Episode 7

By Faith Lucky

Getting home with Mica, Octavia laid on the bed to rest and await the pains – the contraction.

As she laid downwards on her tummy, she could feel tears threatening to spill her eyes, but tried real hard not to let it drop.

Mica sat beside her and took her hand into hers.

“Octavia..” she called calmly.
She didn’t need glasses to see through her sister’s pain – brokenness.

“I’m sorry you have to go through this” she added.

A few seconds of silence passed, then Octavia asked:

“Does it hurt…really bad?”

Mica’s jaws dropped instantly, but no – she couldn’t bring herself to break in front of her sister.

“Well…yeah, it does” she sighed.

There was a pause.

“How does it feel?” Octavia asked, her voice sounding so timid.
Her hand was still in Mica’s.

“It um…you start feeling this pain like your intestines are rumbling, your lower abdomen would get tight and hurt a lot. Then, the bleeding…But in the end, you’ll be fine” she concluded, adding a little hope.

Octavia couldn’t believe she’d be facing all that. She really couldn’t believe it.

“When it’s done…do you think I’ll be strong enough to go for camp?” She asked.

“Of course, of course. In a few days, you’ll be completely fine – trust me”.

Well, the camp was just around the corner and it was an event that could only happen once in a blue moon.

All the members of the X-family from different clans were to come together and in the course of the camp, a new Leader will be appointed.

So, it was the biggest and most important event that could ever happen in the X-family, and no one was permitted to miss it.

“How did you feel…when you had to abort your own baby?” Octavia asked after a while, breaking the brooding silence.

“Well…” Mica sighed. “Trust me, Octavia, it really wasn’t easy for me.

“At first, when I had gotten to know I was pregnant, I kinda felt happy and sad at the same time. I was happy because it was actually my first time and incredible to know I had a life growing inside of me.

“But thinking of the circumstances around me, I felt sad because it was impossible to have a child here. We’re here to fight, Octavia, not to raise children or build a family.

“As soon as Khalid heard of it,he asked me abort the child even before Zack got to know. And of course, he was in support when he eventually got to know.

“I was broken Octavia, believe me. It really wasn’t easy for me – watching the bIood come out of me – the life flow out of me. Abo.rtion should never be an option for any lady – never.

“And I feel so terrible you have to go through this”.

Octavia listened attentively, taking note of everything she said.

For a long while, they didn’t say a word to each other and looking at her face, Mica could tell she was feeling dizzy.

“I’ll leave you to take some sleep. It might help” she told her and stood up, headed towards the door.

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“Mica” Octavia called just before she opened the door, and Mica paused to look at her.

Then, in a mild voice, she said:
“I’m sorry”.


Mica smiled at her and opened the door, then finally left the room.


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