
A WALK TO THE UNKNOWN Episode 1 – The End


|Diary of A Pastor’s Wife|

Written by Vivi Oluoma

What Bunmi thought would bring her a little comfort brought her more pain. It got to a point that she had to quit her job to be a full time house wife as instructed by her husband Shola.

“I give you a week to resign from that work!” Shola instructed Bunmi that Monday morning as he prepared for work. ” you’re pregnant and I wouldn’t want you to slake back in your duties as a wife because of work stress.”

“Please Shola, I’m not complaining. I can combine the two please,” Bunmi pleaded with her hands clasped together.

“I don’t need any more argument about that, I told you about this since last week and I’m giving you now just this week to hand over your resignation letter!” Shola bellowed taking his briefcase to leave for work.

“Shola please,” Bunmi cried holding the room door handle thereby obstructing his passage.

“Get lost woman! Shola barked hitting her with his elbow, he jerked her up by her collar and threw her to the bed. Bunmi cried out in pain. ” my baby o!” She cried quickly checking herself to see whether there was any blood droplets. When she didn’t see any, she sat by the bed whimpering.

“If you lose the baby, then you take in again simple!” Shola said hissing loudly. “Before I forget, the head pastor of our group is visiting on Sunday. He will be staying for two days, so make sure the woman ministry draws a good feeding plan for him and he’s coming with his family also. Tell the decoration unit to decorate and keep the guest room well arranged for them. This pastor visiting is not a small pastor so I need everything perfect for a great hospitality. I heard he’s not just a pastor but also the CEO of a known company, so he isn’t a figure that should be treated anyhow; and for you, I don’t need to tell you on how to behave!” He said finally banging the door to her face.

“Jesus!” Bunmi exclaimed covering her mouth suddenly with her palm. “This man is a devil,” Bunmi stood up walking round the room. “He is a devil in human form. Who is this pastor coming?” She couldn’t help asking herself. “Maybe this is time for Shola to be promoted, yes,” she said nodding. Whenever a senior pastor visits like this, it’s for proper examination before a pastor is promoted.
“God you cannot promote that devil, he’s a pretender! Who would believe me? Bunmi cried with her mouth still enclosed with her palms.


That Sunday afternoon after service, Bunmi couldn’t wait to see this senior pastor Shola described with such passion. “Maybe I can talk to him, who knows, he might believe me,” Bunmi thought hopefully as she sat patiently in his husband’s office waiting for them.
When the door handle turned, she stood you quickly adjusting her cloth properly. That Sunday Shola had made her to wear the best of her cloth. He need her to look good and happy.

For a moment, Bunmi was perplexed. She stood fixed at a point unable to move or at least greet the senior pastor that just entered with her husband.
“This is judgment, it has not only taken my peace and freedom; it has come in person to kill me of guilt,” Bunmi thought.

Shola who was surprised at the sudden silence, stared from his wife to pastor Kunle.
“Meet my wife Bunmi,” pastor Shola introduced finally in a bid to break the annoying silence.

“You wife? Oh that’s great,” pastor Kunle said stretching his hand towards Bunmi for an handshake.

“Good afternoon Sir,” Bunmi greeted as she took his hand in hers. She just wished the floor would do her a great Favour by opening her mouth and taking her in.

“Tomi, I’ve told you to stop running around because if you sustain injury, I’ll beat you o,” Mrs Tiwalola warned her 2 year old baby girl. She dragged her to her feet and dusted her cloth. “Daddy is waiting for us,” she whispered to her as they headed towards the Pastor’s office.

Meet my wife Tiwalola and my little princess Tomi, pastor Kunle introduced to Bunmi. Your husband has met them already.
Bunmi couldn’t help admiring the elegant lady, looking robust and beautiful that stood before her and her charming daughter. She felt jealous.

As they all sat down for discussion, Bunmi kept on shifting uneasily. “But why did I turn down this man proposal?” Bunmi thought within her. “He’s not even looking bad, Satan is very wicked and deceptive,” Bunmi murmured to herself fighting back the tears that wanted to disgrace her.

Can Bunmi ever receive redemption for that costly mistake?

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