“Esther what is it? You’ve been moody all morning.” Happiness said with concern to her sister who was sulking in bed late that morning.
“Sis it’s you I’m talking to o, not an empty space.” Happiness said after a long silence from Esther.
“Sis you know you can talk to your sister about anything, right?c ome on, silent treatment isn’t the best way to communicate your feelings, you know.” Happiness pressed further. It was at this point Esther turned to face her.
“He’s beginning to avoid me.” She said with a pout.
“Kingsley. He’s no longer chatting with me like before. He’s beginning to avoid me” She said further as sis heaved a sigh.
“That’s not true, he probably is very busy with something.” Happiness said as Esther buried her head in between her laps.
“Is it a crime to want to be loved?” She could hear her say.
“Oh please.” Happiness said, rolling her eyes before she continued.
“Esther you need to stop sounding like you’re desperate to be loved. I mean, look around you and be appreciative for once.
You have me, and you know I both love and care about you very much.
We had grandma who loved us like no man’s business, before her demise.
We have our uncle and cousins who treat us like family.
We have our parents, who are trying their best to…..” She said as Esther cut in with a wave of hand.
“Abeg if you mention anyone, just don’t mention our parents please.
In what way have they ever shown love to us?”
“Sis we…..”
“No wait, let me finish.” Esther cut in impatiently as Happiness kept quiet.
Ever since we’ve been born, it’s been from one guardian to another.
First it was grandma.
Now she’s no more, it’s dad’s bro and his family.
Next we’d be thrown to mom’s family.
Aren’t you seriously tired of all these?
Why do they keep acting like we’re a burden to them or a hindrance to their progress, why?
They don’t even call, except during festive periods, now where’s the love in that?”
“Esther we lack nothing!
Yes they don’t give us the expected time and attention as parents but they make it up time and again by providing even more than we need.
Please stop being bitter against them. They are our parents, they are family, you can’t throw them away because of this weakness of theirs.
Even in this shortcoming, Grandma and uncle makes it all up for them.
You need to stop this before it gets the best of you, please.”
“You know what, enough of this.” Esther said, getting off bed.
“Enough of what?”
“Of you defending them every now and then and decieving yourself.
Our parents don’t love us, so we need to find love ourselves.”
“And you haven’t succeeded yet, has you?”
“I will succeed at this one.”
“Even if you do, have you never thought you’d end up transferring this bitterness in you to the poor man whenever the slightest mistake is made?” Happiness said, her words making Esther to pause for a while.
“Haven’t you thought the reason you’re not lucky in love is because of this bitterness you harbour against your own parents?” Happiness said further as Esther thought deeply on her words.
She didn’t know whether this was true or not.
“Sis all I know is this: if you must find love….. I mean if you desire to find true and lasting love, you’d need to go of this bitterness.” Happiness said and with that walked out.
Ever since Kingsley received the insight about having an idol in his heart, he has been taking it slow with the current ladies in his life.
Though he distanced himself abit from Esther, he kept constant tabs on Vivian as she was the one he was interested in.
He usually called, texted and asked to see her; unlike Esther who usually was the on making the first move most times.
However, as a result of what he had received, he paused a little, but not completely.
He reduced the number of time he calls, texts and also saw her sparingly.
To him, Vivian really seems nice, well-cultured and perfect.
The only thing he wasn’t too sure of was whether she was the one or not.
“Lord have your way, and let your will be done.”
Mrs. Desmond had her children sit in front of her in their room one cool evening.
She had rescheduled her plans on assisting her daughter both physically and spiritually in her intercession journey by holding a compulsory 30mins vigil with them alongside her husband, and also making out time each evening to bring them up in the way of the Lord via Biblical teachings.
“Okay so this evening, we’re going to talk about the benefits of intercession.” She began that cool evening, completely oblivious of Mr. Frank who quietly tucked himself in a hidden area, ready to listen to the lessons for the day.
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