He reverently landed his lips on mine as I stayed down with shock


Aiden dared to kiss me?
Is he crazy?
He must be a puck path.

He passionately kissed me before resting his chin on my shoulder
He stood still as I rested my back on the wall

“Aiden, you have a death wish right?”
He didn’t reply me

“You must have that wish, yeah”
He still didn’t reply

His hands that help my tiny waist fell free
What’s this?

His breathing hitched down hard.
He could hardly breathe.

I hooded his back as i moved him from my body.

“Oh gosh!!”
Aiden had fainted.
He had fever and he was throbbing hot.

“Aiden wake up,what’s wrong??”
I moved him as he rested on my chair.
I rushed out for help immediately.

“Oh my! What’s wrong with him?”
One of the guys in the other office asked as they both helped mW in carrying him downstairs.

I carried my bag and followed suit.
They both assisted him into the car as I got behind the wheel and I drove off.

My heart beats so fast.I touched his forehead as it burned so hot.
Gosh..Aiden can kill

He sneezed as he came to. He opened his eyes slowly.
I stared at him viciously

“Lakshmi?” He said as his voice seemed down

“Don’t you dare call my name!” I said giving him a hard face

“I’m sorry for the disturbance please”
He apologised

“Why not get hospitalized when you’re sick instead of coming to me??”
I said facing him as I stopped the car for the traffic light

“I sneaked out, I wanted to catch a glimpse of your face”
He said

Guilt suddenly hit me hard. He sneaked out of bed to see me?
I suddenly felt guilty

“Show me the directions to the hospital”
I said as I started to car to move

“Take me home”
He said as he rested his head back

I looked at him as I continued driving. This is a guilty spirit. He folded his arms as he shivered from cold.

“I know I’m handsome but stop starring before you get us killed”
He said as I quickly returned my gaze forward

He closed his eyes..
Twenty minutes later I stopped in front of a big mansion as I helped him get down

I pressed the door alarm as he rested on my shoulder
The gate got opened as a young girl of maybe 20 years opened

I looked at her. She was beautiful, she looked just like Aiden. I guess that’s his sister

“Oh my! Aiden ain’t you suppose to be at the hospital??”
She asked as she moved him away from me

“I ran off to see her”
He said pointing his index finger at me

“You must be Lakshmi??”
She asked me

I replied her

“Now I see the Angelic beauty been behind Aiden’s mind ”
She said stretching her hands

“I’m Lakshmi”
I said as I held her hands. Very soft

“I’m Scarlet, thanks for bringing him home”
She said as she smiled

All Scarlet are crazy beings
They love escadrilles..

“It’s a pleasure, take care Aiden, bye”
I said to him as I watched Scarlet close the gate as she kept scolding him

I entered my car as I rested my forehead on the wheel. I’m confused
I’ve already made two guys suffer.

I feel bad for them.
So bad
What do I do??
Aiden suffered a lot because of me
Anderson suffered greatly because of me.

“I’m so confused ”
I said to myself as I drove my car away.

I picked up my phone to call Laks.
I’m suddenly missing her so much

I’m glad she accepted the deal. She’s mine now
I called but she didn’t pick up

“What’s wrong”
I said to myself as I carried my cup of coffee to the living room

I tried once again and she picked up immediately
“Hi Laks”
I said to her

Her voice seemed so down

“Can you come over??”
I asked her. I just want to catch a glimpse of her face

She asked as her sweet voice hit my eardrums

“Yeah, can you??”

“I’m sorry, I can’t.”
She said

“Is everything okay Laks?”
Her voice is really down

“Yeah, just a little tired”
She said

“Take some rest, bye”
I said as I hunged up on the call

I heard her voice and that’s fine. At least for now.
She’s my everything now

She’s the only family I gat
She and Jan are my family.

I can’t trade her for anything.

She’s my mum, my sister, the only soul I gat now.

I’m not giving her out to anyone
At least not while I’m alive..

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