Chapter 96


“My office isn’t a hang out spot!” Gray snapped.

His mum was busy gisting with Elena, Austin and Scarlet. He felt left out but he couldn’t join in the conversation either because his mother would tease him by telling them his childhood story.

“If you’re feeling left out, come join us and stop acting like a wronged puppy.” Elena said.

“Exactly!” Mrs Jasmine rolled her eyes and continued gisting with them.

Austin winked at Gray and Gray rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you come visit us sometime, Elena. Little Summer would be amazed to see you. No doubt, she will love you.” Mrs Jasmine said and Elena smiled.

“I would love to see her.” Elena said.

“Thanks everyone! I’ll be on my way now.” Mrs Jasmine said and stood up.

“Finally!” Gray exclaimed in relief.

Mrs Jasmine poked his forehead. “Is that his to bid your loving mother goodbye?” She scolded.

“Mum!” He whined.

“Shut up!” She snapped and he pouted. “Bye guys.” She blew them ksses and left.

Immediately she left, Gray stood up.

“Austin, take your wife and leave my office.” He said.

“But, we want to stay for a while.” Austin said.

“Austin!” Gray snapped.

“Jeez! Fine! I’ll take her. Stop acting like a meddling mum!” Austin said and held Scarlet up.

“I don’t wanna go.” Scarlet whined.

“You’re gonna go. Have a nice day.” Gray said had pushed two of them out while Elena laughed. He closed the door and locked it.

“Have you forgotten that I haven’t eaten? And you locked the door?” Elena folded her arms.

Gray sighed. “Stay here! I’ll go get you something to eat.” He said and left the office.

Raymond entered and smiled at her. “Good day, Elena.” He greeted.

“Good day, Raymond. How are you doing?” She asked.

“I’m fine. I was coming to pass a message to Mr Gray but he just passed me by without saying anything.” Raymond pouted.

Elena chuckled. “He is in a hurry!” She said.

“Okay, let me drop the message with you then.” Raymond said.

“Sure! What’s it?” She asked.

“He is to have lunch with the conference ministers by 2pm and a meeting at the headquarters by 5pm. The state governor is gonna be there.” Raymond said.

“Alright. I’ll convey the message to him when he comes. Anything else?” She asked.

“I was thinking if we could have lunch together like always.” He said, rubbing the back of his head.

Before Elena could answer, Gray entered, and dropped the tray of food on his desk. He rushed to Raymond, and started pushing me out.

“I’m sorry, sir. I was only trying to convey a message to you.” Raymond said.

“Go and get married, mister.” Gray snapped and pushed him out then closed the door.

Elena laughed as Gray walked towards her. “You’re acting like a jealous husband.” Elena said.

“Yeah. Maybe, I am a jealous husband.” Gray said and she gasped.

“You aren’t my husband.” She said.

“What? Is it wrong for me to be your husband or I’m not qualified to marry you.” He said and bent, looking at her straight in the eyes.

“I… I… No… It’s not like that.” She smiled nervously.

“Then, what is it like?” He asked.

Elena felt like a lump was in her throat. Him being close to her like this was suffocating in a good way. Gray chuckled and went to take the tray.

“Time for you to eat. Dig in.” He said with a smile she couldn’t help but return.

“I want you to feed me.” She said.

“What!” He exclaimed.

“Consider it as returning the favor.” She smiled.

He sighed and smiled then took the tray to her and started feeding her.




After work, Elena freshened up and Annabella started working on her and Julie. She removed her mask and settled down for Annabella to make her look scary.

“You look more beautiful than I remember, Noel.” Julie said and Elena laughed.

“All thanks to God.” Elena said.

“I’m going to make you two look spookily beautiful. Camille will be mesmerized and scared at thesame time.” Annabella said and they laughed.

Lucas didn’t pay attention to them. He was just busy on his phone. He was waiting for his own part of the plan after they might have dressed up.

“Doesn’t he even notice me for once?” Julie asked Elena.

“He will. He is a very shy and reserved person that even if he likes you, you won’t know. Give him some time.” Elena said.

“I will but I might be patient much longer.” Julie said as Annabella did her makeover.

“What are you going to do then?” Silvia chuckled.

“Being r©mantically Savage.” She smirked and they laughed.

After Annabella finished with the makeover, Elena and Julie laughed at themselves.

They looked like themselves but there was something like bIood flowing from Julie’s mouth while Elena’s chest and hand was covered in bIood.

Lucas almost screamed when he saw them.

“You guys look scary! Good job, Annabella.” He said.

“You did great.” Silvia commended her and she bowed proudly with a smile.

“Let’s go! Lead the way, Silvia.” Elena said and they left for the car.

Lucas drove them to a spot and parked. “I’ll be in the car, monitoring everything and helping you guys. Good luck!” He said.

“Thanks.” They answered.

“What about the security?” Annabella asked.

“Levi has taken care of them.” Silvia said.

“Cool! Go girls! I can’t wait to watch the video.” Annabella said.

Elena and Julie entered the house without restriction and Silvia led them in.

She hid by a corner so as to do her own part of the plan which is splashing Camille with water which has been made to look like bIood.


Camille was fast asleep when she heard voices like sirens singing. She rolled on the bed and continued sleeping.

“Camille! Camille! Camille!”

She sprung up when she heard her name. “Who is that?” She asked, her heart beating fast.

“Your worst nightmare!”

Immediately that was said, all the lights in the house turned off. She screamed and hugged her pillow. A grey light lit up the room and she looked to her side. On the window was written,

‘We want your bIood, only your bIood can quench our thirst for revenge!’

She screamed louder this time. “Help! Levi! Levi! Please help me!” She burst into tears.

The lights dimmed and two people appeared. Camille fell from her bed and went on her knees.

“I’m sorry, please! I didn’t mean to kll you guys.” She pleaded.

“Your bIood is all we want!” Both of them said and thunder struck.

She screamed and ran out of the room. As she alighted the stairs, a red liquid from nowhere splashed on her body. She fell from the stairs and started running, not caring about her fall.

She ran outside and saw them. She ran back inside, they were still there. “Noel, Julie! I’m sorry, please don’t kll me.” She pleaded.

“Your bIood is all we want!” They repeated.

She tried to run again but wherever she ran to, she would see them there. Seeing that she had no where to go again, she fainted.

Elena and Julie burst out laughing hard.

“Make sure she wakes up! We haven’t started yet!” Elena said.


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