Authoress Succy

Chapter 32

Martin smirked at Evelyn and pulled her onto his thighs, almost dropping his phone in the process.

She couldn’t help but smile, a beautiful smile that made him forget all his sorrows, a smile that calmed him down when he was angry.

“Aren’t you just adorable?” he pinched her cheek, and the young girl blushed, lowering her head shyly.

Evelyn was still as shy as ever, and Martin never missed a chance to tease her.

He raised her head to look at her, placing his forehead against hers.

They breathed softly, their faces close.

“You know, I just enjoy feeling your breath,” Martin said.

Evelyn blushed, playing with her hand shyly, and Martin smiled before giving her a gentle peck on the lips, making the shy girl giggle.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth,” she pouted, and Martin chuckled.

“I don’t care. You taste good,” he said, and Evelyn blushed even harder.

He made her wrap both Iegs around his waist and started kssing her, causing Evelyn to sh!ver.

She wrapped her hand around his neck and returned the kss.

End of flashback.

She sighed as she remembered those moments and the memories that she couldn’t forget in their relationship.

She tried to stand up again, but Martin didn’t allow her. Instead, he moved closer to her neck and started kssing it softly, making Evelyn shiver. She bit her lip, trying not to make any sounds.

“Can you please stop?” She pushed him away and stood up from his thighs.

“I want to go…” He couldn’t finish his words as Martin dragged her, making her sit on his thighs again.

This time, their faces were very close, and they were tempted to look at each other’s lips, wishing they could kss. Martin leaned forward to make a move.

Warmth blossomed in Evelyn’s chest, sparks igniting as Martin leaned in close, their lips brushing together tentatively.

The scent of her perfume and the soft peachy scent of her conditioner was dizzying. Butterflies danced in her stomach.

Martin touched her lips softly and kssed her gently, savoring the soft feeling of her mouth. Her lips were warm and soft.

They parted slightly, allowing Martin’s to.ngue to slip inside, and Evelyn reciprocated by wrapping her hand around his neck.

Her Iips were soft, almost silken and pillowy against Martin’s.

He could feel the gentle tickle of her breath beneath her nose, fingers through her hair, as they breathed each other in.

Their to.ngues tangled and warred in their locked mouths, battling madly for dominance.

They broke the kss, breathing heavily, like people who had just jumped down from a mountain.

Martin slowly caressed her hair, and Evelyn sighed.

After allowing her to catch her breath, he kssed her again, this time more passionately.

He b!t and lcked her lips, while Evelyn mo..aned inside his mouth.

He softly ¢aressed her a$s, making her in pleasure.

Then, he suddenly stood up from the couch, carrying Evelyn with her Iegs wrapped around his to.rso.

They continued kssing passionately, not minding if anyone was around staring at them. He carried her to his room, still kssing each other ¢razily.

It felt like she had lost her sanity.

All she wanted was to feel the soft warmth of his lips that tasted like vanilla.

He pvshed the door of the room with his legs and pinned her to the wall, still kssing her.

He moved toward her neck, kssing her collarbone gently, and Evelyn mo..aned softly, her hand running through his hair gently.


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