WHO AM I : Episode 21 – The End

EPISODE 21??????????????? Written by divine purpose??? Dan opened his eyes ,waking up from his sleep He looked beside him and saw Daisy asleep with her head on his chest He slowly placed her head on the pillow and walked out of the room where he met Drex arranging the dining table “What are you doing … Read more

WHO AM I : Episode 11 – 20

EPISODE 11???????????????? Written by divine purpose????? “I don’t know if I should say this but I don’t like either of you” Daisy said and walked away from both Dan and Dylan “What was that? What’s she saying? No one confessed his love to her” Dylan also said and walked away leaving only Dan Dan put … Read more

WHO AM I : Episode 1 – 10

EPISODE ONE???????????????? Written by divine purpose??? “Daisy, why can’t you just get this? You’ve been a ballerina for almost five years and yet you can’t stand on your toes properly? What is wrong with you?!!!” Her teacher scolded her Daisy is 22 years old, she wants to become a ballerina so much but she doesn’t … Read more

THE BABYSITTER : Episode 11 – 20

Episode 11 ?[Our Nanny] ? By: Blessing D writes . . ?Kendra’s POV ? I gulped down nervously as I watched him stare at me. “He continued starring at me in the eyeball making me wonder what his thinking.” “Oh please!” “Lord help me overcome this temptation.” “What were you doing with him ?” He … Read more

THE BABYSITTER: Episode 1 – 10

Episode 1 ?[Our Nanny] ? By : Blessing D writes . . (Getting to meet the boys.) ?Kendra’s POV ? “Arrggh, I groaned as I got up and sat upright in my bed.” Am gonna start my work as a babysitter today. Babysitting grown up boys. I looked at my well arranged clothes and sighed, … Read more