Chapter 15


The car stopped in front of the Dalton Mansion and she was welcomed warmly by the staff and though she protested they told her to get some rest and to begin her task tomorrow.

Getting to her room. She found a white scented envelope which has a bold ‘SORRY’ written on it.

Knowing who it was she turned to see Fiona standing by the door way.

“This is yours right?”She asked and the little girl nodded.

“I already gave you my answer at the hospital and I will also tell you here again.

There’s nothing to be sorry about but if you insist then I accept your apology”She said opening her arms expecting a hug but Fiona stood still.

“But you gave me a hug at the hospital room. Why won’t you give me now?”She asked.

“You might leave “Fiona muttered looking sad.

“Why do you say so?”Arabella asked as she move towards her.

“A hug was the last thing I gave to mom before she died. I don’t want the same thing happening to you”Fiona said talking about her adopted mom. Immediately Arabella hugged her.

“I won’t leave and Fiona. Your mom didn’t leave you. She’s around you but the difference there is that you can’t see her and though you can’t see her.

She will always be here in your heart”Arabella told her trying to comfort her and it did work.

“Really?”The girl asked as she wiped her tears away.

“Yes”Arabella replied and Fiona hugged her again.

“Thank you for telling me” Fiona told her.

“Now cheer up. I don’t like seeing you cry”Arabella said even as she tried to hold back her own tears.

“I have a present for you”Fiona said a while later.

“What is it?”Arabella asked eagerly.

“I will go and get it”Fiona said as she ran out of Arabella room to get the present.

Arabella waited for Fiona return and when the girl kept on taking long to arrive. She decided to go out in search of her.

She walked past Gerald door only to stop when she heard him lash out angrily.

“Put him in jail and let him rot there for the rest of his life”

“There isn’t any other way to go about this! You know how much I hate it. You know how much I hate being lied to. I never forgive those who do such a thing and if he still insist on lying.

Then make sure you do all you can to keep him in jail. That will be the satisfaction I get from his lies”

“Just do as I say. You are payed to do my bidding and what I want is to have that lying bstard in jail for good”

On hearing Gerald conversation on the phone. Arabella found herself getting scared.

If he hates people lying and is h’ll bent on putting them in jail. What would happen to her then? How would he react when he finds out that she lying?

The questions kept flowing through her head when she suddenly heard the shattering of glass coming from Gerald room.

Immediately she ran in to see Gerald sitting on his bed, his hands dripping bI.ood while they were broken pieces of glass on the floor.

“Whoever is there to leave”He said without looking up

She wanted to do as he say but she found herself moving towards him.

He looked up when she took hold of his hand and was surprise at seeing her there.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?”He asked as he pulled his hand away.

“I did and I will leave once I do this “She said as she took hold of his hand again. She pulled the shawl that had been wrapped on her neck to press the injured spot.

“Do you have a first aid kit here?”She asked.

“Inside that cabinet”He replied sullenly and she went to get the necessary things she need from it.

She was wrapping up the wound with her one good hand when she found herself saying.

“Your temper is just as similar to someone I know”

“You know nothing about my temper”He replied harshly.

“But I do know that you are angry because someone lied to you”She said without thinking.

“Were you eavesdropping?”He asked.

“Your voice is loud enough for people who are merely walking by your door to listen to your conversation. Will you really be sending him to jail?” She asked.

“Yes. After all the bastard lied to me”Gerald replied still looking angry

“Do you hate lies that much?”She found herself asking.

“I hate it with passion. So do not lie to me”He said softly turning the disscussion on her.

This is her chance. She should come clean before things get messy.

“Your quiet”He said earning her attention once more.

“Am just thinking”She replied still contemplating on telling him or on keeping shut.

“It’s odd”He said and she stared at him.

“What is?”

“That you went quiet after hearing how much I hate lies. Are you hiding something from me Bella?” He questioned.


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