A DECEPTIVE HEART : Episode 11 – The End




Diane went into the dining room after changing her clothes to check for food in the fridge but saw food already laid out on the table. She asked Isadora if she was the one that prepared it but she told her it was Alfred who made her the food.

Diane was very happy but she withheld herself from showing it so she just ate and went in to take a bathe. She got into the room and undressed, she tied a towel around her body and went into the bathroom unknown to her Alfred was in there. She bumped into him as he was just coming out of the bathroom, and her towel nearly fell off of her body.

She quickly bent to pick it up but Alfred was fast enough to removed his towel and covered her.

She shouted and shut her eyes because she didn’t want to see him n@ked. Alfred smiled and said, “shhhhh, relax Diane, I’m putting on a boxer”.

She turned around and saw it then became relaxed she told him to take his towel off of her since she has hers with her. He agreed to do that immediately and pulled her closer to himself slightly exposing her b–bs.

He came closer to her while she was trying to break free from his grip but he tightened it, he kissed her neck and caressed her waist. She was carried away and responded as they k!ssed but Diane finally got back to her senses before it became more intimate. She broke away from him and entered the bath tub and kindly asked him to leave which he did.

After taking her bath, she remembered that she forgot to bring out her night wear so she took the risk of going out to find it uncovered but luckily for her Alfred wasn’t in the room anymore so she calmly dressed up.

She laid on the bed but couldn’t sleep, her mind kept roving as she thought about what happened between her and Alfred. She was lost in her world of love and thoughts that she didn’t realize Alfred coming into the room.

Alfred saw she wasn’t asleep yet so he tapped her which brought her back to reality.

“Yes? What’s it Alfred?” She asked.

“I uhmm, I wanted you to take some time off from work and stay back at home with me, I mean we, us us…. You know Andy, Isadora and I so that we could catch up on few things that’s all”. Alfred said.

Diane smiled and said,” it’s late now and I have to sleep so I’ll call my boss tomorrow to know if he will agree to that, Good night”.

She turned to the other side of the bed and Alfred came closer to her from behind and pecked her then wrapped his arms around her, she smiled and wanted to put her arms on his only to realize it was an imagination, she hissed and went back to sleep as she saw him working on his laptop.

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