Tim was panting when he entered the hospital. He looked around and searched for Dana’s secretary, Suzi.

Suzi saw Tim entered the hospital. She waved her hand to catch his attention.

“Mr. Tan!” Suzi approached Tim.

“Suzi!” Tim called.

“Mr. Tan, I’m sorry if I bother you.”

“Where is Dana?” Tim asked worriedly.

“They had just transferred her to her room, Mr. Tan.”

“The doctor said that she is not in danger, so you don’t have to worry about her,” Suzi added.

Tim has a sigh of relief.
“How did this happen?”

“I don’t know Mr. Tan, I just got a call from someone, saying that Ms. Dana was brought to the hospital,” Suzi said.

Tim rubbed the space between his brows. He was so worried when he got the call from Suzi, he left his work and hurriedly come to the hospital.

Tim went to Dana’s hospital room and waited for her to wake up.

Kira went back to the place where she left the car. The cars were already towed to avoid traffic congestion.

Kira went to the police station to ask for information about the towing company.. But since it was already night, she wasn’t able to get back the car. She went back to the apartment with her shoulders dropped.

Drake has been calling Kira, but she is not picking up his calls, which made him anxious.

‘What took her so long?
‘I’ve been trying to call her many times now, but she is not picking up!’

Drake looked at Yana who is playing in the living room.

Drake sighs!
‘Where are you, Kira?!’

Just then, the front door suddenly opened. Drake turned his head to the front door. He instantly has a sigh of relief.

“Hey, what took you so long? I’ve been trying to call you, but you are not picking up!” Drake said worriedly.

“I’m sorry,” Kira said with her head lowered.

Drake froze when he saw bIoodstains on Kira’s dress.

“W-What happened? Why there are bIoodstains in your dress?!”

“Uh, I… It’s a long story, I will tell you later,” Kira said in a faint voice.

She then walked past Drake, but she stopped when she remembered something.

“And also,” Kira turned back to Drake.

“Your car was towed,” She said.


Kira doesn’t have a choice but to tell Drake about what happened on her way home.

“How about you? Are you hurt?” Drake asked after hearing Kira’s story.

“No, I am not hurt, but…” Kira paused as she looked at Drake with guilt.

“But, what?” Drake asked.

Kira sighs!
“But your car was damaged,” Kira replied in a faint voice.

Drake was speechless for a moment.

Kira pressed her lips, she thought that Drake was mad.

“I’m sorry,” She said after a while.

“It’s alright,” Drake replied.
“Your safety is more important to me,” Drake said.

” I will take it back tomorrow,” Kira offered.

“Don’t think so much about it. Go on and change your dress, you might scare Yana if she sees you covered in bIood.”

“Ennn…” Kira nodded her head before she turned and headed to her room.



*Back to the hospital,*

Tim was sitting beside Dana’s bed. He straightened his body when he saw Dana’s eyelids moved.

“Dana?” Tim called Dana.
He waited for her to open her eyes.

Dana slowly opened her eyes when she heard a familiar voice. Her sight was blurry, she couldn’t see the man’s face. She closed her eyes and then she opened it again.

“Dana,” Tim called again when Dana opens her eyes.

“Tim…” Dana called in a faint voice.

“Yes, I am here,” Tim said.

Dana lifted her hand and reached Tim’s hand.

“I am scared…” She said, still in a faint voice.

“Ssshhh…” Tim tried to console Dana.

” I am here. Don’t be scared,” Tim said.

Dana closed her eyes again. Just then, they heard a knock on the door. Tim turned his head on the door and the two men in a police uniform came in.

“Good evening, sir, I’m sorry to bother both of you, but can we speak to Ms. Dana about the incident this evening?” The officer asked politely.

“Oh, she had just woken up, can we let her rest first?” Tim said to the officers politely.

The two officers looked at each other.
“Oh, alright sir,” one of the officers said.

“Thank you,” Tim said to the officers.

The officers got out of the room and waited outside until Dana is ready to state the incident.

The next day, Kira woke up early in the morning to get the car from the towing company, but Drake offered to go.

*A few days later,*

Kira still has a few days break before she starts to work.

Today, she went to the cemetery and visited her parent’s grave and Helena’s. She put down the fresh flowers beside Helena’s tombstone.

” Hello auntie,” She said as she looked at the photo on the tombstone.

“I missed you so much, I’m sorry if I was not on your side during your battle with your illness.” Tears started to fill Kira’s eyes.

“I was so selfish, auntie. All I think was what I feel when I learned about the truth. Now, I am full of regrets that I choose to leave Tim four years ago, I tried to come back to him, but it was all too late. He already found someone else. He seemed so happy with her, Who am I to ruin their relationship? All I want is for him to be happy. It was hard for me, auntie, but I don’t have a choice but to accept it, I just hope, that if our paths cross one day, we will be able to smile to each other,” It took a while before Kira decided to leave the cemetery.

Her next stop would be at Lea’s place.



Tim stopped his car in the cemetery’s car park. He then got two bouquets on the passenger’s seat before he gets off of his car.

He first went to his father’s grave before he went to Helena’s.
Tim’s footsteps stopped when he saw a bouquet of fresh flowers beside Helena’s grave.

‘Someone visited Helena?’

Tim’s heart skipped a beat as he looked around as if he is looking for someone, but no one else is around. He looked at the flowers again, it seems like it was freshly picked flowers.

Who else would visit Helena’s grave except for him?
Only one name flash into Tim’s mind!


Kira got off the taxi. She looked at the store in front of her. She was thankful that the store was still there. The store may be looked a bit different from four years ago, but the name is still the same.

Kira took a deep breath before she walks to the entrance.

Lea was fixing the displays stands when she heard the store’s door opened. She thought it was a customer.

She left what she was doing and headed to the entrance to entertain the customer, “Good mor—” Lea’s next word was stuck in her throat.

Her eyes went wide opened and her jaw dropped. She could not believe her eyes.

Is this for real?
‘ Wait, am I just seeing things?’ Lea asked her self.

She rubbed her eyes before she looked at the woman standing in front of her.

Kira revealed a faint smile when she saw Lea.

“No way!” Lea blurted out as she stared at Kira without blinking her eyes!

Lea took steps closer to Kira.

“K-Kira? Is that really you?” Lea asked in disbelief!

“Hi, Lea, it’s been a long time,” Kira said to Lea.

Lea couldn’t help but gasp.
“Omo!” She blurted out as she covered her mouth!

Lea touched Kira to make sure that she’s not just seeing things!

“You…You’re real!” Lea blurted out.

Kira just embraced her friend tightly.
“I missed you so much, my best friend!” Kira said.

“Aaahhh!!!” Lea suddenly screamed happily. She couldn’t hold her excitement anymore.

Lea embraces back Kira. The two of them embraced each other for a while before they let go of each other.

“How are you?” Kira asked Lea.

Lea revealed a wide smile. She proudly lifted her hand and show to Kira her diamond ring!

Kira gasped!

“You’re engaged?!” Kira blurted out!

Lea nodded her head, “Yes!” she replied.

“To whom?” Kira asked again.

Lea pulled back her hand.

“No other than my robot boyfriend!” Lea replied.

“C-Coby?!” Kira blurted out again!

She couldn’t believe it. Lea and Coby were still together even after four years?!

“Uhuh!” Lea nodded her head again.

“Congratulations, Lea!” Kira embraced Lea again. She is happy with her best friend.

“You know what, let’s talk in another place!” Lea suggested.

“So have you already talked to him?” Lea asked Kira.

They are now inside the cafe near Lea’s store. Kira froze before she shook her head.

Lea knitted her brows,” You mean…” Lea looked at Kira.

“You did not meet him?” Lea continued.

“Not yet,” Kira replied.

“Why?” Lea asked again.

“I…” Kira gulped as she tightened her grip on her cup of coffee.

“I am not yet ready to face him, Lea,” She added.

Lea put down her cup of coffee, ” What do you mean? Why are you not ready to face him?”

“We were away from each other for four years. Things are not the same anymore. We already had our own separate lives,”

“But Kira, the two of you are still married,” Lea said.

“But Tim has already found someone else,” Kira said.

Lea’s brows automatically knitted.
“What are you talking about?!” She asked.

“I saw him almost four years ago, He was with another woman, the two of them seems so happy—”

“Wait!” Lea interrupted Kira.
“You saw them almost four years ago?”

Kira nodded her head.

“You mean…” Lea spoke again.

“I tried to come back,” Kira said.
“But what is the use of coming back if the man I love has already found another one?” Kira said bitterly.

Lea fell in deep thought.
“Kira,” Lea called Kira after a while.

Kira looked at Lea,

“I think you were wrong,” Lea said.

Kira knitted her brows, “What do you mean?” she asked.

“Mr. Tan doesn’t have another woman since you left,” Lea said.

“W-What?” Kira blurted out.

“The woman you saw must be Dana Diaz,”

“D-Dana Diaz?” Kira repeated.

“Mr. Tan’s psychologist,” Lea replied.

“P-Psychologist?” Kira repeated again.

Lea held Kira’s hand.
“Kira, you’re not the only one who suffers.” She said.
“Mr. Tan was so down when you left him. He always got drunk, he was so down, he suffered emotionally and mentally to the point that he has to seek a professional to help him overcome his depression,” Lea explained.

“W-What?!” Kira blurted out in a stunned expression!

Kira tightened her grip as she lowered her head.
All these years, she thought that Tim was living a happy life with another woman!
But it turns out that she was wrong!

“Kira, you have to fix this matter between the two of you, before it’s too late,” Lea said.

Kira doesn’t know what to say, she felt so guilty after hearing the truth from Lea. She implicated Tim with his father’s sin. She left him and made his life miserable. She gave him nothing but pain.

Kira touched her ?h?st, she felt like someone clutched her ?h?st!

“Kira, Mr. Tan left the Villa after Auntie passed away,” Lea said.
“You must go to the mansion if you want to talk to him.”

Kira lowered her head.
‘Talk to him?’
‘Does she still deserve him after giving him so much pain?’

Kira couldn’t help but belittle herself.


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