it to be this serious” Mrs Gabrielle blew her nose into a handkerchief.
She had cried so hard.

“Something might have happened in school or on the way home” Mrs Harlow said.
“Ethan, I’ll call Arusha to ask him,you should ask her bodyguards if anything happened on the way” Irish said.
“Isn’t it too late to call Arusha? He might be asleep” Ethan said.
“No” Irish glanced at the wall clock. “He’ll be watching movie now”

“Okay, I’ll go ask her bodyguards” Ethan walked out of the room.
Irish also walked out after him.

She placed a call across Arusha when she got into the living room.

“Sister” Arusha said, immediately he received the call.
He wondered what made her call by this hour and he wanted to tell her he already has a friend! A male friend!
He’s so happy.

“Arusha, what happened to Jessica in school today?” Irish asked and Arusha could sense the panic in her voice.
He sat up on the couch and lowered the volume of the movie he was watching.
‘What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Answer me asshole!” Irish said and he sighed.

“Okay… Jessica told everyone in school that she wasn’t Mr Ethan’s sister like they thought,he only accommodated her and her Mum and you won’t believe her friends, everyone cut ties with her immediately, she was mocked and avoided like a plague” Arusha said sadly.
“That’s terrible!” Irish exclaimed, getting the whole picture now.

She now understands why Jessica kept muttering ‘everyone left me’


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